No one has explained how the Mets managed to tear down Shea Stadium as soon as the season ended, but demolition of old Yankee Stadium hasn't even begun.
Somehow, the new stadium has opened on time, the Yankee garages are on schedule and the new Metro-North station is done.
Only when it comes to replacing the community's lost parkland are huge delays acceptable to the Yankees and Mayor Bloomberg's people. After all, its just thousands of poor blacks and Hispanics who will suffer.
There are student athletes at All Hallows who will go through all four years of high school being treated like gypsies by their city and the big, rich team down the street. What a way to play ball with our kids.
The Yankees were always bums. his just proves it
And this is what they want us to see when they talk about alienating more parkland for corporate and adult sport use.
It is like the old poem, "The Golf links so close to the factory lay, so the children at work can see the adults at play."
Won't it be nice that the deprived children can view thousands of adults watching sports, while they take the nearby El up to Van Cortland park or whatever area still has fields. That is, if they can afford the subway fare. Otherwise they can choke on South Bronx Asthma and die.
Why don't you ask the Bronx Republican party about this?
Why did they support a billionare like Bloomberg who owns six homes?
How does his life in any way relate to the people of the Bronx?
without parks, now the mayor pulled the plug on new schools, i'm sure the bronx will soon have a lot to say. no parks no school this mayor doesn't give a crap, and in his commerical he claims to care for all people, and not special interest, yeah right. bloomberg needs to go.......
I want to know how people can look at themselves in the mirror? My father and mother didn't have two pennies to rub together, but they put their children first.
Why are we catering to these self-satisfied pigs?
Because it's Bloomie's city and we just live in it.
just absolutely disgracful on the part of the yankees (no surpise). but the real crime is that the city lets them get away with it. where is the local CM on all this? and shame on the parks dept.
Hey let's remember that Adolfo Carrion threw everyone off the CB who voted against this project. Now he's with the Obama administration so he can tweed on a national level.
Carrion and vultures--perfect together.
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