Building Code Watch Groups Are Proposed
Mr. Avella said he envisions a city-wide program that would provide training for volunteers about what he says are common violations: illegal dumping, insufficient safety fencing around construction areas, and construction work taking place at night or early in the morning.
The volunteers and other residents would present violations they witness in an affidavit, which would carry the same weight as a violation witnessed by a city inspector.
Citizens should help city watch builders: Avella
Avella Says Citizens Should Keep Watch On Developers
Plan Would Remove DOB Middleman
Photo from NYC Council
I think they do this in Cuba. There is a person on every block to monitor people. Very effective except we live in a democracy. Nothing would be worst than to give power to some of these people you see at these community meetings.
Nothing would be worse than allowing these violations to continue. Maybe you do't mind these things going on in your community, but I do.
The city relies on the average joe to report violations. They don't have the manpower to do random inspections.
"I think they do this in Cuba. There is a person on every block to monitor people. Very effective except we live in a democracy. Nothing would be worst than to give power to some of these people you see at these community meetings."
I think they do this like the one party state in North Korea. No one has information as it kept hidden by city government and party officials and in spoke filled clubhouse rooms and over dinner with developers and politicians. Very effective except we live in a democracy. Nothing would be worse then giving power to some of those you see on the community boards and city planning.
I think they do this in the smoke filled back room of certain civic associations, with people monitoring police radios, and sneaking around parks with cameras taking pictures of people playing basketball.
"Nothing would be worse then giving power to some of those you see on the community boards and city planning."
I agree! It would be horrible for CB member Holden to increase his snitch authority.
Why should we even bother having a police force at all? Let's just give all citizens, especially those on community boards, night sticks, guns and badges.
roving bands of locals with pitchforks. Nice.
The proposal may be flawed but at least Avella is showing he has the interests of Queens residents at heart, unlike some local politicians.
Where can I sign up? With neighborhood patrols, Queens residents can take back their nabes from developers. At the same time, I am worried that their reports may ends up being ignored.
Can a humble neighborhood patrol group defeat a powerful politically-connected developer?
I remember the public protest at Norwood Gardens a few years ago:
1. politicians showed up and mouth platitudes (hey don't blame us, we are for you)
2. community board showed up and said 'it is right, nothing you can do; (yup, CB1)
3. someone gave them advice (which was less than useful but effective in splitting the community so nothing got done)
Community activism, Astoria style!
I suggested this type of program to monitor LPC designated sites for violations over 17 years ago.
Create a trained civilian deputy program .
The Stavisky politicos laughed !
don't people do this already? i called 311 and reported what was a clear buildings violation going on in my neighborhood. i was given a # and i checked on the DOB property site until it was checked by them and dealt with.
i don't know what the big deal is here. if you don't want your neighborhood hijacked by developers who do whatever they can to make as much $ as they can and get by the laws and codes, then take an active role and do something about it. call up 311 and report it.
We live in a REPUBLIC not a democracy....poster #1....as in "to the republic for which we stand".
You need a civics review lesson!
Do not confuse amateur vigilante type snitches with properly trained citizens who are deputized .
It's a start.
One thing for sure.... you will be taken more seriously if you have an assigned ID number (like in the Police "Block Watcher's" program) when you have to call 311.
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