[Avella] won just by showing up and giving New Yorkers tuned in to the live NY1 debate broadcast a chance to see him and hear him. He did such a good job of stoking the anti-Bloomberg fires that Thompson - whose goal was to look tough but mayoral - often sounded like a faint echo.
Here are some of Avella's withering blasts:
--On Bloomberg's claims of improving education: "I don't care how many millions he spends on his TV ads claiming education improvements. It's a lot of bunk!"
--On schools chancellor Joel Klein: "I'd fire him. I've been saying that for years."
--On Bloomberg's successful push to overturn term limits: "It was an absolute disgrace. A fatal blow to democracy."
--On the mayor's increased personal wealth since taking office: "How is it that he was worth $4 billion when he took office, and then, in a recession, he's now worth $16-$18 billion?"
--On Bloomberg's failed plan for congestion pricing on cars entering midtown: "I was against it. No one drives into Manhattan because he wants to."
--On Bloomberg's increased donations to local nonprofit and cultural groups: "He's not donating that money for charitable purposes."
--On charge that he doesn't mix well with others in the City Council: "You're damn right I don't get along with some of those council members who raised their own pay and take money from real estate developers."
--On police "stop and frisk" encounters, now at an all-time high: "Just end it. Stop the practice. I think it serves a hidden purpose. Get a new police commissioner. Let's get back to the cop on the beat."
--On abuses by council-members in discretionary grants to local groups: "I'd end all discretionary funds."
--On balance of power between council and mayor over budget issues: "I'd be the first mayor to give up budget power. Give more to the council."
--On having raised only $271,000 for his campaign so far: "I'm not dialing for dollars. I'm not taking money from real estate developers."
--On construction delays at ground zero: "It's a disgrace. The city should've Use eminent domain to seize the property and build the project itself."
--On city transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan: "She should be fired."
--On improving the economy: "We need to bring back the manufacturing jobs."
He made some good points and some bad points, but I don't get his question of Bloomberg's net worth. Bloomberg owns a majority of shares of a company. That company did and IPO and is publicly traded. Its value is at whatever the market trades its shares. The value went up after the IPO. What is so hard to understand?
My impression is that Bloomberg LP is not a publicly traded company. But as to Bloomberg's company's worth, if it went up, it means the Mayor has more money to lavish on workers, opponents of those who don't favor him, etc. and that continues to be bad for democracy.
How much of that profit was from inside information? That's the point that I want to see addressed.
So why did the Voice not put this on the front page?
how bout healthcare for "undocumented" workers.
Too bad that the event was barely covered by the bought and sold out media outlets. Democracy is now officially a sham!
About 15 or so neighbors who watched Tony Avella last night (many of these neighbors had never really seen Avella before) thought he did great!
Further, they got a very favorable impression of him and wound up liking him.
Vote for Tony, and we'll finally have a mayor who lives life in NYC the same way we all do.
He is an honest, intelligent man who will approach city problems remembering what it's like to be middle class in NYC.
Dump the Commissar.
Elect Tony Avella!
Anon said:
"How much of that profit was from inside information? That's the point that I want to see addressed."
- - -
How much of the increase was from kickbacks from developers for his nakedly corrupt land grabbing?
That's the point that I want to see addressed.
Anon said:
"How much of that profit was from inside information? That's the point that I want to see addressed."
- - -
How much of the increase was from kickbacks from developers for his nakedly corrupt land grabbing?
That's the point that I want to see addressed.
Some say breath mint
Some say candy mint
I say guvmint!
So STOP! You're both right!
--On construction delays at ground zero: "It's a disgrace. The city should've Use eminent domain to seize the property and build the project itself."
-On city transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan: "She should be fired."
--On improving the economy: "We need to bring back the manufacturing jobs."
once again the most sensible candidate wont be in office whos ready for the 4th forth term !? haha
He needs to get his face plastered everywhere. Too many don't know who he is.
Avella has no chance in the gereral though... Isn't it more important to win the election?
Thats why Thompson has my vote.
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