"I write to express my concerns about the assurances by [U.S. Transportation] Secretary Mary Peters . . . that New York City will receive a significant amount of federal funding for implementation of Mayor Bloomberg's proposed congestion-pricing program," [Rep. Peter]DeFasio wrote in the letter obtained by The Post.
"You should know that Congress has not authorized the [Transportation Department's] Congestion Initiative or its component parts," DeFasio added.
DeFasio told Spitzer he had "serious doubts that New York City or Mayor Bloomberg's congestion-pricing program" would be eligible for federal funding under several DOT projects from which the funds had been expected to come.
Back home, Queens Pols Still Harbor Congestion Pricing Doubts
Photo from Queens Chronicle
The bottom line, no matter how you cut it, is that DEVELOPERS should pay a CONGESTION TAX since they're the ones that are creating NYC gridlock by overbuilding in the first place......not us residents !!!!!
When a pot is boiling over on the stove.....you don't place a cover on it to alleviate the problem.....you lower the gas flame !!!!!
Is there anything that you don't understand about this logical approach Mayor Moron ? !!!!!!!!!
Well, well, well.
Commissar Bloomberg got a little ahead of himself there.
Like Dilbert's managers, Bloomberg thought he could just command a change such as his moronic "Congestion Tax".
The congestion that needs clearing is in his bloated ego.
Scorecard of the leadership of Maspeth and Middle Village:
Are you in favor of Gay Marriage?
Senator Serf Maltese: NO
Assemblyman Andy Hevesi: YES
Assemblywoman Marge Markey: Won't Say
Are you in favor of a Congestion Tax?
Senator Serf Maltese: NO
Assemblyman Andy Hevesi: YES
Assemblywoman Marge Markey: Maybe
Judge for yourself who really represents us.
Senator Serph Maltese is a true leader unlike the assembly people mentioned above and the Democrat sniffing liar, Dennis Gallagher.
Maltese is a verifiable ASSHOLE...He personally drove the Queens OPPOSITION PARTY- the Republicans into the Toilet..Now, he's running scared shit because Baldeo, the Democrat, within a whisker, almost took his seat...Hopefully Phil Ragusa can undo the damage that Maltese has done as Queens Co. Republican Chairman.
Hey George stick to cleaning toilet bowls with due diligence.
At least Serph does not give in to the lunatic left.
Phil Ragusa can barely wipe his own ass much less lead the Queens County Republican Party. The man is definitely not a leader.
Well.....at least Ragusa has no problem locating his ass....because it's ALL of him !
Hand me the Charmin...please !
Falcon:...What good will "not giving in to the lunatic left" do when and if Serf the Smurf's seat goes into the Democratic toilet?...This poor-excuse for a Party-Chairman should have INCREASED the ranks of Republicans during his tenure...The middle-class striving Hispanic and Asian communities were ripe for Republican registrations and this LUNKHEAD sat on his ass for all those years and did nothing!
[Except pose for his wife to paint his portrait as -get this- Cristoforo Colombo!!!]
There are 23 faces on Crapper's "Not so fast there, Mike" photo...How many are Republicans?
Granted State Sen. Serphin Maltese was not the great party boss and he made some big mistakes but he does prevent the Democrats in the state from taxing us to death.
Politics aside, I like the guy.
Maltese is an honorable man.
The Road to Hell is PAVED* with Good Intentions.
[*It's an EZ-Off, EZ-On ride -smooth as can be.]
You seriously need to get your head out of Baldeo's ass and check out reality for a minute.
People always mention that Baldeo came close to beating Maltese, but always seems to forget that Baldeo is a certified maniac. Oh well. That's ignorance for you.
What exactly have YOU done other than bitch on a blog?
Check out reality? The Facts are as plain as the nose on your face. Maltese destroyed the Republican Party in Queens. Count the Republicans on the fingers of one hand. Maltese IS a nice guy. But Leo Durocher said it best:
"Nice guys finish last."
Maltese finishes ...LAST. Capice?
Where is the Queens County Republican Farm Team? Who's playing in it? Who are the up-comers? (Migliucci, the young guy with the "let's all masturbate" video, who they ran against John Liu protege Ellen Young?)
The Maltese Republican Party was PATHETIC!
Hopefully Phil Ragusa has the balls to launch - cutthroat, take no survivors - races against the Democratic Beast.
The greatest PIRATES the world has ever known made their home in the Caribbean. Burmuda-sound familiar ?Blackbeard,Bluebeard,and now Bloombergbeard.He has invaded our island and wants to take what you have(middle class) and leave you floating in an ocean of debt.
Along with his surgeon(or butcher)Doctor Off, Bloombergbeard wishes to make our island a safe haven for the wealthy with enough slaves to serve them.
Some of Bloombergbeard's and Doctor Off's piracy against the middle class include,
30% property tax increase.
Double the watter and sewer rates in a few years.
Vast rise in the price of traffic tickets.
Vast rise in all types of permits and licences.
Hundreds of millions to the billionaire owners of the Yankees and Mets for ball parks not needed.
Bloombergbeard also faught for years to keep Sunday parking meters.ETC,ETC,ETC.
Now we come to Bloombergbeard and Doctor Off'S latest attemt at theft from the middle class. INDIGESTION PRICING (TAX)!!!!!
Help stop Cancer ?
Help stop global warming ?
Traffic will move a lot faster ?
It works in London ?
Money to go to mass transit ???
Funny Bloombergbeard never mentioned any of the above when he thought he could put tolls on the East River bridges !!!!!!!
The greatest PIRATES the world has ever known made their home in the Caribbean. Bermuda-sound familiar ?
Blackbeard,Bluebeard,and now Bloombergbeard. He has invaded our island and wants to take what you have(middle class) and leave you floating in an ocean of debt.
Along with his surgeon(or butcher)Doctor Off, Bloombergbeard wishes to make our island a safe haven for the wealthy with enough slaves to serve them.
Some of Bloombergbeard's and Doctor Off's piracy against the middle class include,
30% property tax increase.
Double the water and sewer rates in a few years.
Vast rise in the price of traffic tickets.
Vast rise in all types of permits and licenses.
Hundreds of millions to the billionaire owners of the Yankees and Mets for ball parks not needed. Bloombergbeard also fought for years to keep Sunday parking meters.ETC,ETC,ETC.
Now we come to Bloombergbeard and Doctor Off'S latest attempt at theft from the middle class. INDIGESTION PRICING (TAX)!!!!!
Help stop Cancer ?
Help stop global warming ?
Traffic will move a lot faster ?
It works in London ?
Money to go to mass transit ???
Funny Bloombergbeard never mentioned any of the above when he thought he could put tolls on the East River bridges !!!!!!!
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