Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo, whose nephew Richard Izquierdo was indicted on charges of looting nonprofit groups she funded, hid behind a wall of aides and security officers as she entered and left the Council.
"I have no comment, no matter what you ask," Arroyo said.
From the NY Post:
City Council members and staffers yesterday predicted that Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo could be the next member of their body indicted in an ongoing "slush fund" probe that just snared fellow Bronx Democrat Larry Seabrook.
"Everybody I spoke to today thought she was next," said one council member, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Another said, "Everybody's speculating [about Arroyo]. There's lots of talk."
And a third council member noted that after Seabrook's arrest on federal charges Tuesday, city Department of Investigation Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn said the probe is not over.
Arroyo, who refused to answer questions yesterday, is a member of a powerful political family whose members have close and complicated ties to several nonprofit groups that have received taxpayer funds at the behest of her and her mother, state Assemblywoman Carmen Arroyo.
if enough democrat CM's go to jail, maybe a Republican/Conservative might be in line for some committee chairman extra money ?
another democrat party politician allegedly biting the dust ? who would have thought it ?
Another allegedly crooked politician.
So what else is new?
Go after her and don't stop at her or anyone else until these folks are out of office.
Of course she will be indicted. She is a minority. You can always count on them to indict a black or latino, to prove they are doing their jobs.
Never mind that Chris Quinn, who is a close ally of Bloomberg presided over all this, she will never be charged because she is white and well connected.
A fish stinks from the head.
The last commenter forgot about Quinn's lapdog , namely Councilman Domenic Recchia.
He stinks from the head down.
Now that he was appointed Finance Chair of the NYC Council , DOI will be very busy the next 4 years.
this corruption investigation appears to be a federal probe as to why Seabrook's funds did not reach minority candidate aid, to pass fire department tests.
a federal judge ,Garaufis, just ruled that the tests were biased?
the n.y.c. d.o.i. appears to be playing c.y.a
you do know that Obama appoints the federal attorneys.
recent n.y.c. corruption politicians were D.Manes,S. Leffler, Freidman,Seminerio,McGlaughlin.
your minority angle will not play to new yorkers.
do not delude yourself ,crooks come in all ethnic groups.
Everyone knows most politicians of every ethnicity are crooks. The point is the white ones get away with it most of the time and the black and latino ones are specially targeted for prosecution. This case for example, the ring leader of this whole slush fund scheme, pigface Quinn is not being charged with anything while every week they indict yet another council member of color for the same case. Yes, sometimes they get the white ones, but it's rare. The fact that another commenter dragged up Manes, Friedman and Leffler only makes the point, those "recent" cases were a quarter century ago.
McLaughlin, Hevesi, Gallagher, Seminerio, Spitzer...
let's not leave out Matty Troy.
Donald Manes
" Queens Crapper said...
McLaughlin, Hevesi, Gallagher, Seminerio, Spitzer"
Wait a minute here...You are comparing the perfidious of the first four with Spitzer's pussy scandal?
Dead wrong. I am surprised at you.
Nope, I was responding to the comment "Yes, sometimes they get the white ones, but it's rare."
So it's not rare to get a white guy. The Feds were investigating Spitzer. He stepped down and apparently that's all they were after. Kind of like w/Gallagher and Jenkins.
How about that Mario Biaggi. He represented part of Queens for a while.
Spitzer was never even charged with any crime due to his powerful connections.
He was caught red handed committing federal felonies by arranging for whores to be transported across state lines for purposes of prostitution.
All they made him do was leave office and go back to work for his fathers real estate company, probably to make a million $$$ a year. Not even one afternoon of community service.
In the meanwhile the black woman who ran the "emperors club" escort service that found the whores for him was charged and sentenced to jail for her role.
Marion Barry smoked crack and got his job back.
Big difference...
Authorities could have charged Spitzer with violating the Mann Act, a federal law that bans carrying women or girls across state lines for "prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose." But the legal experts say the law is rarely used to prosecute johns.
"I would have been more surprised had he been charged," said Elkan Abramowitz, chief of the criminal division in the U.S. Attorney's Office in Manhattan in the 1970s. "Once they determined that he didn't use state or campaign money but apparently must have only used his personal money, I am not surprised they decided not to prosecute."
And the person who ran the Emporer's Club was a white Jewish guy from Middle Village.
Why is the law rarely used to prosecte johns? Because they have the money and connections?
And P.S.:
There were no black women jailed in the Spitzer probe.
The black woman I waw referring to is Temeka Rachelle Lewis, she was the booking agent at Emperors Club. It is correct that she was not jailed, but she was criminally charged and was sentenced to a year of probation.
Spitzer also committed state crimes every time he paid whores, many dozens of times, he was never charged for any of that either, but the lowly booking agent was.
Quinn is at the helm of all this.
"Of course she will be indicted. She is a minority. You can always count on them to indict a black or latino, to prove they are doing their jobs."
I guess that's why Seminerio, Bruno and McLaughlin got away with it.
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