Developers unveiled much-anticipated plans yesterday to convert 11 acres of Brooklyn's waterfront, home to the old Domino's sugar plant, into 2,200 residential units, as well as new commercial, retail and open space.
Hmmm... can this area absorb more than 5,000 new residents?
Photo from WNYC
Never believe in
"affordable housing" lies
that developers often tell local residents.
They are forever trying to sweeten the pot
with these bogus offers hoping to curb
community resistance to their mega projects.
#1. Your check is in the mail.
#2. I promise to withdraw prior to ejaculation.
#3. The Government is here to help you folks.
Now you can add
#4. We're including AFFORDABLE HOUSING
in this project.
to this list of the most often broken promises.
Affordable housing is a joke. For example in western Queens, housing prices rose by 500 percent in 10 years. Most could afford houses before, now with prices reaching 1 million, some people have no choice but to accept this "affordable" housing which is still more expensive than prices before development/speculation.
Ultimately, speculation and development make housing UNAFFORDABLE for everyone.
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