Senate Democratic leader John Sampson is considering nixing a highly anticipated vote to expel disgraced lawmaker Hiram Monserrate, Republicans charged yesterday.
One GOP lawmaker told The Post that the Democratic conference leader had settled on the wrist-slap punishment of "sanctions" for the Queens state senator.
That's the lesser of two penalties recommended last month by a special Senate committee appointed to weigh Monserrate's fate.
"Absolutely, we're being told that they've made a decision for censure," the Republican told The Post.
One Senate Democrat said Sampson did raise the prospect of a vote on sanctions during a conversation yesterday.
"I don't think he's getting pressured," the Senate Democrat said. "I think he's trying to see if he can get away with just sanctions."
Racist loser,along with his latino officers association crony's.
Chicken livered pieces of garbage are in the Assembly and Senate. Throw the bum out. Stand up for the people all of you represent but most especially the women who are beaten constantly by the likes of this piece of crap! Cowards, cowards, cowards!!!!!!!!!!!
Wimps - they talk big but at the end of the day they are all in cahoots with each other.
Thanks Rep. Joe Crowley for exerting your influence - after all you anointed Hiram - good luck to you in November!
You really didn't think the Dems would throw away even a single vote?
Remember all this bull come voting time, peoples.
Let the people decide in November. Yes, he is a woman beater but his misdeed didn't involve any illegal acts involving his job. Let the people decide and not the party.
Let the people decide in November. Yes, he is a woman beater but his misdeed didn't involve any illegal acts involving his job. Let the people decide and not the party.
He needs to go along with his cohort who lives in Westchester but represents the Bronx.
Both of them are LOSERS.....
it really is a disgrace that this man can still be a public servant. and not one of these dems can stand up for the right thing. just to get votes. that is why the state senate is viewed as a spine-less institution
From NY1.com:
Queens Senator Hiram Monserrate has been expelled by the State Senate following a vote of 53-8.
The resolution takes effect immediately.
No on really gives two shits about Hiram or his girlfriend and the fact that he pummeled her good. They only care about how their vote will be perceived. I would be willing to bet that almost half of his political friends have one way or another assaulted their wives or girlfriends. Abuse is hidden in the lives of most people.
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