Council Speaker Christine Quinn unveiled a plan today for the city to buy unsold luxury condominiums and turn them into subsidized housing for middle-income families. Speaking in her state of the city address this afternoon, Ms. Quinn said the initiative would “add thousands of new affordable homes."
Thanks Bloomie for all of tis overdevelopment.
We've got 2 thing going on here:
1) A surplus of "high-end" condos with no one who wants them or can afford them.
2) People losing their jobs left and right.
"....subsidized housing for middle-income families."
Middle-income families? I wonder about the MIDDLE-income part.
and wants more housing in willets point what a joks please no 3rd term loser
I'm sure this surplus housing will end up as Section 8 housing. Bloomie would never help out the middle class. What constitutes middle class anyway? Meanwhile, the overdevelopment continues. Try to figure that out!
Is there no limit to the destruction of the economy that these leftists acknowledge?
Between the Commissar's overdevelopment for kickbacks, and now Barney Franks' twin proposing that we taxpayers foot the bill so every slacker can fulfill the fantasy of having everything desired and paying for none of it, the destruction is near complete.
Hey anyone have money in Hunters Ponit condos?
CB1 will be moving into Pisstillis Section 8 Sterns Warehouse.
How appropiate!
No it should ready Quinn floats Developer Bailout Plan - taxpayer money used
More government involvement, yeah, that's the ticket. I'm sure that will help.
"Middle Income"...
When they talked about Hunters Point South, they said middle income was 60k-120k, but then again these people change their minds every day.
If you want to see surplus...go to the Chelsea area around 25th and 6th ave. I am there for what is left of the flea markets every weekend. Over the last 7 years at least 8 new towers have gone up -condo and rental, all are mostly vacant.
As for economically producing public housing..forget it. The Giuliani adm. sold-off hundreds of city owned plots (private developers of course) so now we are stuck going hat-in-hand to these leaches to meet our housing needs.
The idea that Republicans are responsible with money---The biggest fraud since Ronald Reagan.
Pristine Quimm has no ideas. But her coffers are probably already filling with $$ from developers who really like her plan to "help." "Affordable" housing and "middle class" do not mean what you and I think they mean. this is taxpayer money used to subsidize the priveleged class.
this is taxpayer money used to subsidize the priveleged class.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
So true. We all know it.
Anonymous said...
Pristine Quimm has no ideas. But her coffers are probably already filling with $$ from developers who really like her plan to "help." "Affordable" housing and "middle class" do not mean what you and I think they mean. this is taxpayer money used to subsidize the priveleged class.
100% Agreed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on the above comment.
Middle class to Bloomberg means the ability to stuff 14 Mexicans into a 2 BR one family.
Fat bitch.
Why not let these luxury condo owners decide for themselves to rent to middle income families? Why are we using money we don't have to buy these condos (and probably at market price too).
The person before me said it best: Fat bitch
Hooray for homophobia and sexism!
Quinn should be criticized for letting developers destroy this city and then having the city pay to clean up their mess.
Calling her a "fat bitch" or "Barney Frank's twin" doesn't really bolster your arguments, but instead makes you look like bitter white men (which is what you probably are).
Good for you last poster. Right on the mark.
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