In Flushing, Queens, on Monday afternoon, the mayor announced the creation of a coalition, Asians for Bloomberg, dedicated to his re-election bid.
Mr. Bloomberg was greeted with chants of “four more years” by a large, boisterous crowd of Chinese, Filipino, Korean and Indian community and business leaders. They waved red-and-yellow signs that read, “Asians for Mike Bloomberg.”
“This is the year of the ox and the ox celebrates hard work and persistence,” the mayor said during the announcement, at Jade Asian Restaurant on 39th Avenue in Flushing. “These are the values that are going to help get us through this year.”
“This is the year of the ox and the ox celebrates hard work and persistence,”
That and the DOB turning it's head when encountering all the illegals hidden in carved out single family homes in Queens - owned by Chinese investors who manipulate their own people for profit.
For those who are Mandarin impaired the sign behind the mayor says -
"This is the year of the ox and like the ox, I intend to gore you"
“This is the year of the ox and the ox celebrates hard work and persistence,” the mayor said during the announcement ... "
He changed the words on his TelePrompTer at the last minute. In a moment of very rare honesty, his staffer wrote in the speech: "This is the year of the asshole, and the asshole celebrates kissing and adoration ..."
And what was John Liu promised for rounding up this group of neo Maoists?
Well at least John's daddy,
convicted felon Joesph Liu
("Great Eastern Bank" job), doesn't have to bring in laundered Chinese campaign contributions from overseas for Mayor Bum-berg.
He's got his own loot to buy whatever he wants.
Sorry Mein Fuhrer...
Isn't "Michael Bloomberg" in Mandarin Chinese translated as: "Mao Tse-Tung"?
Above:Comment of the day
North Korean news already announced his election to a third term.
Snippits of the rally at 0.46 sec.
This is the year of the bull, and I intend to sh*t on you.
I'm asian and I don't support Bloomberg.
I'm asian and I don't support Bloomberg.
So what? Most of your part of the world supports authoritorian regimes.
The public voted twice on term limits.
After the human rights abuses in China and Korea, to say nothing of the cultural racism of Japan, the last thing the Asian community in this country needs to be associated with is our own home grown despot Blumturd.
They should be ashamed of themselves for betraying the country that opened its arms to them.
I think that American civics should be a significant part of gaining citizenship. If you do not understand (and embrace) the cultural mores of this nation, you should not be a citizen.
Good point.
How many of those tweeded in that rally are citizens?
Ha ha ha.
You hit the mail on the head there! Take a look at the front cover of the Tribune.
We just had the 100th Anniversary of the Queensboro Bridge and they show a tweeded family from Latin America.
And people wonder why Queens is a joke.
Its a joke because its leadership is a joke and the people in the boro does nothing to get rid of them.
Cut the Asian guy a break. Some Chinese families have lived in New York for the last 150 years. Asian doesn't mean fresh off the boat.
Some of the Chinese/Taiwanese in Flushing, most likely, are fresh off the "Golden Venture"!
The first surgeon, from New York, says, "I like to see accountants on my
>operating table because when you open them up, everything inside is
>The second, from Chicago, responds, "Yeah, but you should try
>electricians! Everything inside them is color coded."
>The third surgeon, from Dallas, says, "No, I really think librarians
>are the best, everything inside them is in alphabetical order."
>The fourth surgeon, from Los Angeles chimes in: "You know, I like
>construction workers. Those guys always understand when you have a few
>parts left over."
>But the fifth surgeon, from Washington DC shut them all up when he
>observed: "You're all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on.
>There's no guts, no heart, no balls, no brains and no spine. And the
>head and the ass are interchangeable.'
Who cares most of them can't vote and Mr. Lui did this so he can get his ass in as controller. Bloomass needs to go away and posting his ugly image with asian lettering in the background isn't going to help him. Vote his ass out already and we need new fresh faces on t.v...
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