Keep those lips zipped, comrade -- and help us rip off Uncle Sam for $72 million!
A Brooklyn medical office used a Soviet-era propaganda poster to tell Russian-immigrant patients to keep quiet about kickbacks they were getting for letting doctors submit thousands of bogus Medicare claims in their names, federal prosecutors revealed yesterday.
"Don't gossip!" warned the Russian-language poster that prominently hung in the "kickback room" of the Bay Medical office on Bay Parkway -- where patients literally lined up for illegal payoffs of a couple of a hundred dollars or so each.
But not everyone kept their mouths shut.
Federal authorities got several people to rat out the alleged scam and yesterday arrested dozens of doctors, employees and patients of Bay Medical and other Medicare "mills" elsewhere in Brooklyn and in Miami, Detroit, Houston and Baton Rouge, La.
It is the largest Medicare-fraud prosecution ever, totaling $251 million in funds swindled from the federal health-insurance program.
Featuring a large drawing of a woman holding an index finger to her lips, the not-so-helpful poster reads: "Keep your eyes open. These days even the walls have ears. Chatter and gossip go hand in hand with treason."
Those threats helped Bay Medical steal $72 million by submitting fraudulent claims, prosecutors said.
"Featuring a large drawing of a woman holding an index finger to her lips, the not-so-helpful poster reads: "Keep your eyes open. These days even the walls have ears. Chatter and gossip go hand in hand with treason."
That's a real window into the "worker's paradise" isn't it.
The Soviet union was totally corrupt in fact that was the only way for average citizens to get anything above the bare minimum subsistence in the dictatorship. The BBC and ABC (American) News did several expose's on this back in the mid and late 80s.
Now we have the fruit of that society right here.
I won't ask what sub-genre of Russian these people are....
will the m.s.m. censor the illegal alien data in this crime against the American taxpayers?
write to bloomberg and obama quickly before they deport all involved back to russia.
Did hell just freeze over?
*rubs his eyes*
I think Lino actually scorned collectivism.
Are you feeling okay?
That can't be "our" Lino. He didn't tell us how wonderful these foreigners are and how they're just doing what they need to to survive in the evil and ignorant US.
not surprising
i have been telling my wife for years all these russians are involved in medicaid fraud
just see all the bullcrap
pharmacies they open
total crooks
Shelly Weinberg, former record holder of the costliest Medicaid scam in U.S. history, must be rolling over in his grave. His scam only netted $16 million back in the mid-eighties.
That can't be "our" Lino.
Yes, that surely isn't "our" Lino/Salvatore!
Maybe Lino sub-contracted his commenting to some Indian guy in Bangalore, instead of the usual "comrades" he uses in North Korea?
He didn't tell us how wonderful these foreigners are and how they're just doing what they need to to survive in the evil and ignorant US.
Indeed! Life must really suck in zip code 10021!
Medicare scams!!!
Jobs Americans are no longer willing to do!!!
In Russia, doctor pays you!
RIP Anglo America aka RIP civilization.
RIP Anglo America aka RIP civilization.
Don't be so glum, there's still hope for the U.S!
What about all those brilliant Stuyvesant High School students from Central and South America that dominate the A.P. Calculus and A.P. Physics classes, and score 800 on the Math SAT? What about all those aspiring engineers from Mexico that dominate the Battle Bots competitions?
On second thought......you're absolutely correct.
It's lights out for Western Civilization.........
Start learning Mandarin!
I wish someone would start looking into the Realization Center on Union Square in NYC where they scam drug addicts out of cash money AND collect Medicaid money. watch as the urine samples of the convicted sit unattended. Now that's a Medicaid Mill.
or how about those folks who claim spinal injury to get OMRDD money? you taxpayers have no idea. what about the scams with the home health no shows who give kickbacks to those in wheelchairs?
progressives/lib/democrats support collective rights,while capitalists support "individual rights" given to American citizens in The CONSTITUTION.
do not believe the lies from the progressives that are being broadcast by the state controlled media.
abortion is now being funded by obama's healthcare law in PA. and NEW MEXICO. THE BIG LIE .
read "VINONA PROJECT" on wikipedia for an introduction to communist espionage in the U.S.A.
some believe McCARTHY is correct in his quest to expose lino's comrades during the 1940's and 50's.
although wiki is not as detailed as other scholars on this subject, there is more to read about if you choose to.
Every person involved in this scam should have their status to remain in the USA checked out. If they are illegal, deport them, if they're here legally strip them of their green cards and deport them. If there are any "native" born Americans they should get 25 years with no chance of parole.
These Russians weren't lazy. I wonder what they could have done if they were dis-incented to go criminal and incented to go legit. However, as we know from story after story, white collar crime pays.
"some believe McCARTHY is correct in his quest to expose lino's comrades during the 1940's and 50's."
Old man, McCarthy was a demagogue and drunk who killed himself with the bottle, but not before he, and his pederast accomplices Schine and Cohn damaged the careers of decent Americans.
He never actually found -any- communists.
You should be ashamed of yourself for repeatedly scouring the depths of history for this sickly bastard's memory.
How a person could live so long as you and be so stupid is appalling.
"Klink Cannoli said...
Did hell just freeze over?
*rubs his eyes*'
-Why stop there..go a little farther down.
A really sad bunch of monowits here.
Liberals don't generally like polices states, conservatives do..if, ofcourse they are the "right kind".
Joe McCarthy was hated and denounced not because he smeared innocent people, but because he identified guilty people. Any list of identified communists uncovered by McCarthy would have to include Lauchlin Currie, Gustavo Duran, Theodore Geiger, Mary Jane Keeney, Edward Posniak, Haldore Hanson, John Carter Vincent, Owen Lattimore, Edward Rothschild, Irving Peress, and Annie Lee Moss. But that is not the whole story. McCarthy also exposed scores of others who may not have been identified as communists, but who certainly were causing harm to national security from their posts in the State Department, the Pentagon, the Army, key defense plants, and the Government Printing Office. At the latter facility, which handled 250,000 pieces of secret and classified printed matter annually, the McCarthy probe resulted in the removal or further investigation by the FBI of 77 employees and a complete revamping of the security system at the GPO.
Was it unreasonable of McCarthy to want government positions filled with persons who were loyal to America, instead of those with communist-tainted backgrounds? "A government job is a privilege, not a right," McCarthy said on more than one occasion. "There is no reason why men who chum with communists, who refuse to turn their backs on traitors, and who are consistently found at the time and place where disaster strikes America and success comes to international communism, should be given positions of power in government." The motivation of these people really doesn't matter. If the policies they advocate continually result in gains for communism and losses for the Free World, then they should be replaced by persons with a more realistic understanding of the evil conspiracy that has subjugated more than one-third of the world. That's not McCarthyism, that's common sense. - The Real McCarthy Record
read" Venona,decoding soviet espionage in America",2000 by john earl haynes and harvey klehr.
the list of comrades on the intercepts are exposed.
also read, "venona secrets,exposing soviet espionage and America's traitors" by romerstein,herbert,eric breindel,2000,regnery pub.
"in the opinion of some,almost every American military and diplomatic agency of any importance was compromised to some extent by soviet espionage."haynes/klehr
comrades, alger hiss and harry dexter white:
according to the Moynihan Commission on Government Secrecy "the complicity of these two is settled by Venona. Hiss was indeed a soviet agent and appears to have been regarded by Moscow as its most important."
Anonymous said...
read "VINONA PROJECT" on wikipedia for an introduction to communist espionage in the U.S.A.
some believe McCARTHY is correct in his quest to expose lino's comrades during the 1940's and 50's.
although wiki is not as detailed as other scholars on this subject, there is more to read about if you choose to.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
And some people believe that Joe McCarthy was a liar and a political opportunist who defended Nazis (the people who murdered American soldiers at Malmedy during the Battle of the Bulge).
Joe Scarborough was right. As long as you guys mess around with crap like this, instead of the real issues, you're going to keep losing elections.
"...who certainly were causing harm to national security from their posts in the State Department, the Pentagon, the Army, key defense plants, and the Government Printing Office. At the latter facility, which handled 250,000 pieces of secret and classified printed matter annually,..."
The Government Printing Office as agent of communism.
See folks, here on full redolent display is the psychosis that pervaded America in the years immediately following Russia's atomic bomb tests.
A -far- more virulent threat was the rising power of the Italian mafia which, in plain sight, built the entire city of Las Vagas, had it's tentacles corrupting local and regional law agencies and killed with near impunity.
Yet J Edgar Hoover denied their existence. Why?
There are several theories on this including his relationship with one Clyde Tolson and clandestine photographs Sam Giancanna (who also my have killed JFK) was reputed to have on him.
You old fools will be gone soon and historians will get about the business of setting the record straight.
Anonymous said...
Joe McCarthy was hated and denounced not because he smeared innocent people, but because he identified guilty people.
What a bunch of credible information you have.
And thats why the blog may be laughed at just as the T. Party Express people who take no responsibility for what they say or do.
No you see Joe McCarthy did go after innocent people and ruined many lives in the process using similar tactics that J. Edgar Hoover did when using Klans men secrectly in the southern police force which did nothing benevolent as you could imagine which is easy to look up also. It's no secret that J. Edgar Hoover worked closely with the Italian mafia extensively and those records are long ago declassified in National Security Archives through FOIA's.
All this right wing paranoia saying
"theres commies everywhere" on this post just reeks of snake handling preacher Glen Beck and the gullible people who all of sudden in the last two years finally question (one side) government and spending then repeat what some corporate huge monopoly of a station tells them that owns numerous papers across the world. Murdoch!
And he's fine with the major censorship in the papers he owns in China. Yes he owns big media there too. Murdoch is currently in lawsuits with the BBC over freedom of content also.
venona is the soviet secret archives of American traitors who collaborated to steal the atom bomb technology from the U.S taxpayers in the 1940's to 1950's.
robert kennedy was a member of the McCarthy legal team and attended "tail gunner joe's" funeral.
john f.kennedy did not vote to "condemn" joe in the senate.
joe kennedy sr. financed joe's senate campaigns.
McCarthy joined the U.S.Marines during the start of WWll and was in combat in the Pacific area.he was discharged as a captain.
he was disturbed that the nazi waffen S.S.prisoners were tortured by our interrogators to confess the killing of troops. where have we recently heard of similar charges by our congressional representatives
during the iraq war and gitmo prison? our reps. are charging U.S.soldiers of torture. all bogus so far. would you care to reveal who and from which political party in the U.S.....LINO ?
Coulter has stamina to expose and will live to counter your disinformation, for seniors like me in the future. i almost forgot GLENN BECK. YOU LIAR /LIBERAL LOYALASSES LOVE TO LISTEN TO HIM .
Leave it to my readers to turn a post about scamming Medicare into a thread about 1950s McCarthyism.
the ruskies were here in brooklyn and now we are more broke than ever.
we paid taxes for the atom bomb"MANHATTAN PROJECT" and our traitors gave it away.
our taxes are stolen by the former "weatherman",bombers among us and some of you jerks are praising them and preparing to vote them in again. where is your common sense?
"our taxes are stolen by the former "weatherman",bombers among us and some of you jerks are praising them and preparing to vote them in again. where is your common sense?"
There ought-ta be an award for that one!
Coulter has stamina to expose and will live to counter your disinformation, for seniors like me in the future. i almost forgot GLENN BECK. YOU LIAR /LIBERAL LOYALASSES LOVE TO LISTEN TO HIM ."
"Coulter..as in Ann?
..And this Glen Beck?:
Great references, old man.
Oh, and check out this nutcase in your tea bagger bunch:
Take two Geritol..and don't call me in the morning.
Lino's back!
If only he would go away again. There must be a Thai Ladyboy in distress somewhere - run off and rescue him, Lino!
"You old fools will be gone soon and historians will get about the business of setting the record straight."
You old fools who were actually there and in some cases had first hand knowledge of the events, will be gone soon and us young fools can rewrite history to suit ourselves.
You gotta love it.
Sorry for appearing to be off topic. But it does relate in a strange sort of way.
Anonymous said...
venona is the soviet secret archives of American traitors who collaborated to steal the atom bomb technology from the U.S taxpayers in the 1940's to 1950's.
robert kennedy was a member of the McCarthy legal team and attended "tail gunner joe's" funeral.
john f.kennedy did not vote to "condemn" joe in the senate.
joe kennedy sr. financed joe's senate campaigns.
McCarthy joined the U.S.Marines during the start of WWll and was in combat in the Pacific area.he was discharged as a captain.
he was disturbed that the nazi waffen S.S.prisoners were tortured by our interrogators to confess the killing of troops. where have we recently heard of similar charges by our congressional representatives
during the iraq war and gitmo prison? our reps. are charging U.S.soldiers of torture. all bogus so far. would you care to reveal who and from which political party in the U.S.....LINO ?
Coulter has stamina to expose and will live to counter your disinformation, for seniors like me in the future. i almost forgot GLENN BECK. YOU LIAR /LIBERAL LOYALASSES LOVE TO LISTEN TO HIM .
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
English translation, please?
BTW, McCarthy saw no combat. He lied about his war record. Sometimes he would limp with one leg, and then the other.
What does this have to do with Russians bilking Medicare?
"What does this have to do with Russians bilking Medicare?"
Ask LINO, he started it!
the common point of this post is the theft by russians/soviets/communists of American taxpayers money.
the MANHATTAN PROJECT(ATOM BOMB RESEARCH) in 1939 cost Americans two billion dollars,(22 billion in present day dollars).
the posted medicare theft this week cost American taxpayers $251 million.
to be continued......we are going broke.......
Who exactly are the Communists here? Aren't most of the Russians here people who emigrated to flee Communism?
Who exactly are the Communists here? Aren't most of the Russians here people who emigrated to flee Communism?
Wow. Talk about ignorant. Once a commie, always a commie state of mind. What can government give me? Now, with new improved freedom to talk about how much the government sucks as you bilk them for every cent you can.
The commies that have come here have no intention of working for anything when there's a way to get it for free.
"Saint" Joe McCarthy is wrongfully demonized by the Lib's because he was the first to expose to the American People that modern Liberalism and Communism are evil twins from the same collectivist womb.
As mentioned, thanks to the "Venona decrypts" McCarthy has been full vindicated. He was absolutely right about the extensive soviet penetration of the U.S. government. According to the KGB themselves, the MKVD had 221 agents in the Roosevelt administration in April 1941 and the Soviet GRU had a like number. He was proven absolutely right that the Communist Party U.S.A. was an arm of the Soviet Intelligence apparatus. The fellow travelers, Liberal Critics in academe, and the Ministry of Lies Media still protect their comrades to this day and deny the subversion ever existed and do everything they can to make excuses for it.
If McCarthy was so great a menace, if this was a time of national "hysteria," why does not a single Gallup Poll of that era show even 1 percent of Americans viewing McCarthyism or witch-hunting or anti-Communist extremism as a significant national problem? To the Americans who sustained Joe McCarthy for four years, he was saying that the governing American Establishment, our political elite, was no longer fit to determine the destiny of the United States; it had disqualified itself by having poured down a sewer everything for which twelve million Americans had fought, bled, and died for by having delivered up half the world to Joseph Stalin.
Joe McCarthy's great achievement was that he helped popularize a deep public animosity toward Communism and its agents. McCarthy attacked liberalism itself, exposing its fraud by proving liberal's willingness to side with Communist infiltration and treason, to glamorize the brutality of Communist governments. Liberalism sympathizes with and protects Communism's champions and professes to find moral worth in a system of absolute evil. Liberalism and Communism are both infected with the same materialistic secular virus and have such philosophical affinity that usually they can not be distinguished.
here we go again....."..McCarthy still right..communist treason in U.S State Department by christian gomez 7/20/10,the new american magazine"the story can be read by :commieblaster.com.....
a high level State Department official,walter kendall myers and his wife gwendolyn were convicted of a thirty year conspiracy to provide highly-classified national defense information to the republic of cuba.
they were self avowed communists.
he was sentenced to life imprisonment,with no parole. she was sentenced to eighty-one months in prison.
the wsj.com has a solid article on the above traitors.
search for walter kendall myers,7/17/10 by evan perez.
he was a relative of alexander graham bell........
John from Conn said...
"Saint" Joe McCarthy is wrongfully demonized by the Lib's because he was the first to expose to the American People that modern Liberalism and Communism are evil twins from the same collectivist womb."
Straight from whatever toilet in which you reside.
McCarthy had no access to KGB files, he relied on bullying, Contempt of Congress penalties and the threat of blackballing to extract whatever "confessions" he got.
As for those polls, the entire country was scared after the Soviets detonated their bomb in 1949, the same year Mao Zedong (an uneducated drunken peasant) took China communist. The American people were scared and ill-informed -the perfect scenario for a demagogue like McCarthy.
I saw most of the Army/McCarthy hearings in 1973 when PBS re-ran them at the outset of the Watergate hearings. It was obvious what McCarthy was and how hollow his "crusade" was.
America, the beacon of freedom allowing a drunken megalomaniac to hold it's citizenry hostage to vacuous accusations.
No matter how much your revisionists grind away, it was not a period to be proud-of.
Anonymous said...
progressives/lib/democrats support collective rights,while capitalists support "individual rights" given to American citizens in The CONSTITUTION.
Oh mean you conservatives like Scalia, Alito, and Roberts who voted to give corporations rights like individuals so they cant be held accountable for their abuses in court.
Also the ranting provacateur Beirtbart who notoriously edited the tapes of Acorn with his criminal buddy O'keefe who tried to smear the governor of Louisiana takes a page from the Nixon play book by edited content to push a new meaning and agenda. Luckily Nixon was useful enough to tape himself in the White house which proved how unstable he was as well as criminal activity he had pushed. And Roger Ailes is real grassroots.
Back to the original topic Im sure the Russian's involved in this will get their punishment just like the ones in the past who pulled this.
Can you imagine if Obama had been close friends with the Saudi Royal family like Bush and Bush sr. inviting them to their ranch and house in Texas. Bin Ladens family members.
Think about that.
Anonymous said...
Who exactly are the Communists here? Aren't most of the Russians here people who emigrated to flee Communism?
Wow. Talk about ignorant. Once a commie, always a commie state of mind. What can government give me? Now, with new improved freedom to talk about how much the government sucks as you bilk them for every cent you can.
The commies that have come here have no intention of working for anything when there's a way to get it for free.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Who says that they were Communists? Are you trying to say that everyone who has emigrated here from Russia since 1917 is a Communist? Talk about painting with broad strokes.
Lino wrote:
"Klink Cannoli said...
Did hell just freeze over?
*rubs his eyes*'
-Why stop there..go a little farther down.
A really sad bunch of monowits here.
Liberals don't generally like polices states, conservatives do..if, ofcourse they are the "right kind".
You're so fowl. But I expect that from a man of little virtue.
You aren't a Liberal no matter how much you and your ilk to twist the word. Jefferson, Hamilton, Washington, Adams, Franklin, Smith, Locke, Montesquieu, Blackstone are examples of liberals in the classic sense. Liberalism or to be liberal, in the Latin, means freedom or liberty. How did that ever escape you?
What your comments have always focus around on this blog is statism. The anti-liberal, anti-liberty. Admit it, you're an old foul angry dirty smelly Hippie.
I would rank Washington, Adams, and Hamilton last on that list in their belief of true "Liberal Enlightenment" philosophy.
We as a country were very unlucky that the Federalists controlled our Government First. The Jefferson Revolution of 1800 may have already come too late. The cracks to individual Liberty were apparent right from the start. As proven by history Federalists and Progressives can always add Government intervention faster than any Jefferson, Anti-Federalist, or Ronald Reagan can take them away. The Alien and Sedition acts, the Shays and Whiskey Rebellions...all proof that the Federalist's Pro-Centralized Federal Government schemes were already "Illiberal."
Post Civil War, in our trend towards Nationalism, Statism by Progressives always took the guise of reform. The only TRUE reform would have been to remove all government aid to economic enterprise and create a complete separation of State and Economics. American scholars and philosophers of the late 19th century turned to Bismarck's Germany and Fabian Socialists in England as models for their avant guard political and economic theory. The Free Market has never been allowed to fully mature because of meddlesome politicians and their immoral followers.
You're quite right, John. I really wouldn't argue with you on those points. A staunch Federalist I am not.
As with anything in theory, pragmatism rears it's ugly head. If only man were a theory, life could be perfect.
Klink Cannoli said...
"You're so fowl. But I expect that from a man of little virtue."
--Where are my feathers?
A little play on words there?..Very witty.
the use of the adjective "drunken" by the comrade demonizers in this discussion could apply to some left wing political sympathizers in recent history. would you care to expose them? even if they were democrats. i doubt it ? one even left a woman to drown in a bay on cape cod.
hepatitis is the cause of death on McCarthy's death certificate. his marxist foe choose to use other language.
it is expected that comrades will distort and try to confuse when confronted with proof that their communist masters have been exposed.
can you explain the facts in the "venona intercepts"?
to do that would burst your marxist bubble.
we await your explanation........
my generation did not have the theoretical b/s/ that you convey. we were to busy defending the South Korean anti- communist population on their peninsula.
from 1950 to 1953,the U.S.A. military had 37,000 soldiers killed by the COMMUNIST/MARXISTS from n.korea,china and soviet union( russian pilots ).
the world marxists were testing the U.S. and free world
now that they were given the a-bomb secrets by our traitors.
the cost of the war can be added to what was stolen by these traitors.the cost of the lives of my pals can never be calculated .
Some old anon wrote:
"the use of the adjective "drunken" by the comrade demonizers in this discussion could apply to some left wing political sympathizers in recent history."
Yes it could, But that has nothing to do with this particular Senator's demise.
In Dec'53, the Senate voted 67-22 to censure him for "contemptuous conduct" and abuse of select committee privilege.
I guess in your senile mind those Senators were all "commie sympathizers".
Once again, read:
Quoting: The senate investigations into the United States Army were televised and this helped to expose the tactics of Joseph McCarthy. One newspaper, the Louisville Courier-Journal, reported that: "In this long, degrading travesty of the democratic process, McCarthy has shown himself to be evil and unmatched in malice." Leading politicians in both parties, had been embarrassed by McCarthy's performance and on 2nd December, 1954, a censure motion condemned his conduct by 67 votes to 22.
McCarthy also lost the chairmanship of the Government Committee on Operations of the Senate. He was now without a power base and the media lost interest in his claims of a communist conspiracy. As one journalist, Willard A. Edwards, pointed out: "Most reporters just refused to file McCarthy stories. And most papers would not have printed them anyway."
McCarthy, who had been drinking heavily for many years, was discovered to have cirrhosis of the liver. An alcoholic, he was unable to take the advice of doctors and friends to stop drinking. Joseph McCarthy died in the Bethesda Naval Hospital on 2nd May, 1957. As the newspapers reported, McCarthy had drunk himself to death.
--No matter how you old misled fools try, you can't not whitewash this disgraceful period in our history.
Anonymous said...
the use of the adjective "drunken" by the comrade demonizers in this discussion could apply to some left wing political sympathizers in recent history. would you care to expose them? even if they were democrats. i doubt it ? one even left a woman to drown in a bay on cape cod.
hepatitis is the cause of death on McCarthy's death certificate. his marxist foe choose to use other language.
it is expected that comrades will distort and try to confuse when confronted with proof that their communist masters have been exposed.
can you explain the facts in the "venona intercepts"?
to do that would burst your marxist bubble.
we await your explanation........
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Anonymous said...
my generation did not have the theoretical b/s/ that you convey. we were to busy defending the South Korean anti- communist population on their peninsula.
from 1950 to 1953,the U.S.A. military had 37,000 soldiers killed by the COMMUNIST/MARXISTS from n.korea,china and soviet union( russian pilots ).
the world marxists were testing the U.S. and free world
now that they were given the a-bomb secrets by our traitors.
the cost of the war can be added to what was stolen by these traitors.the cost of the lives of my pals can never be calculated .
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Don't forget to wear your tinfoil hat tomorrow, so those nasty Commies don't get you with their death rays.
By the way, the Cold War is over. we won; the Communists lost. Ronald Reagan and George Bush said so. Get on with the rest of your life, if you have one.
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