...when a mayoralty comes to be defined by fanciful notions -- political labels, bike paths, french fries and other irrelevancies -- forgiveness following catastrophe will be a long time coming.
Especially when the mayor's reaction to the debacle ranges from surly condescension to bewildered resentment to transparently feigned contrition.
Actually, there's scant evidence that Mike Bloomberg even now knows what hit him -- apart from 20-plus inches of snow, of course.
And the sanitation slowdown. Wildcat strike would be too strong a term -- wild kitten, maybe. But, still, the mayor couldn't cope. The truth is that while Mike Bloomberg was off trash talking Democratic/Republican rancor, he lost control of the New York City Department of Sanitation.
Snowstorms are among that department's responsibilities -- and it hasn't been so overmatched by Mother Nature since John V. Lindsay was mayor.
There was a spectacular failure of field leadership last week. Supervisors couldn't -- some just wouldn't -- put down spot mutinies all over Brooklyn and Queens. The results were lethal.
From the NY Post:
It is said that once a man be comes a bishop, he never again hears the truth or eats a bad meal. Imagine, then, the pampered life of the Emperor of Bloomstan.
To understand how King Mike could deny the snow truth that all New Yorkers could see, you first must understand his golden bubble. It's not just the weekend trips to warmer climes, or the routine comforts of a multibillionaire with homes here and there.
It's that he surrounds himself with yes men and women. They don't dare bring him bad news. They know he doesn't want to hear it.
The mayor himself is the problem, and it won't be fixed until he decides to fix it. To save the city and his reputation, he's got to get his head back into the job.
So far, there is zero evidence he will. His performance last week was distressingly shoddy. The failure to competently manage the Sanitation Department was only the tip of the blizzard.
The greater failure was to understand and manage public expectations. His reaction to the criticism was a microcosm of the worst moments of his tenure. The tone-deaf elitist, the haughty rich guy who oozes contempt for anybody who challenges him -- all of it captured on the X-ray cameras of television.
Imagine being the deputy mayor or lesser aide who knows that New Yorkers are rightfully furious. After the mayor's public lashing of critics, few are the brave souls willing to tell him the truth and risk a blow-up or banishment.
He bought the third term not because he wanted it, but because it was the best job on the market. He wanted to run for president but didn't have the courage to try.
Now he and New York are stuck with each other, but we're not really in it together. Emotionally and mentally, he has checked out. The job is beneath him now.
So New York burns while he fiddles. The signs of imperiousness are everywhere.
The CityTime scandal, an $80 million rip-off, was just another day at the office for him. Bike lanes proliferate even though nobody except a few zealots want them.
Commissioners in health and transportation brazenly fudge facts to sell his pet projects. Land-use rules are manipulated to justify sweetheart deals to favored contractors, such as the whopping homeless shelter on West 25th Street.
The only hope is for a course correction at the top. And New Year's is the perfect time for a new beginning. But even kings can't merely wish a change. They must commit to it and work at it, all day and every day.
So which is it, Mayor Mike? Are you in or out?
From the Daily News:
He does talk a great game and some of his innovations are actually innovative and even necessary, particularly in an ongoing financial crisis.
Too bad he is so taken with himself and his own brilliance that he is too often blinded by the spotlight he perpetually shines on himself.
Here is what Goldsmith said back in October, when he announced a plan to demote 100 sanitation supervisors so the city could hire 100 new sanitation workers.
"A win-win for everybody!"
Everybody clearly not including those 100 supervisors who were still on the job during the storm.
That may not have been a primary cause of the city's failure in the face of the blizzard, but it sure did not help. And a guy who was in the midst of reinventing the department should have at least been there.
What we got was a lose-lose for everybody, most particularly for those who lost their lives.
In his last tweet of 2010, Goldsmith said: "We want your feedback on City's snow response. Tweet to me w/thoughts on what went wrong & how we can do better next time."
As Eminem would say, the next time, there should be no next time. Let this tweeting Nero go back to Washington, where he fits right in.
WAKE UP! The main reason they plowed the city before the outer boroughs is because they had to have Times Square all clean for the biggest New Years Eve Party on earth.....
Stop blaming the sanitation workers. Blame the mayor because he ordered them to do it.
Not to say demoting supervisors and laying off workers was a good idea but there was no slow down.
Mike Bloomberg fucked Queens, plain and simple!
The press is waking up about nine years too late.
Herr Bloomberg's behavior can be likened to that of Reich's Chancellor Adolph Hitler's during the latter days of WW II.
Even Adolph's mistress Eva Braun dare not whisper in Der Fuhrer's ear that Germany was losing the war.
And would he listen to any of his ("nay-saying") battle experienced generals like Rommel?
This delusionary "leader" retreated to his mountain castle and took solace in his astrologist's positive predictions.
He probably told his commanders to "take in a show" in Berlin and relax!
Who can afford a Broadway show...even at cut rate prices these days Mayor Bum-berg?
Nary a lump of slushy white stuff in Times Sq for the festivities. What about your block?
We see more of him than anyone from city council.
1. Can't we have a batch of clips from them from the 2009 mayor campaign. I want to hear them tell us how he is doing a great job running this city.
2. Then I want to see a batch of clips from them on the snow removal. I want to hear them tell us how he is doing a great job running this city.
I was in Manhattan yesterday..... 7ft. piles of garbage along 5th & 6th Avenues....
A convoy of sanitation trucks, equiped with snow plows, ventured across 34th Street and 6th Avenue, greated by a boo-ing crowd of pedestrians.
Shades of Lindsay, Beame and who could forget the final days of the corrupt Koch administration. Bloomberg with go down in history as the worst of these Mayors.....
Not to say demoting supervisors and laying off workers was a good idea but there was no slow down.
Yeah, sure. And the plow trucks driving around my area that night *with the blades up in the air* is just standard operating procedure, right?
I've never before seen that in my life before that night.
I thought I'd never write this:
Charles Barron for Mayor?
Ok people, how many stories do we need to repeat about trucks with blades a few inches off the ground (so we understand they do not disturb in intricate line art for bike lanes) and the mayor this and the mayor that.
After the 80th recitation you will all get bored and go home. Just what the system expects you to do. Get it out of your system and then its back to business as usual.
Why do Americans always go after the top person, be it the mayor, the governor or the president - and do nothing else? They are there not by accident, but are the product of a process.
Any other country, there would be parodies springing up about how the press and city council said the public's wishes for a third term should be reversed because they believe this man is sooooo good.
It was bullshit.
And being such smug self satisfied hi-tech junkies we think we all are the web should be awash with stuff lampooning those assholes.
Instead, all you do is text each other with 'OMG I'M CROSSING QUEENS BVLD & THERZ SNOW!!!!'
We hear endless recitations of 'the mayor is a jerk' and 'the plows are not on the pavement' .... and nothing else.
People, this blog can only do so much.
You get the government you deserve ... and unless you are ready to make the effort to get at root of the problem to finally fundamentally change things ...
Bitching and bellyaching on this blog will do shit.
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
The Epistle to the Romans:
13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
13:13 Blah
13:14 Blah blah
13:15 Blah blah blah
I guess your posting means you haven't got your driveway shoveled yet. Let me help, and I'll keep my blade close to your ground.
Yea, big joke.
Well the big joke in on you guys.
Now you see what you did? You pissed him/her off.
Does the lump of crap in my pants make my ass look fat?
Does the lump of crap in my pants make my ass look fat?
It explains the stench.
Someone starts a serious discussion, and the playpen set poo-poos and pee-pees.
and you wonder why you are treated like children.
Yeah, sure. And the plow trucks driving around my area that night *with the blades up in the air* is just standard operating procedure, right?
I've never before seen that in my life before that night.
hey asshole, they had to raise the blade because the snow packed down too tight after it took so long for them to finish Times Square.
Snake Plissskin said...
Someone starts a serious discussion, and the playpen set poo-poos and pee-pees.
and you wonder why you are treated like children.
'Nuff said!
Someone starts a serious discussion, and the playpen set poo-poos and pee-pees.
Fine! I'll take it elsewhere! My freedom of speech doesn't mean anything to you so screw it! Apparently you don't think venting frustration is a legitimate right! Oh wait! This isn't your blogsite so if you don't like what's written here, go elsewhere. Many like to have a little fun with our incompetent elected officials.
Its what I love about Queens where everyone is not like Manhattan or Brooklyn or the Bronx.
Here we are so respectful and trusting of our politicans and media.
Funny tho, we wonder why time and time again we get it up the arse.
But one thing can CAN control and stop: we don't like someone to rub our faces in our own crap.
Just let us whine and grumble - afterall, there has to be SOME represenation of the popular voice.
And after we have exhausted ourselves banging our heads against the wall, and fall down in confused exaustion, our betters will fill our tiny throbbing nobbins with the 'truth.'
Releaved that all the heavy lifting will be done for us, we can go home secure that the very people that thumbed their noses at us with the term limits and Mayor Bloomturd, are once again securely in the drivers seat.
Funny tho, we wonder why time and time again we get it up the arse.
Maybe Brooklyn and Manhattan gets the services cause they have a little backbone.
And it's forecasted to snow on Friday!
I can't wait!
Its forcasted for another million people in NYC.
I can't wait.
Now that the Post & News seem interested in investigative journalism all of a sudden, I think it would be peachy if they 'investigated' why their bosses & other NYC journalism powers-that-be so assiduously PROTECTED Mayor Bloomberg up to now.
I mean, it's not as if we can't GUESS why the media establishment has been propping up Bloomberg up to now (shared economic interest), but it would be nice to see these lackeys come out and say it.
The media is arising from it's slumber approximately "novum annum" tardily.
the guilty d.o.s. employee's who committed the crimes
have been busted by the public who observed them.
some have been filmed and others have been targeted by the day.time or equipment #, and street location.
no amount of union member propaganda will dispute the facts.
my neighbors and i shoveled out our block during the lindsay snowfall fiasco, after the d.o.s. failed us also in bayside.
the rest of the years the local d.o.s. employees did a fine job. often ,we toasted them with a xmas bottle of cheer,as a thank you.
i am very pissed off about their lack of concern for we elderly and sick last week!!!! the guilty should be ashamed of their evil actions. FIRE THEM AND PROSECUTE FOR THEFT OF SERVICES.
Wow, so where is city council?
I see DOS and the Mayor, but where is city council? Hardly a wimper from them. And they want another million people in NYC?
I think a lot of people are starting to ask a lot of questions about their support of Bloomberg and seeming lack of interest in our struggles over the past week with snow.
Good question.
Any WHY did they cut the snow cleaning budget?
You would think with all their $100,000 in discretionary funding their could take a few dollors away from cronies and hire a couple of guys for $12/hr to clean some curbs.
And I agree, I did not see a single councilman walking the streets last week.
Thank the bike crowd for that - they could not ruin millions of dollars in painted bike lanes buy running their plows over all those fancy markings.
He's not running for election so he don't care what voters think about him.
there are no bike lane paintings in the auburndale /bayside area,where the d.o.s. failed to use their shovels on the plows.
stop your propaganda,you fool!!!!!!
Shad-uppa-you-face, "Snake Pisskin"!
Potty humor brings more readers to this site...so pull that broomstick out of your ass and learn to smile!!
Girl in "Chock Full O'Nuts": You're a cop!
Snake Plissken: I'm an asshole...
This explains why the city is attacking labor.
I guess if the social services and housing is back to '11, that is 1911, than the working person should go back to those days, too.
Ah a little problem - why is the rich getting richer while the rest of us suffer? For them its 1911, too.
And that my friends, is bullshit, pure 'n simple.
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