"In Melinda Katz's 2007 newsletter to her 29th Council District, she responds to numerous pleas from her constituents. She promises to lead the fight against overdevelopment in Forest Hills through rezoning, and says she's been concerned about it since she took office. The Forest Hills South section is outlined, as well as Cord Meyer. Thankfully, Forest Hills South has rows of predominantly intact Tudor homes. However, the old Cord Meyer section, once characterized by optimal quality Tudors & Colonials, has been rapidly McMansionized over the past 5 years. It presently features paved front lawns, the demise of mature trees, cars in the spotlight, and gaudy, mock facades, which are not only out of context, but will undoubtedly require major repairs in no time. Unsurprisingly, some properties lack sufficient permits.
Will there be anything left of the integrity of what defined Forest Hills, by the time Katz & City Planning sign off? Furthermore, will Katz take a similar stance to that of the Trylon Theater & Maspeth's St. Saviour's? And.... if she's been concerned since her 1st term, why is rezoning now part of her dialogue? Will Katz continue to leave her paw prints?" - a concerned Forest Hills resident
Katz is great at giving "lip service" when it comes to the issues of concerned constituents but her track record proves she's done nothing but "cozy up" to the real estate/building industry of NYC.....as her campaign contributions from the "who's who" of developers can attest to !!!
The clusters of ugly buildings scattered throughout her district , like "clumps" in her litter box, are further proof of her "canoodling" with the "big boys" in that industry !!!
I thought I was the only one who think Katz and her staff are just lip service. But after reading so many posts about her and her staff, I see that I am not alone.
I started a local non-profit organization a few years back to help mothers and children in the neighborhood. In the beginning they could not have been more responsive. I was promised all sorts of help and funding. But, they never came through and now ignore me, my letters and emails.
What can I say, it is what it is, but I learned never to trust a politican again.
Just look up Katz's 2003 & 2005 campaign contributions (on line) at the NYC Campaign Finance Board's web site and see for yourself how the NYC real estate/building industry owns Melinda !!!
I've sent many letters & left messages with Melinda Katz & James McClelland concerning overdevelopment & landmarking, & received zero replies. This latest newsletter is a hoax! THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING!!!!
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