Seminerio, who faces federal charges that he sold his influence for $1 million in payoffs, introduced a bill this week that would allow "paddling" for juveniles 13 or older who are convicted on graffiti charges.
The measure, which he's pushed before, allows parents to administer the paddling but gives judges the power to order others to do it if they refuse.
Embattled pol Anthony Seminerio wants graffiti vandals paddled
When you introduce bills like this it means you've been in office too long.
And the alternative you recommend is...?
If he proposes bringing back the pillory, stocks, and public hanging, I'd support him.
And the alternative I recommend is having Two-Tony sit on them. That will teach them (if not kill them)!
And the alternative I recommend is having Two-Tony sit on them. That will teach them (if not kill them)!
You've got my vote! Can we start with a certain NY State senator representing the 13th District?
Terrific, this crook wants to beat kids too.
And what punishment does he propose for sticky-fingered corrupt pols? I propose a finger lopped off for every hundred thousand he got, if more than a million, then off with his head.
Put a couple of support poles under Tony's clothes and you can use them as a party tent.
And what punishment does he recommend for a senator who slices a women's eye out with a bottle?
Maspeth moms says...
Typical a-hole politician - paddle children but let robbing politicians go with a slap to the wrist.
This guy is so sickening- Does he realize that he is speaking to the public that he screwed?
Wake up you delusional a-holethey are slapping the bracelets on you- even your full felony PF Flyers wont save you now .
Your going to go to be found guilty by a jury of your peers and sent to prison.
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