I love your blog! It's my primary source of local news ever since CBS crapped up the 1010 WINS website. Attached is a picture taken in Kew Gardens on Metropolitan Ave and Park Lane South the day after the blizzard. These are Jamaica bound Q54 buses - all of them, I think!

The situation was the same looking the other way toward Lefferts Blvd. The mess wasn't cleared up until Thursday the 30th.
Interestingly, the Parks Dept plowed Forest Park Drive down to the pavement between Metropolitan and Woodhaven Blvd, even though it is closed to vehicular traffic. The X-country skiers I met in the park that day were as puzzled by this as I was.
Keep telling it like it is,
Andy Jacovina
It's never been this bad. There are multiple sources - photos, videos, first hand accounts from workers - that this was a deliberate act of sabotage. It's time we let our elected representatives know that city employees and union employees need to be held accountable.
Fire the entire group of sanitation supervisors and hire people that want to work. There are plenty of smart people who need jobs and have good work ethic.
the buses were all exiting "the overlook",where d.lewandoski and her parks and recreation gang were partying for the holiday ,with leftover taxpayers money from the wasted PLANYC fiasco.
how many newly planted trees died in 2009/2010 ?
Forest park Drive needs to be plowed early because this is the route in Queens that salt trucks refill.
I was complaining about this during the big blizzard blog post last week. The first four of the buses in that first picture were there from before 6am. The buses were there until around 11am before they were finally diverted.
I also witnessed a Parks Department pick-up truck with an attached plow go down the parkside sidewalk between Forest Park Drive and Park Lane South. I know it isn't his job to get into the city streets, but as he was the only plow in the area, he possibly may have been able to help in the clogged streets.
I take that bus everyday to get to my job. From monday through friday it took me no less than three hours every day to get to work. That bus is the worst bus in the entire city the Q54 and this storm only made the process of getting to work all the more enjoyable...
I dont blame the sanitation workers though. Here you have people that have millions of dollars to play with and are living the lavish lifestyle while these workers and busting their behind after every storm and are met now with the fact that because theres "no money" 400 people have to lose their jobs. What we need to do is hire better people at the top that know what they're doing and don't mismanage money in order for everyone to be safe of not losing their jobs. Its the same exact thing with the MTA thanks to our brilliant mayor Bloomberg.
The MTA continues to say that with 2-3 million commuters each day back and forth there isn't enough money and so thats the reason why the prices have gone from $72 a month to $109. Meanwhile we have money to tell put up electrical signs on the trains that tell us we have 4 minutes until our trains... Why we need an electrical device to tell us that when we will be waiting for the trains anyway... I have no idea. Just another obvious case of mismanagement and then it becomes our fault because now we have to pay out of pocket an additional $40 a month or honest hard working people have to lose their jobs because the people that head the MTA are idiots...
same poster of the last comment. sorry was running on a point and didnt see some grammar issues.
1) I meant to say that "from monday thru friday of that week"
2) Meant to say "are busting there behinds"
3) Meant to say in the last paragraph "Meanwhile we have electrical signs put up on nearly every train that tell us that we have 4 minutes until our train arrives... why we need an electrical device to tell us how long we have to wait for our train is beyond me..."
I know this isn't an MTA thing but overall I feel that everything combined that is supposedly for our benefit is only making it harder for us to live here. Bloomberg really should go down as the worst mayor we have ever had. Id take Koch and Dinkins anyday over this moron...
For those that think Im crazy. How do you think Bloomberg would have handled the crack epidemic days of the 80s and 90s... I'll just take the safe rout and try not to think about it... The funny thing is though even though probably 2500 bodies would be dropping during his term, all we'd here about is how "crime is declining"... yea ok boss...
you need help. you are delusional.
did you ever encounter a T.W.U/M.T.A. or D.O.S. city wide strike ?what the hell do you think these extortionists do this for. your tax money for their salaries,pensions and benefit package ,for life.their total average package is now greater than the average income of the taxpayers in the private sector,who produce.
private sector employment is not for life.if all worked in government no revenue would exist for public packages.
But the Broadway shows were open!
At least you still have busses. It seems that the MTA has again cut the schedule of the Q26 bus, the one that they tried to get rid of last year. I waited every day this week for the 3:23 pm bus only to find out today that as of Jan 1 it has been discontinued. No wonder those St. Francis prep kids were so out of control this week. They were probably freezing from standing outside a half hour. How about somebody changing the schedule sign.
Once again that falls on the person at the head. If he knew how to run things you think the MTA, Educational System and now the clean-up crew system would be in the toilets the way it is now. Its because he is a man that sees things only in his way. He cant accept change to his policies. He cant accept being wrong about anything and even when he has all the fault in the world for not taking care of something he cant accept the blame...
thats a great recipe for success, dont ya think?
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