Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he doesn't believe a bad economy leads to more violent crime.
Bloomberg said in an interview with CNN Monday that murderers "don't read The Wall Street Journal."
The mayor calls it park-bench wisdom to suggest a connection.
Ample statistics support rises in domestic violence as unemployment surges and frustrated ex-breadwinners lash out.
Or do crimes against women and children not count? I suppose what's happening in Jackson Heights tells the tale.
We have read recent newspaper stories of murder/homicides caused by job loss and the recent mass-slaying in upstate New York was perpetrated by a recently fired Ex-IBM employee. Coincidence?
Furthermore, lack of police due to cutbacks creates opportunities for criminals, and impoverished people turn to scams and violent crime to replace lost income formerly earned from jobs.
During the fiscal crisis of the 1970's the city was awash with 3-card monte dealers and muggers. I've seen neither in years.
Bloomberg, as ususal, is correct, and Queens Crap, as usual, is full of, um, Crap, I guess! The title fits!
Lowest 20th Century crime rate in NYC? The Great Depression.
Fastest crime increase in the 20th century? The mid-to-late 60's, the biggest economic boom in U.S. history.
Highest crime in the 20th century? Late 1980's, in the midst of an economic boom.
Murder rate in 2009? Down 25% from 2008.
Murder rate in 2009? Down 25% from 2008.
That is because evryone moved out of N.Y. because they couldn't afford to live here?
If anyone believes bloobug and his puppet kelly,you're a moron.COMPSTAT numbers are always fudged.Robberies down? then why are petit larcenies and lost prpoerty numbers up? Homicides always go down whwn they are classified as investigate aided.Immigrants rarely report crimes,but are moer likely victims per capita.I could go on ,but no one cares.Ask any recent crime victim if crime is down
It is historical fact that crime rises with unemployment. For Bloomberg to say something stupid like murderers don't read the Wall Street Journal is beyond comprehension.
Let's see...unemployment definitely leads to the violent act of suicide, so why would Blomberg assert that it wouldn't also lead to homicide?
When you're desperate, you'll do anything, including rob, rape and murder.
Do you really think that people were reporting crimes during the Depression? Do you believe stats were accurately kept back then? Even now they're fudged. I mean really...
Crime increases as wages decrease
Um well let's see. Maybe MURDERS are down, but violent crime includes all those committed with guns. How are those bank robbery numbers? Seems like we've had an awful lot of them in the past few months.
"Highest crime in the 20th century? Late 1980's, in the midst of an economic boom." Also in the midst of the crack epidemic.
When will we be rid of this moron?
He now believes that he control reality by denying it.
Let's just dump this stupid jerk.
Of course not...he's loaded with $$$$$...got his own bodyguards and a fine townhouse to live in.
Me, on the other hand, have a few bucks in the bank...live in a bad hood...with just a cruddy old reconditioned .32 sixgun to protect me and mine.
What are my options for a bailout
or select 911 service?
I see....none.
Better load up on some more ammo I suppose!
Uh...what about the recent massacre/suicide that just happened in Binghamton with that unemployed Vietnamese guy?
He didn't count because he didn't read the Wall Street Journal.
Bloomberg said in an interview with CNN Monday that murderers "don't read The Wall Street Journal."They may not read the WSJ, but they get their information from their Bloomberg terminal!
Uh...what about the recent massacre/suicide that just happened in Binghamton with that unemployed Vietnamese guy?Either you are:
1.) Extremely dumb
2.) Trying to be funny
"The plural of anecdote is not data."
Wow, people on this site are dumber than dirt! Binghmanton is not NYC, you numbskulls! Only about 150 miles off!
If he does not believe this, then he had better get his CAU rep out to a few precinct council meetings because the deputy inspectors are telling us out here that we may see more crime because of the economy!!
Where is Jennifer Manley anyway???
I don't think that people believe Bridgehampton is part of New York city, but rather that human nature is universal.
Perhaps there are all kinds of fancy statistics to disprove common sense, but in my hard-luck blue collar neighborhood I knew plenty of men who lost jobs and then started slapping wives and kids around.
Lots of time on their hands, anger, hostility, frustration and the open bottle.
Perhaps in his ethereal sphere where the air is forever scented with the sweet perfume of roses and money, this is not so. But here on earth we live in reality. My mother used to say, "When poverty walks in the door, love flies out."
See the 4/14 NY Times article "How Bloomberg knows who is not a killer" by Michael Barbarro.
Perhaps in his ethereal sphere where the air is forever scented with the sweet perfume of roses and money, this is not so. But here on earth we live in reality.
he he he
Well said, buster, well said. Take comfort that reality sooner or later catches up with us all.
blooming idiot is perfect!
recession and lost of money causes people to do a lot of crazy things. hello bloomass what about all the rich folks who lost money, they were still rich and decided they wanted to die, depression causes people to do the most outrageous things and i believe they read the wallstreet papers. What about the mother who killed herself in front of her children are you saying she wasn't smart enough. This has to be the dumbest mayor of all time. Please someone tell him to shut up already. When recession happens crime goes up, people get desperate.
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