In late March, opponents of the planned condo conversion there re-heated last summer’s landmarking controversy with a lawsuit against the city’s Landmarks Preservation Commission.
The suit, filed by the Williamsburg Independent People, claims the commission failed to properly disclose why it denied landmark status for the buildings that surround the hulking red-brick refinery...
When WIP members requested that the remaining buildings be considered for landmark status, LPC responded by saying the whole site had been reviewed in its initial evaluation. WIP then filed suit, claiming the LPC process allows the commission’s chairman too much power to decide which requests advance beyond the preliminary evaluation committee, without any indication as to how that decision is made.
WHat good is the LPC anyway? Maybe it's time they ousted a few people there.
Like Tierney & Betts...
"Italian Girl"!
Let ME get in there. We'll landmark everything requested in Queens and deny everything in Manhattan. HA!
Give it a Queensmark.
LPC is not an anomoly, but a reflection of the elitist culture of preservation in New York City.
No group has demonstrated a real committment to the neighborhoods that most of us live.
Their motto:
"If its not a problem in Brooklyn Heights its not a problem."
In Queens we are always so POLITE and stand, hat in hand, looking at our feet, stammering ... or making plans to move 'out to the Island.'
Brooklyn, like Manhattan, eats red meat.
Maybe the Broadway Flushing Homeowners Association should consider suing the LPC also.
Nah...never happen...
too polite!
they a bunch of pussies theyll never fight. and theyll never get landmarked, losers
Agreed last poster!
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