A developer approved to build controversial housing along the Gowanus Canal says it will likely abandon the project if the feds designate the polluted waterway a Superfund site.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced a proposal Wednesday to give the canal Superfund designation, which would launch a lengthy federal investigation and cleanup effort.
"I don't think we would go forward with the development if they were to designate this as a Superfund site," said David Von Spreckelsen, a vice president at Toll Brothers, which got city approval last month to build 460 condos and townhouses.
"This is a real extreme measure to be taken. It's really not that dirty."
"It's really not that dirty"
Yeah, I make it a point to take a fuckin dip in there at least a couple times a year....
Go there on 90 degree day at low tide..........yum.
It's not dirty? I dare the speaker to take a dip in this water. Will he still have flesh when he comes out?
Wait you mean a developer is ignoring the health and safety of the city as a whole so he can build a few hundred units? NO WAY YOU'RE BLOWING MY MIND.
Both the Gowanus and Newtown creek NEED to be superfund sites.
Hey, move your project to the East River in Queens.
The entire waterfront is a feakin superfund site but those whores running that place would agree to build anything there.
you mean that the developer would rather build in an area that should get a Superfund designation but doesn't?
talk about "toxic assets"! these places will be toxic even before the loans go bad on them!
have developers really lost their minds? things aren't so bad that they cant find some other place to built unwanted condos?
The condo market in queens is in the crapper...........sorry.
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