We are so shocked that our fingers are moving so slowly across the keyboard that this is going take us a long time to type. Today's Times reports, a little after the fact, that Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s affordable housing plan--which some affordable housing advocates have said all long was bullshit--is being tweaked. What they say is that his "plan to create or preserve 165,000 units of housing for low- and moderate-income families by 2013 has been pushed back one year because the economic recession has stifled the financing of low-cost housing." It's supposed to be a one-year extension, but that assumes that city finances improve really fast.
Look this entire 'affordable housing' is bullshit.
1. Most of the groups (ACORN etc) have some merky ties to politicans and developers. They show up in communities with weak or non-existant civics (think LIC) demanding THOUSANDS of 'units'
(multiply those numbers by 5 or 6 for people, then think of the infrasture needed to support them, then think of the taxes for that infrastructure, then think the lower rents are offset by those higher taxes, then you realized the entire exercise is well Crap)
2. most of these 'affordable housing' groups are MIA when Stuyvesant Town or Mitchal Lama or rent stablization gets tossed. Here your are talking about 100 more units that can be built -yet not a peep.
3. the mainline preservation community in their studies on how to live with the rapist developer, give scant attention to 'affordable housing.'
Many areas of housing for people of moderate means are landmark worthy.
This board has established fairly clearly that landmark designation does not go to a population that in any way shape or form resembles the city at large.
most of these 'affordable housing' groups are MIA when Stuyvesant Town or Mitchal Lama or rent stablization gets tossed.
You wanna bet??? They campaign very actively against the loss of affordable units. But you know where the power is... so their voices are effectively silenced.
You wanna bet??? They campaign very actively against the loss of affordable units. But you know where the power is... so their voices are effectively silenced.
ACORN at Stuy Town?
Wow wow woobsie.
ACORN at Stuy Town?
Wow wow woobsie.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
ACORN is not the only group advocating for affordable housing, and "most" of these groups do not have "merky" ties to pols and developers.
You're full of hot air.
They campaign very actively against the loss of affordable units. But you know where the power is... so their voices are effectively silenced.
if they campaign effectively ... then their voices would not be silenced.
if they campaign effectively ... then their voices would not be silenced.
Remember that next time you start complaining that things aren't going your way.
Bloomberg, the "C.E.O." of New York City, who pushed more middle class out of New York than any other crooked politician in history including Pataki and Guiliani COMBINED by bulldozing over 2 family homes in Queens and Brooklyn for 'Luxury Condo's' THAT NO ONE COULD AFFORD ESPECIALLY NATIVE NEW YORKER'S AND ARE NOW SITTING SILENT AND ROTTING OUR STREETSCAPES NOW, and his very special "dinner friends" have been caught with their golden hands in the Yankees crapper again, this time giving 300 million dollars of our taxes to them as the Yes Network is worth 2 billion dollars this year, all for free box seats and free parking spaces in return.
ANYONE that votes for this crooked bastard for a third (albeit ILLEGAL) term has got to be either a millionaire or severely mentally ill - OR BOTH.
Anyone who denies that this brilliant "C.E.O." did not have his hands in the economic disaster that started with his close personal friends on Wall Street and has now brought down the entire world and will continue to do so for years to come is an asshole.
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