Warren Schreiber, president of the Bay Terrace Community Alliance and a member of Community Board 7, riled some feathers last week by suggesting that his slice of the Bayside area be removed from the board’s coverage area.
The 200-acre section of northeast Queens between 26th Avenue and Fort Totten was originally considered part of Bayside, which is covered by CB 11, but it has long been a part of CB 7 despite its being far closer to Bayside and Little Neck than CB 7’s hub in Flushing. Bay Terrace is also near Whitestone, which is a part of CB 7.
CB 7 covers Flushing, Whitestone, College Point, Murray Hill and Bay Terrace, while CB 11 includes Bayside, Douglaston, Little Neck, Hollis Hills and Oakland Gardens. The two boards share Auburndale.
Schreiber contends that CB 11 is a better fit for his community than CB 7, where much of the board’s efforts are focused on the dense urban area of downtown Flushing while most of the communities served by CB 11 are more like Bay Terrace.
At the Oct. 25 CB 7 meeting, Schreiber advocated for his community to be removed from the board’s boundaries and transferred to CB 11. This would mean Bay Terrace would be moved from the 109th Precinct on Union Street in downtown Flushing to the 111th Precinct on Northern Boulevard in Flushing. For example, PS 169 in Bay Terrace is 1.9 miles from the 111th Precinct and 3.8 miles from the 109th Precinct to the school.
His recommendation caused a stir among other CB 7 members, however, including Vice Chairman Chuck Apelian, who said the idea was a valid one but took exception to the way it was presented to the board.
Before the meeting began, Schreiber asked for the agenda to insert an item saying that the board would be discussing a Bay Terrace move. When the document was printed, it read “Community Board 7 is wrong for Bay Terrace,” a wording Apelian resents.
“It definitely had a tone that he doesn’t like Community Board 7. I take exception to that and I continue to take exception to that,” Apelian said. “Community Board 7 has diligently supported the members of Bay Terrace just like the members of any other community in CB 7, and we have been staunch supporters of all the issues and concerns they have brought before the board. I don’t think we’ve misserved him, I think he’s gotten excellent service. If he wants a positive change, it should have been stated that way and instead he did it as a negative attack against the board.”
CO-terminality chages come up every 10 years.Don't know if that is what is neede for the change.
He's absolutely right.
No reason at all for Bayside to be divided between CB's.
CB7 has over 250,000 people in it and could use the reduction.
Hey Warren, you have a point. Being that CB 7 is so inundated with issues involving flushing. Maybe Whitestone should be annexed into CB 11. I will be contacting Iannecce, thanks for the idea.
Coterminality changes comes up every ten years, but 1977 was the last time CB lines were changed.
CB7 would be better off in CB11. Less corruption. Kelty and Apelian have got to go...to jail!
And there goes Chuck trying to make yet another person who stated his opinion as someone who is irrational and attacking CB 7. Where does this idiot get this shit from. Chuck are you really that insecure, or is just a tactic you use to try and discredit everyone that has the audacity to disagree with your Community Board. We need to remind this idiot that the Community Board belongs to the Community not to Chuck, Gene, Paul, and Joe.
Disgusting vile person, "I take offense" he seems to take offense to alot of things when a person of the Community points out facts that are unflattering to the CB 7.
Grow up or get out. If you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen. Or Better stop the Bull Shit.
And there goes Chuck trying to make yet another person who stated his opinion as someone who is irrational and attacking CB 7. Where does this idiot get this shit from. Chuck are you really that insecure, or is just a tactic you use to try and discredit everyone that has the audacity to disagree with your Community Board. We need to remind this idiot that the Community Board belongs to the Community not to Chuck, Gene, Paul, and Joe.
Disgusting vile person, "I take offense" he seems to take offense to alot of things when a person of the Community points out facts that are unflattering to the CB 7.
Grow up or get out. If you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen. Or Better stop the Bull Shit.
I may be young but I know right from wrong! Somebody should teach that to Gene, Chuck, and all of their tweeder friends. What they've done to the community sure sounds fishy to me.
Charles seems to take offense to alot of things. I have a two page email where he objects to and takes offense to our reporting of facts.
Fortunately we save all our emails and can back up our statements.
None the less Chuck proceeded to state how he took offense to our tone, and our reporting of the facts. Our tone, his taking offense, oh my my , how sensative he is.
It is not about you Charles, Gene, Marilyn, it is about what is right for OUR COMMUNITY, not your ego, OUR NEIGHBORHOOD, not your ego, OUR FAMILIES, not you, not you, not you.
In Italian we say, "Ti sei offese, E port u cazzo a fa spese"
Maybe Paul can translate for you Chuck follow the buck.......
Personally, having most my friends live in Bay Terrace, they feel they are above and too good to be represented by CB7 and protected by the 109th Pct.
What they fail to recognize is that lets say they did hop over to the 111pct, they would not see anymore patrol cars than they do now. 111pct crime stats might raise because of all the car theft/ rim thefts in the area.
Just an insiders 2 cents. I'm not for or against it. Whatever toots their horns. Its not CB7 who isn't helping out Bay Terrace as much as they'd like, its Bitterman Kelty and Apelian who are the problem.
Being that the three Banditos aren't helping, and their posse keeps getting bigger, what do we do?
You can't seem to get rid of them even when you have emails proving their disdain for the average citizen, ( as evidenced by the email Al Centola recieved from the MTABTA, quoting Bitterman would step over his prone body and refuse to call for help) with nothing happening, what do we in Bayside do?
cpb 7 should vote against being part of the "sanctuary city". enforce the deporting of all illegal asians and hispanics in cpb7. then Warren will get the city services that are being stolen by the illegals and their "anchor babies" .
how many undocumented are really existing in cpb 7 illegal dwellings ?your taxes are being wasted by the n.y.c.department of education. while the U.F.T. bribes the politicians to waste more money every month. AND THE BEAT GOES ON........
Bay Terrace would be better off in the bronx
The Bay Terrace community wanted to be in CB#11 for years. It was part of a co-terminality project that Council Member Julia Harrison was working on in the 1980's when her district(ther old 19th Council District) included Bay Terrace.
Leonard "asswipe" Stavisky killed the project.
Three Banditos, PERFECT for those 3. Arrest them all, dismantle CPB7 and start over with 2 smaller ones
what happened to all the comments??
Bay Terrace School District 25 belongs with Whitestone and Flushing, also District 25. CB 11 is District 26. Maybe he just wants a better school district?
Wanna save money? Make the City Councilman, Community Board President and Assemblyman the same person with the same boundaries but only one salary. The reduced ballot clutter would heighten voter interest, hence participation.
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