Leroy Comrie, chairman of the City Council's powerful land use committee, called on the city to ensure "gentle" treatment of any tombs at the plot set for Flushing Commons, a mix of housing and retail space.
The proposal is expected to be voted on by the land use committee on July 28 and then by the full Council. But Comrie said too many question marks remain.
"I'm not prepared to encourage the full body to vote because we have so many unresolved issues," Comrie said at a hearing Thursday near City Hall.
At Thursday's hearing, Comrie (D-Jamaica) pressed Seth Pinsky, president of the city Economic Development Corp., for details about new excavation plans.
"No one has said to date what will be done," Comrie said.
Pinsky defended the 1953 excavation as an "extensive investigation." But when Comrie asked how far down the hand-diggers went in 1953, Pinsky admitted, "I don't have that exact figure."
The News asked the city last month for records of the excavation to determine its scope, but the city has not yet produced any.
A spokeswoman for the city Law Department, which officially declared the cemetery nonexistent in 1954, said the agency is "still looking" for the report.
Pinsky also noted that community leaders did not mention the possibility of graves during numerous meetings with EDC.
"We have not received any evidence other than the story in the Daily News," Pinsky said. But, he added, "We would ensure the site would be treated with respect."
Later, Queens Borough President Helen Marshall echoed Comrie's calls for a careful check.
"There should be reasonable measures to ensure there are not human remains on the construction site," Marshall read from prepared testimony.
She lifted her head and continued off the cuff: "We treasure our people, both while they're alive and after they pass away."
if she treasures our living and dead,why did her democrat congressional delegation in ny vote to cut medicare benefits $500,000,000,000.00 for living senior citizens in the obamacare health law.
and why did she approve of her democrats approving the abortion of children and having the federal government pay for these murders. obama said this would not take place if his health bill was implemented.
New Mexico and PA. just got fed.funds for aborting the live babies. THE BIG LIE.......
Pity you bastards couldn't give two shits if white people are buried there.
Why should we have two stadards of history based on race?
"There should be reasonable measures to ensure there are not human remains on the construction site," Marshall read from prepared testimony."
Yes, she'll give it the same consideration that was given to the St. Saviour's site.
Lies, lies, and more lies.
Another great idea. Mix housing and retail space with a graveyard. WTF are they thinking?
Ah...Comrie is just a pig of a jive turkey.
He's pandering to the hot buttons of his own constituency.
He'll put on a great act of concern but like Bloomberg's CB#7 go-fers...he'll vote to approve the project. (like most of the rest of the corrupt council members).
Peter Koo already thinks it's the greatest.
And WTF is outsider Dan Halloran been doing sticking his 2 cents in for and giving a "yes" to Flushing Commons?
To cozy up top fellow Republican Councilman Koo of course.
Party loyalty and ass kissing is still the mainstay of politics.
I hope doofus Dan looses the next election.
We should have voted for Kevin Kim.
With him at least you knew you were hiring an Ackerman puppet!
Halloran appears to be little more than a self serving turncoat.
Anonymous said...
if she treasures our living and dead,why did her democrat congressional delegation in ny vote to cut medicare benefits $500,000,000,000.00 for living senior citizens in the obamacare health law.
and why did she approve of her democrats approving the abortion of children and having the federal government pay for these murders. obama said this would not take place if his health bill was implemented.
New Mexico and PA. just got fed.funds for aborting the live babies. THE BIG LIE.......
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Could you be more irrelevant to this issue?
the truth being exposed about your liar elected democrats really pushes your buttons.
The truth about your ravings being exposed really pushes your buttons.
Ol' "doofus" Dan must be blog watching today (or one of his trolls has been assigned to that task at taxpayers expense).
His district will go to a Democrat next election.
A lot of folks ain't too happy with his blustering style with meager results to show for it.
Enjoy the smell of Peter Koo's butt C.M. "H"?
And thanks a lot for appointing junior league Don "chrome dome" Paul Vallone to CB#7.
Another traitor in our midst.
What is it about La Famiglia di Vallone that's scared of putting in an honest days work?
Hedging your bets...eh?
You think the Democrats are going to win this seat back? Maybe and maybe not. The Republicans have won here before, and unless the Democrats come up with better people than Koo or Vallone (and there's no indication that they're going to do that), Halloran will get reelected.
Only if "hollering" Halloran has something concrete to show that he's accomplished for his constituents after his term is up...which I doubt.
Glad to see a member of his office staff is continuing posting here in "doofy" Dan's defense (LOL).
Yeah...like (the invisible) Republican Councilman Mike Abel did such a great job (LOL)!
mike abel and rudy g. were the first administration to show consideration for the auburndale/bayside taxpayers in many years. the dem. dictatorship in queens always took care of their districts, but not ours.
politics suck and so do the dem. dictators.
Poltergeist anyone?
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