There will be a rally today at 12 noon in front of St. John's Queens Hospital at 90-02 Queens Blvd in Elmhurst to keep it open. Tell Governor Paterson to keep St. John's and Mary Immaculate in business until they can be taken over by another entity. It ain't over yet, folks!
Meanwhile, other hospitals are preparing for the deluge of patients.
No we cannot fund health care. When I became sick as a result of a small-pox vaccination in 1964 in rural Ireland while visiting relatives, I, a non-citizen received care. But we cannot afford what the starving Irish could.
We cannot afford such things because we need to save our money for:
--Multi-million dollar salaries to executives of bankrupt companies.
--$1,300 dollar wastepaper baskets and elaborate milion-dollar office makeovers for same.
--driving blue-collar businesses out of the valley of ashes so that our mayor's friends can profit and
--tearing-down historic stadiums
to build smaller, more luxurious facilities at the taxpayer's dime with ticket prices that send the riff-raff to their television sets.
Such stupidity has helped to bring down the world economy, let alone ours, and we have become an embarrassment.
This is such a shame. We can bailout Money and we can bailout Cars but we can't bailout what takes care of human lives! The human lives that the banks and automakers need to run their businesses. Something is so whacked it's not funny! I don't know where these people in power got their economics training but they should get their money back!
Take care of the people first. People are what make this country run, not money and cars!
But it's many of these people who are so intimidated by the "masters of the universe" that they don't question their decisions or judgement. Did you see those Wall Street CEOs in Washington the other day? It was so tame. I was expecting some bodyslamming but instead saw the Congress men and women were mostly polite towards these crooks. The but yet the auto industry has been given such a hard time. I doubt most of those workers were made millionaires from working on cars. But a guy(or girl) who shuffles paper from one end of the desk to another should be paid millions and rewarded for bad decisions that resulted in losses for the company! Fair? I think not.
Folks, the crisis has not sunk in yet on the movers and shakers.
We gotta make 'em howl.
Close the hospitals... BUT Build a $ 64 million dollar Amphitheater in Seaside Park. I want you to know that $ 10 million is being kicked in by Mayor Bloomberg, $ 1million dollars kicked in by the new Finance Chair Senator Kruger in the NYS Senate, $ 1 million kicked in by Councilman Domenic Recchia. Now I ask the people of NYC does this makes sense or am I crazy?
Let's get our priorities and common sense together. We cannot afford to fund health care for thousands of illegals whose employers exploit the system by refusing to provide them with health insurance and who flaut the laws that fund programs like Medicaid. We also can't countenance greedy corporations, notably Walmart, who instruct their underpaid employees to seek out Medicaid instead of insuring them. Medicaid abuse is bankrupting our entire health care system. Health care is a dollars and cents issue. Proper funding within the means of US taxpayers is essential.
Let's also crack down on the massive fraud that was responsible for the closing of Parkway Hospital and is likely a factor in the very unfortunate closings of St. Johns and Mary Immaculate. Tighten the laws for Medicaid and Medicare Fraud, prosecute those who are guilty and force them to disgorge their ill-gotten money.
Im gonna rite a rap songs bout da crises and donate all da paper to 1199
can anyone confirm the plan to go to jamaica hospital, elmhurst, queens general with chestpain, at midnight, to demonstrate and ask for relief? gov paterson's favorite hospital is supposed to be on the list too.
don't worry, 911 ambulances seem to bee out of the loop in case another serious (airplane) accident (may g-d forbid) should occur.
They the state will not touch Gov. Patterson FAV. Hospital, North General Cause his wife works there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fishy
The person who writes about illegal immagrants, we were all immagrants Think about your parents or grandparents.
The person who writes about illegal immagrants, we were all immagrants Think about your parents or grandparents.
The person who writes about illegal immagrants, we were all immagrants Think about your parents or grandparents.
dont worry queens i think i can see the problem as soon as the stimulus's package comes ill cut cataris a check ok so all will be ok. raises for all!!
If you all would have left me alone! All of this would never have happened. Now go ask the other guy for help.
Client #9 what is that suppose to mean????????????????
You people think this is a joke.ITS NOT????????????? The hospitals left can't handle the volume. And it will mean 4-6 hour waits or longer. People are going to suffer.
"The person who writes about illegal immagrants, we were all immagrants Think about your parents or grandparents."
He genius, our grandparents were LEGAL immigrants who paid their taxes and didn't take handouts. A far cry from someone who enters the country illegally, and is handed everything from a free education, free lunch, food stamps etc.
Wonder why St. John's is closing and our schools are bursting at the seams? Look no further than the U.S. open borders policy and Bloomberg's largest sanctuary city on the planet. Will the last one out please turn off the lights.
well at least we will all qualify for medicaid now that we are on unemployment and cobra is not available to us we should all go sit in wycoffs er order pizza's and beer and wait to be seen for our runny noses...thanks wycoff hope you sink too and lij makes you a clinic...
This was a very DELIBERATE strategic attempt(by some very dirty dealing people) to make sure these hospitals deteriorated to a point where they couldn't recover.
I'm a believer in Karma & I hope the people who sabotaged St John's have it visited upon them in the future. It's shameful what happened here.
I feel that something will happen and St 'John is going to be saved. I can not believe that 2,500 workers are on strike on February 28 and the entire community will suffer without health care!
You all have my support, do not let this happen.
St'Johns need you. Say NO to people who want to close the Hospital.
Saint John's needs more money, wow that's all you always hear from this hospital. I think the state should really look into the books and Caritas. We cannot keep bailing out the same people and I really think it's time for change. They need to get rid of who ever is running the place and bring in an entire new management crew. It's a shame that the the staff and patients are suffering for someone's mistakes. I see coruption in someone future and they should go to jail. The hospital is closing and they really need to point the finger in the proper direction and I wouldn't be surprised if this same person had agenda for another hospital that was interested in investing on that property. well sorry to see good doctors relocate. Have a great future somewhere better.
Well now that St john's and MIH hospitals are closed,I hope the Board of Directors and especially the Chairman are happy. Your mission has been accomplished, and I hope you were well compensated for your efforts....You played the game very well....
The Board states that they do not have any money and they need more money from the state? Right? HMMM!!! Well ponder this, why is it that 15 million dollars was aparently paid to NSUH and 11 million dollars paid to Queens General to take all of the patients? There was 26 million dollars spent in a matter of days, but they have no money? The curuption that is occuring is insane and something needs to be done. Is the City involved now too? Bloomberg? STATE DOH??? The FBI should and from what I hear has already begun to investagate. But is it too little too late?
In researching the WARN notice, which requires a 60 day notice before closure (or be paid for the time) I don't see anywhere that bankrupcy means that requirement doesn't apply.
Aren't they required under this WARN to pay employees for the rest of the 60 days since they did not stay open 60 days after the notice was given???
I know right! All of a sudden they have something in their pockets. Someone could've bought it as Caritas has and remained open, but NO. I came in to this country thinking the world is more fair on this side, yet our politicians don't do enough to stand right by its people. I'm thinking there's no love in this country. Look at what they did, closed down on Valentine's!!! I now I'm pretty much naive in politics and everything, but as a registered voter, I thought it would be enough to believe in people and their good judgement.
I'm still hoping things can turn around. People come first! Nothing is impossible!!
Good point with that question with the warn act. Anyone knows a lawyer who can tell us what the truth is..Thanks
To all the Politicans that helped us?????????? What a joke!!!!!!!!You ley everyone in Queens down. I am so sick. Don't expect my vote. I think we all should rally on Election Day to tell people not vote for any of them. They all suck!!!Where will they go when they call 911!!! Oh I forgot they get VIP CARE NO WAITING!!!!!!They are all pieces of ----!!!!!!!!!!!
A little rally will not do shit. Poli-crooks do not really care, we all know this by now. It is time for some direct action people - you want to get people's attention??? Especially in front of mindless shoppers at Queens Center? Block off traffic on Queens blvd - WORKERS OCCUPY THE HOSPITAL - Arrests will be made, but the arrests are far more significant than having a small rally with scumbag poli-crooks.
The availability of medical care is a national-security issue as well as a health care issue. In the event of a serious terrorist attack or biological warfare how will we cope.
Furthermore, for those who would deny illegal aliens medical care--disease does not discriminate. Sick and untreated illegal aliens can easily become a reservoir of disease.
Don't forget, in a less-forgiving time a sickly Irish cook from the disease-ridden slums became the famous "Typhoid Mary" who sickened all her "betters."
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