Any injuries she suffered were from consensual sex, he maintained,according to the sources.
The 43-year-old Republican made his case before a Queens grand jury investigating allegations that he raped a 52-year-old grandmother in his Middle Village district office July 9.
Call me adulterer, not rapist, pol insists
Asked to explain the injuries, Gallagher blamed the woman's scraped knees on rug burns from a sexual encounter on his office carpet, sources said.
Looks like the "I did not have sex with that woman" defense has gone out the window...
Last week, he visited City Hall for the first time since the allegations were made. He sat in on a morning hearing of the Finance Committee, of which he is a member, then attended a meeting of the full Council and voted on several measures.
City Councilman Accused of Rape Tells a Grand Jury That He Is Innocent
Is Jimmy protecting you with his wooden baseball bat?
this dirtbag gallagher is trying to lie his way out of this mess... it didn't go well.
Debbie did I see you at Danny Boy's the other night?
Oh please, stop your willful innaccuracies. Pinky never denied having sex with the woman.
Won't you lovely people be p.o.'d when there's no indictment?
"Pinky never denied having sex with the woman."
Of course he couldn't considering his pink jism was found all over his office and in her.
Oh please, stop your blind defense of this pink lying sexual predator.
Won't you ugly people be p.o.'d when he is indicted?
Uh-oh... Here's breaking news... Another woman has stepped forward to say she was sexually harassed by Councilman Dennis Pee Gallagher.
What a slob. Even if he didn't rape her, his behavior is disgusting and repulsive.
Well, yet another example of the laughable reporting on the local press in Queens.
They interviewed people who never saw him in the pub, claimed he was an upstanding fine family man, the woman was drunk, etc etc etc
They thew their creditibilty out the window to protect the clubhouse, hide facts from the public, and mislead their readership.
For the record, ol' Crappie was right on target.
Remember this the next time you pick up a rag - check out the facts on this blog before you believe ANYTHING THEY TELL YOU.
NOBODY WANTS PINKY.....for neither nothing nor anything !
He's GROSS on all accounts....be it corruption or sex appeal !
"Gallagher told friends the woman became angry only after he indicated the encounter was a one-night stand, sources said."
So he not only admits to committing adultery, but he admits to cheap, fast sex. Must believe that doing the nasty in his office is not such a bad thing. Sounds like a Clinton.... Gross.
Gallagher Indicted!
Yesterday's testimony turns into today's indictment for Councilman Gallagher. All that remains is the hopefuully inevitable guilty verdict. In the meantime however, there is justice and a victory for all those who have been tortured by Gallagher's relentless tactics. All the women victimized by his dispicable behavior, all the staffers who have gone out the door and all the civic activists who have been falsely labled and malagined by this poor excuse for a Republican and more importantly a human being. I'm only sorry that I am not a member of the Juniper Civic because I would be happy to celebrate thier joy over the first measure of justice having been served.
Throw the lying bastard away like he's committing the rape of St. Saviour's!
Anonymous the Third, according to Gothamist he was indicted today.
I like the brokeback mountain pic of councilman James Oddo and the perilous pinkster. Maybe councilman Oddo's squeeze who works in the Queens DA's office can get pinky a deal. If there is any justice hopefully pinky will hafta get on his knees and service councilman Oddo's wooden bat.
"Apinkalypse Now"- Pinky is out there operating with no restraint, like a god among the constituents...your mission is to terminate the pinkster...WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE!!!
oh boy danny boy, that sunday afternoon, or so many other days that end in y, my regular act finally got caught, that i was womanizing, abusing, a druken bum, porn lover, raping anyone with long hair, raping a community, taking graff, and thinking this would go on forever..........even al capone got it in the end.
mr. big stuff.....who think you are, mr. big stuff
wow.....major headache for 25 years
i wouldnt wish this on anyone, not even my grandmother
we the people win
uncle albert, i'm so sorry
have a nice day.......i mean 25 years
now what do the puppets do?
i wouldn't want to be in his size 6 shoes
i can't believe it....grand jury, did you see him, totally pink floyd!
there is a God, bad people cannot be bad a lifetime.......only Mr. Gambino pulled that off.
The wicked witch......I mean Pinky is not dead, but might as well be!
I feel sorry for him, he's really up the creek.....smelly Newtown!
Will his $112k salary be given back to the public?
one, two, three strikes your out in the old ball game!
bye, bye, love, bye, bye happiness, I think I'm going to die!
He has the money....wait, the bars have it!
Too bad after the trees.
BUT....never more, never more!
Queens Pols, nothing new, after all these years and I mean years!
Yea, remember that dude that killed himself.
How can we forget and can you remember that electrican that took our money.....just a few months ago, it seems.
What a mess, how do you clean it up?
hope they are just as stupid as Pinky!
Knock knock,who's there? Bubba!
He ain't guilty yet!
Want me to give you a name for that poor soul!
How about We the People, what about us the last six years!
Jack said...You can't handle the truth......oh yes I can!
I like this stuff, what do we do when he goes away?
Next dirty Pol, that's what!
That's alot of crap to clean up(no pun intended)!
Well start shoveling!
Will Pinky change his name in jail?
Not if he is Bubba's danny boy!
How do morons know how to get on the web?
"In the end", I will ...go to jail!
He didn't sound too good.
Well, it's because it ain't too good....I mean isn't.
Cruel for anyone.
Not in this case or the 400 others!
400, is that extreme?
I was going away on vacation....I just canceled, too juicy, hot hot hot!
You wont get a Pinky steak with a hot, hot fire.
You won't get a steak, well done, pink or rare in jail, so forget it about it!
You will get Bubba though!
Scary stuff!
There is an old saying, you wanna play, then you better be prepared to play or .....go to jail!
Great site, keep up the good work!
Yea, nail all the crooks!
It's only the beginning!
Clean up the whole area!
Well, Pinky was a very good start.
Will the church now be saved?
Feeling better every day!
No master for the puppets strings.
Status quo.....for 25 years!
Down right nasty.
Only the devil is worse.
You'd be surprised what one ball can do!
There was only one good liar...was it Cain or Able or Abby Be Normal?
Who is he going to abuse in jail?
I will not resign, I will not resign. Sounds like Nixon and Clinton.
Hey dope, isn't, not ain't, and I've got two words for you: GRAND JURY!
Abel,not able....and it was the snake!
Anonymous said...
"Will Pinky change his name in jail?"
How about Denise? Pinky Denise - like a Barbie Doll.
Who will he abuse in Jail?
How about himself, when Bubba and the Mexicans let him have a stroke break.
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