Three times as many city schools won't have space for all their kindergartners next fall - even with larger classes, the Department of Education says.
The DOE proposed increasing class size to a maximum of 25 students at schools that will have to accommodate the 3,448 students from city day care centers, which are slated to close their kindergartens.
Even then, education officials say, 112 schools won't have space for their local kindergartners. They said 34 schools had to turn away kindergartners last fall.
Hey let's continue unchecked growth, illegal immigration and illegal conversions since these policies have worked so well thus far.
where are these schools turning away students? hope it's not dist. 24 because we don't need another fxxking school in Maspeth. SCA lies about everything they do and bloomass just stop a big project in the bronx, i guess those children don't deserve a new school. and i believe if a child is here with legal parents paying taxes then the child should be first ones allowed into the school systems. maybe then we wouldn't have such a great problem in nyc and the illegals will stop coming here for the free medical and schooling. OH i'm sure some liberal will respond to me now that every child deserves an education, sure yeah but americans first, dumb ass.
wow lots of white kids. where did they take that pic? couldn't have been in queens, whites are far and few
Very true. I don't think many New York City classrooms have looked like that in a few decades. Probably not a NYC photo.
Very observant. Those also aren't kindergarteners.
I see the Crapper has rolled off the wrong side of the toilet this morning.
Daily deportations will fix this problem rapidly.
Working in a city school is about to get more interesting.
Those kids are probably sitting on the floor for their "morning meeting" - part of that disgusting curriculum Klein imposed on the city.
Hey Klein: you are the worst thing that could've happened to the city schools. Just accept it. And you're ugly too. Boy, am I glad I'm not you!
To all the parents out there: a vote for Blomberg is a vote for Klein(or someone like him).
Has everybody seen that ridiculous Bloomberg for mayor TV ad currently running?
Trying hard to pass himself off as a friend of the little guy...he states that NYC is still the best place to live in and that he supports the middle class...yadda, yadda!
With what...
Throttling us with increased taxes
while smothering us with over development, etc. ? !!!
His PR/BS machine is grinding out misinformation daily in a desperate attempt to gain a third term as mayor so that he and his wealthy pals can continue to live off the backs of the middle class!
VOTE BUM-TURD OUT in November!
Dump this unfeeling iceberg into the Arctic ocean where he can schmooze with his fellow ice cubes
in a mode of affluent senility!
The dumb comments on this and the post above it typify why this blog is entirely irrelevant.
That last comment must have been posted either by Bloomsnot or his bitch Klein.
Oh, Ms. Italy is back. Since you must be so knowledgeable and proud of being Italian (and not so much American), why don't you tell us what people in this country said when Italian immigrants were flooding this country a century ago? I'll tell you - they hated it and thought Italians were a bunch of low-class criminals. I guess you believe that America should have turned those Italian immigrants away back then.
If its so "irrelevant" why is hizzoner's blog watchers burning the midnight oil to counter-post here?
We know the origins of the URLs. Some are coming from City Hall!
I'll bet the rest are from Parkside!
Some critical comments have obviously hit a very sensitive Bloomberg nerve!
And now his blog watching lackeys are now resorting to making anti Italian comments.
Very good Mayor Bum-turd.
Better put a leash on them if you intend getting the Italian vote!
Apparently Emperor Bloomberg's re-election ISN'T IN THE BAG like he'd have everyone believe!
Zip it up Mayor Mike and
dump Parkside.
No PR group or ad agency in the world can make you appear warm and fuzzy to the middle class voters of NYC.
It's simply not in your nature.
Look into the mirror.
Peruse your sour countenance
feebly hidden by a half baked Crocodile smile!
By paying the likes of an Evan Stavisky thousands, you're merely basting your Goose in horse shit gravy!
It's cooked.
Stick a fork in him this coming November and we'll see his candidacy slip through his fingers like shit through a Goose!
Now can you write better than that last one Evan?
You'll have to to!
I think we should continue to oppose the building of new schools. That would be a policy obviously in line with reality.
You have no clue where people are from based on URLs. Last year Crapper was insisting that I was posting comments from Metrotech Center in Brooklyn, when I have never been there in my life, have nothing to do with Metrotech, never worked for the city, and was posting from my home in Queens. Silly.
"Oh, Ms. Italy is back. Since you must be so knowledgeable and proud of being Italian (and not so much American), why don't you tell us what people in this country said when Italian immigrants were flooding this country a century ago? I'll tell you - they hated it and thought Italians were a bunch of low-class criminals. I guess you believe that America should have turned those Italian immigrants away back then."
Ms. Italy? No actually, it's italian girl. When I'm crowned Ms. Italy, I'll let you know.
What's your beef with me anyway? 'Cause I call myself italian girl. Would you prefer italian-american girl? Too many syllables. Why can't I be proud of where my ancestors are from? What do I care about how Italians were treated 100 years ago? Is it my fault the WASPs of that time couldn't appreciate the wonderful people that the Italians were? In the end it doesn't matter what those jerks thought about Italians in those days. Italians were hard-working, respectful, good people who didn't expect any handouts from anyone. And if you think they were a bunch of low-life criminals, then you're just as ignorant as the prejudiced WASPs of that time.
Might I suggest taking a chill pill? The weather is WAY too nice to be so obnoxious.
"I think we should continue to oppose the building of new schools. That would be a policy obviously in line with reality."
I agree. We should buy up every piece of contaminated property available and build schools on top of all of them. And each one should contain a kindergarten. This way, by the time they reach high school, they'll all be in special ed.
If you love your children, don't let the government raise them....homeschooling is the only option.
Instead of using our tax dollars to build new schools to accommodate the overflows caused by illegal conversions and illegal immigration, why don't we instead hold the elected officials' feet to the fire and demand that they stem the tide?
Hey Ms. Italy, this proud American doesn't go around trying to flaunt his ancestor's homeland to the exlusion of America. You are a hypocrite to criticize those who were against Italian immigration to this country while at the same time defending people who practice the same bigotry today against those of different ethnic groups who come to this country.
You are a typical biased person who thinks being "italian" is something to flaunt while you couldn't name 5 things about being Italian that you are so proud of. I'm an Italian-American and you give us a bad name.
And by the way, not all Italian immigrants back then were decent, hard-working people. Just like every other group, including the minority immigrants of today, there were good and bad, and you can't say that Italians weren't the major players in organized crime for decades.
A chill pill was totally the wrong suggestion....
What you need is to get laid!
Have a great day!
hey i have to agree with italian girl, back in the day italians, polish, irish and etc came to america and didn't abuse the system, they WORKED. But today you have all these, let's call them latin because not sure what background exactly they are come to america to abuse the system. our schools are overcrowded because our country still allows this. We should be closing the boarders and not allowing anyone to come here until we help AMERICAN'S FIRST.
Why should we build more schools to accommodate people who shouldn't be here in the first place? How do we plan for the needs of a city when we don't have the foggiest notion of how many people really live here and have children?
Seriously, if national security isn't a concern for you, then failure to provide for the general welfare of the population should be.
Tower People Kids.
This is wide its absurd for Queens Council on the Arts to move to Hunters Point.
The mafia didn't abuse the system? The Tammany Irish didn't abuse the system?
Linda, thanks for being explicit with your bigotry.
We still have the Tammany Irish abusing the system. His name is Joe Crowley.
lmao, hey i don't see the italians and irish standing on corners waiting to be picked up all day long. just saying back in the day people worked.. maybe some had to go on welfare if needed to but they didn't pop out babies and continue to abuse the system. my mother's family worked and didn't collect welfare or free medical, so can't say the same for your family or anyone else. time to put americans first and stop wasting our tax dollars to educate the illegals...
linda, let me amend my last comment - thanks for being explicit in both your ignorance and your bigotry. I guess no Italians or Irish were living in the projects in the Lower East Side back in the 1930s? Revisionist history and changing facts to support your prejudices is embarrassing.
Linda did not mention public housing so I wonder why you are veering off course. You can live in public housing and not be abusing the system. In fact, many people who live in them are low paid civil servants.
If you are living in public housing, your potential needs are accounted for. If you are living in an illegal basement with your two kids and there is no record of any of you being in this country, then there is where the problem begins.
When the URLs originate from the same source you can tell it's just one faker using multiple pseudonyms
to make it look like he (or she) is an army.
or you wouldn't be protesting so much.
The plain truth is:
Bloomberg's the builders' bitch!
He's in cahoots with his rich pals to evict the middle class from NYC
and the middle class well knows this to be fact.
Let's see now...according to his TV ads, he's going to create thousands of new jobs for New Yorkers if they vote for him.
H-m-m-m...that's after he eliminates thousands by furloughing or firing them.
That sounds a lot like ZERO GROWTH to me.
You can't fool all of the people all of the time Mayor Mike, Evan and the rest of you ineffectual PR lackeys.
Better polish up your skills because your game needs improvement!
And...nice try with the diversionary anti "Italian Girl" stuff...a feeble attempt to draw the readers away from the real issue....BLOOMBERG STINKS!
Smokescreens don't work here on QC!
wow never mentioned public housing because my understanding they do work and their rents are based on the salaries they make. not insulting public housing at all they are AMERICAN CITIZENS, WHO PAY TAXES LEGALLY. nice try bloomass want-to-be's....
"And...nice try with the diversionary anti "Italian Girl" stuff...a feeble attempt to draw the readers away from the real issue....BLOOMBERG STINKS!
Smokescreens don't work here on QC!"
YES! Can you believe there is someone out there who would rather be anti-ME than anti-Bloomstain? It's hard to imagine.
Can't we just all get along?
linda said Italians didn't take welfare. Living in the projects is a form of welfare. Public taxpayers are paying for your home.
I love how you think all these people worked when there was 25% unemployment during the Depression.
Ms. Italy, you need to take your blinders off. Bloomberg is a popular mayor and is sure to win the next election. Most people don't think in the same narrow-minded way that you do.
The only people Bloomsleaze is popular with are people who have their blinders ON and who are narrow-minded. And since I'm not one of them, I'll consider myself very fortunate.
But psssst.....I'm making sure Bloomturd is exposed as the phony that he is. It's a grassroots effort but hey, you never know.
Oh, thanks for calling me Ms. Italy. I guess that makes me a beauty queen!
time to put americans first and stop wasting our tax dollars to educate the illegals...Linda, I suggest you brush up on your history a little. Ever heard of settlement houses, the City History Club?
Much time and money was spent back in the day in attempts to assimilate the children of Italians, Jews, Irish, what have you. Native New Yorkers with enough cash to meet their own needs felt obliged to assist poorer immigrants to become Americans.
Of course, if you're part of the "Me Generation" you just might not give a shit.
italian girl, it makes you an embarrassment to Italian-Americans who are proud of their heritage but first and foremost are proud of their country and of being American.
No problem! All the Board of Ed need do is find a location, take it over, build another school and screw over the neighborhood. Just look at Grand Ave in Maspeth.
yup your right i'm part of the amercian generation, fxxk you and they mayor's office. possibly your not from the dumb ass office and just a liberal.
"italian girl, it makes you an embarrassment to Italian-Americans who are proud of their heritage but first and foremost are proud of their country and of being American."
Much time and money was spent back in the day in attempts to assimilate the children of Italians, Jews, Irish, what have you. Native New Yorkers with enough cash to meet their own needs felt obliged to assist poorer immigrants to become Americans.Yes, and they did so charitably. Not forcibly. Understand the difference?
I think the ISPs can trace the origin of who's posting.
What's with the Italian bashing?
What's that got to do with the issue that Bum-turd is a lying elitist?
Oh...I guess "Italian Girl" got you right in the "cul-yoons" with her truthful statements and you can only resort to adolescent taunting.
Geez...grow up already!
durning the great depression, everyone was affected by it. and apparently you don't like italians and irish. hmm could you be an educated illegal? nope most likely a liberal.
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