Some of the most heavily trafficked bridges, tunnels and transit hubs in the world are on a list of Port Authority facilities vulnerable to terrorist attacks, according to documents obtained by The Post.
The Hudson River crossings to Manhattan -- the Lincoln and Holland tunnels and the George Washington Bridge -- along with the Bayonne Bridge, the roadway under the Port Authority Bus Terminal and the AirTrain to Kennedy Airport. all get inadequate policing, the documents show.
Sitting ducks
The Port Authority’s most vulnerable sites, according to its police union:
1. Lincoln & Holland tunnels, GW Bridge
An incident at one site would leave the other two without police coverage.
2. JFK AirTrain
There are no cops patrolling the rails 97 percent of the time.
3. Port Authority Bus Terminal
A roadway that runs below it is totally unmanned.
4. Bayonne Bridge
It is left with no police coverage several times during the day.
Notice except for the Bayonne Bridge all of the vulnerable sites are in NYS.
I call for the Governor to withdraw from the Port Authority as we have experienced resources shifted to NJ facilities while neglecting NYS facilities. The bulk of the revenues are generated by and because of NYS, otherwise NJ would be dead in the water. let's disband and reallocate investment in our own well-being.
Well that's just great! If the terrorist didn't know where we were weak & vulnerable before...they sure do now!!
We're screwed. Just a matter of time.
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