At 5:01 p.m. this afternoon - seven hours before the deadline for making such a decision - former Democratic Councilwoman Helen Sears filed a formal declination of the GOP line in the March 16 special election to fill Hiram Monserrate's vacant Senate seat, a city Board of Elections spokeswoman confirmed.
A Senate Republican source confirmed the ex-councilwoman called earlier today to inform the minority of her intention to decline the unanimous nod she had received from the Queens GOP last Friday.
Her decision was attributed by the Republicans in no small part to the fact that she had failed to land another line, namely that of the Independence Party.
Trying to win as a turncoat Democrat in a district that is roughly seven-to-one Democratic is hard enough. Doing so with just the GOP line is nearly impossible, even if Hiram Monserrate manages to get onto the ballot as an independent candidate.
The Senate Republicans are disappointed, but resigned. They knew Sears' candidacy was a long shot - at best.
“If we elect Helen, we change the leadership of the top of the state!” said Vince Tabone, executive vice president of the party, rallying about 20 Queens Republicans stalwarts gathered in Whitestone to select Sears as their candidate.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!!!!
“If we elect Helen, we change the leadership of the top of the state!” said Vince Tabone, executive vice president of the party, rallying about 20 Queens Republicans stalwarts gathered in Whitestone to select Sears as their candidate.
What a week for Vinnie Tabone !
First, Mr. Monopoly loses the County leadership and now his big move flies in his face and he is the laughing stock of the State Republican Party.
Tabone got rolled. She was never running. Now the Republicans cant even put someone on the line. Someone fire these incompetant fools.
This guy Tabone cant be this incompetant, can he ?
No wonder Padavan is quaking in his pants.
Tabone is the same guy who offered Avella the Republican line against Gary Ackerman.
“If we elect Helen, we change the leadership of the top of the state!” said Vince Tabone, executive vice president of the party, rallying about 20 Queens Republicans stalwarts gathered in Whitestone to select Sears as their candidate.
Even though they are flawed, maybe Bary Haggertyy will bring some sense back to the Queens Republican party. How did they ever fall for this trick ?
read between the lines here...the same fuckimg names are repeated over and over. frank mckay of the independence party. right john haggertys friend and partner in crimw. they fucked tabone and ragusa but good.
Its pretty embarassing for Tabone and Ragusa to be tricked by a senile 84 year old political hack. What is wrong with these dopes ?
It's not like a Republican can win in that district anyway. So what's the big deal?
Thank God she's not running. She did us all a favor. As for the Republican Party -- they need a good flush and they need to start with new people at the helm. So tired of looking at the same old farts year after year after year. They need new leadership. They need it now!
"It's not like a Republican can win in that district anyway. So what's the big deal?"
First Tabone is taking over the whole State, now Helen Sears, that old senile nut makes a fool out of him and now he says "whats the big deal"
Screw Hiram Monserrate!I hope he gets bumped from the ballot and back to obscurity.
“If we elect Helen, we change the leadership of the top of the state!” said Vince Tabone, executive vice president of the party, rallying about 20 Queens Republicans stalwarts gathered in Whitestone to select Sears as their candidate
Look at Tabone and Ragusa.
The Mouseketeer and Mr. Monopoly.
No wonder senile Helen Sears made them the laughing stock of the Republican party statewide.
I have some respect for the woman not running as RINO if she's an out right commie. ;@)
“If we elect Helen, we change the leadership of the top of the state!” said Vince Tabone, executive vice president of the party, rallying about 20 Queens Republicans stalwarts gathered in Whitestone to select Sears as their candidate
I have many reasons to criticise Ms. Sears, but I have to say that at least she had the guts not to run as a Republican-convert. I don't know why so many people would seemingly jump on her party-changing wagon, when it was so obviously a mistake for her to even be considered -- unless, the citizenry doesn't have any realistic expectation that a politician should at least be true to some core beliefs. What is wrong with this country is precisely what almost happened here: people have no moral compass, no ethical rudders. By choosing not to run as a Republican, I have to say that Ms. Sears showed some regard for the institution that is a political party.
If she had gotten the Independence line she would have run as a Republican.
I am not a liberal democrat as Helen Sears is, but I tip my hat to her.
She is in her 80's, and in her retirement managed to make complete fools of her lifelong opponents in the republican party.
Way to go, Memaw !
I fail to see how the GOP was made a fool of. There's no way a Republican is winning in that district without a 2nd party line.
She made fools of them because she, a hardcore liberal democrat enticed them to offer support for no other reason than that they wanted power and patronage.
It exposed them as hacks who have no other interest other than another turn at the trough.
Unlike Helen Sears, who ran for a third term?
i have refused to send a cent to the republican senatorial or congressional campaign committees.
i can not support RINO'S.
i do donate to local conservative/ is almost impossible to elect a local g.o.p./cons. with the gerrymandering in Queens County.
i hope that fed up democrats begin to vote to give citizens a "CHECKS AND BALANCE GOVERNMENT".
tabone is the loser of the week. LOL
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