I was able to make my way over to these areas and document seats that offered obstructions that blew my mind. There are several issues. Listed in order of severity from least to worst, the railing from the 1st row throughout the Promenade Level, the staircases leading up to the Promenade Reserve, and easily the worst, the LED ribbon running along the length of the Promenade Box/Club Seats.
Well, there you have it. If you are affected by these seats, contact me, contact your ticket manager at Shea, let your voice be heard. I am missing Shea more and more.
In addition, there is a call for the Mets-Willets Point subway station to be handicapped accessible.
Citibank continues its tradition of quality buildings. This one will rank up there with the headquarters where the solar panels were mounted on the shady side of the building, and the legendary Citicorp Headquarters that had to be retrofitted after construction when it was discovered that a moderate breeze could bring it down and half of midtown with it.
You have to love them. Perhaps after they are reorganized under TARP they can rename themselves, "Jinx."
Citibank continues its tradition of quality buildings. This one will rank up their with the headquarters where the solar panels were mounted on the shady side of the building, and the legendary Citicorp Headquarters that had to be retrofitted after construction when it was discovered that a moderate breeze could bring it down and half of midtown with it.
You have to love them. Perhaps after they are reorganized under TARP they can rename themselves, "Jinx."
If I wind up sitting behind Shulman or Evan's fat ass my view will definitely be obstructed!
90% of the seating in the ballpark is fantastic. The stairways are bad, the LED ribbon board is a tough one but in general the place is stunning.
If we ever get a tornado (they now happening 8 nautical miles away in jersey) or #4+ hurricane a good part of it could end up in be in flushing bay.
We all know some of the weird popcorn storms cells that have kicked up during the summers recently
They designed this thing to be built with unskilled cheap labor.
Shea was built like a tank and to take a roof in the future, tickets were cheap.
Some people’s pockets got lined well in this sham.
Has anybody seen THE PRICES to sit in those nosebleed seats and buy a 3rd rate by-product hotdog?
$18 parking
12,000 less seats than at Shea Stadium + 6,000 obstructed view Promenade seats.
And a Mets Snack Shack charging Beverly hills prices.
The $3 hot Coco is nor hot nor Coco BTW !
My hot cocoa recipe:
Heated half and half, Hersheys Cocoa, (the original one in the brown can), real vanilla extract, sugar, real whipped cream, shot or two of Frangelica, some chopped nuts and cinnamon on the whipped cream.
Mix ingredients to taste. Get lit, stay home in warm bathrobe, watch game on cable. Cost: priceless!
Speaking of wonderful companies,see what Lehman bros had laying around.
Google the article. They linger on.
Lehman Brothers sitting on a stockpile of uranium 'yellowcake'
Lehman's nuclear stockpile is a hangover from a trading contract undertaken before the Wall Street bank collapsed last year
Liquidators have been trying to offload the stuff for months. But the price of uranium has been dropping steadily, leaving Lehman's yellowcake languishing in a variety of secure storage facilities, some of which are in Canada.
Bryan Marshal, Lehman's chief executive, who was appointed to salvage value for creditors, told Bloomberg News that the stockpile, which is worth about $18m, would be sold responsibly.
"We plan on gradually selling this material over the next two years," he said. "We are not dumping this on the market and have no fire-sale mentality.
A shitty field for a shitty team. Will Los Metos have any coupln days for the unwashed Roosevelt Avenue locals??
A shitty field for a shitty team. Will Los Metos have any coupon days for the unwashed Roosevelt Avenue locals??
Same B.S. at Miller Park here in Milwaukee. Every level has many seats with views obstructed by those railings. Never seemed to be a problem at County Stadium or Shea.
Most of all I miss the Shea Stadium of my youth. Jane Jarvis, wherever she is now, must be playing a sad, slow song on the Thomas organ, with Casey, Gil, and Mrs. Payson singing along.
Anyone in the mood for an ice-cold Rheingold?
Dave in Milwaukee
It's a friggin' food court where they (attempt to) play baseball!!!
Most of all I miss the Shea Stadium of my youth. Jane Jarvis, wherever she is now, must be playing a sad, slow song on the Thomas organ, with Casey, Gil, and Mrs. Payson singing along.
Anyone in the mood for an ice-cold Rheingold?
Dave, I share your sentiments, but since Shea has now gone to the great ballpark graveyard, I can rejoice in the knowledge that Casey and Gil now have a gleaming new Shea Stadium in heaven to manage their team, with Ms Payson sitting in the owners seat cheering them on, and Ms Jarvis' Thomas organ playing that beautiful rendition on the National Anthem.
Unfortunately, I think I was too young for the Rheingold days. When I came around, Schaefer was the one beer to have, when you were having more than one!
section 503; thats right the (upper deck) prominade,where us true fans can barely afford a ticket.I geuss it's alright if we pay half as much, than we get to see half the field. So no harm no foul, right?
This place sucks and I am so depressed.Your supposed to go to a stadium to watch a game,not play wiffelball or video games.
Oh yeah did anyone smell the bathroom stink already? waterless urinals is a stupid idea.
I would die for a Rheingold or a Schaefer !
I grew up in Bushwick.
My grandparents lived on George Street 1 block from both Brewerys.
My grandfather would get pitchers filled straight from the vats on ready days.
Id get to sneak a sip when he went to the bathroom.
Dam shame about Shea...What a heist with this new badly piece of sh*t.
Your better off watching Little League at the local park.
$100+ to watch obstructed views the Mets loosing aint worth it.
I dont get this:
Why pay $100+ to sit in prominade to watch a bigscreen ?
Why not stay home, Its the same video feed ?
Well we were in section 505 top row and we missed seeing about the right ten feet of the field. No big deal except to our every-complaining NYers.
My complaint is in leaving the "Promenade" deck. It was a squeaker today and few left early. So the deck was packed. The only way down was by stairs or two undersized elevators. As senior multiple staircases are not an option. We waited for a full 15 minutes to get onto an elevator. The entry to the stairs is right off the deck. So the lines waiting to go down backed up at a right angle. It made the deck feel like crosstown traffic.
The ramps at Shea handled traffic much more easily then does the 1/2 flight stairs.
It sure didn't feel disabled friendly.
Baseball is a democratic game for a democratic country, these elite stadiums are a travesty.
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