
I drove up and there he was, laying 3 feet from the curb - on a two way street, with a fine layer of snow on him, he was frozen.
I moved back the bag to look him over after, he wasn't a bait dog, all his limbs were in place, no gun shot wounds, no bite marks and no blood anywhere, he lay in a fetal position and his eyes closed - his mouth closed.
I scanned him, no chip, no tags, no collars and he was unaltered. I did see some patches of hair missing on him - maybe mange? alopecia? and he did have some calluses on his elbows. He was a very handsome dog, Tan, big skull, but his hinds were on the skinny side, I could see his ribs a little - maybe 3-5 years old at most.
I broke down.. I don't know how in the world someone can toss their pet on the side of the road in a garbage bag, the bag was not even tied. Did he freeze to death or
die of natural causes? (I cant get into bed if my three are not at my side.. wtf)
Drivers drove past, some stopping and shouting.. "hes been there since yesterday" - MY RESPONSE.. THANKS FOR THE INFO ("asshole")
This situation was an awakening for me to see what exactly one is up against here in NYC in a situation like this.
I began making calls, I called 911 and they told me they couldn't assist, I called 311 and was told there's a 48 hour response time, I called the Emergency Clinic and was told they won't hold dead animals overnight. I even called the Queens ASPCA Cruelty Officer Lai and my call went to voice mail.
Had "Frosty" - that's the name I gave him - as he was covered in frost - had he been mutilated, mauled, missing limbs, crushed head, multiple bite wounds, I would have driven him to the ASPCA for investigation reasons.
So, we picked up frosty, I wrapped him in a blue suede blanket, put him in my back seat and took him to the Sanitation dept, against my best wishes.. ACC is closed.. and where can I keep him?
My only thought was to get him out of the street, allow him some dignity.
People get away with doing things like this because they can, the system fails. What if a child had seen that dog in the street for two days - is that what we are offering the youth of America? This is how we love, respect and appreciate God's creatures? Is this the message we are sending? What about a DOH issue in regards to disease?
They slashed the budget and this is what we as rescuers do.
I am now learning this is the second dog dumped there in less then 2 months, one was dumped on Pitkin and 107th - just a block away.
Here is a pic of Frosty Boy..
- Phyllis
Hopefully whoever did that gets what they deserve.You did the right thing.
"I don't know how in the world someone can toss their pet on the side of the road in a garbage bag, the bag was not even tied"
Maybe it was a stray dog that died. Someone saw it dead in the street and just tossed it in a garbage bag.
"This is how we love, respect and appreciate God's creatures?"
This is how "God" makes us live? Sounds like a cool and love ?guy?
"So, we picked up frosty, I wrapped him in a blue suede blanket".
There are people being murdered in the streets, corrupt politicians causing more harm than ANY individual EVER. Rapists, corrupt cops, mischievous gangs ready to commit crimes and you're out there with your "blue suede blanket".
It's fucked up what happened (or may have happened) to this dog but humans and human life supersedes "mans best friend".
Anon 2; you're right. Human life does supercede mans best friend. BUT mans best friend allows us to love. For that matter, it does'nt matter if it's a dog, a cat, or a bird. I think the authors point was that as a society we're losing something, we're losing the ability to learning to love. Obviously that ability is something we learn from the people that love us....
If was that was my nab - I would align myself with every dog rescuer nearby and look in every friggin' nook and crannie until the pieces of crap that were/are responsible for the misery of these dear creatures are brought to justice.
It is extremely unfortunate that the laws are not strict enough and the sentence for animal abuse not long enough -
One has to ask themselves why since animal rights groups have been fighting like hell to get better legislation - citizens have petitions for change up the kazoo.
WHY does people like Al Sharpton come to my mind? I am FAR from a racist - yet every time I see an arrest for dog fighting - there are black faces that go along with the horror story. If I were African American - I would be furious that my race is associated with this and fight harder to eradicate that image from people's minds.
people are fucking scum
at least you gave 'frosty' some dignity
It could also have been an animal sacrifice too. I've seen the same where I live.
Some of the nastier versions of African derived religious practice proscribe sacrificing a ferocious animal at the crossroads as a sacrifice to the god of the crossroads.
Such people are not ones to encounter. They are a lot more dangerous than a little old lady buying candles at the Botanica.
Welcome to the the 3rd world. BTW when did pit-bulls become dogs or gods creatures ?
Pit-bulls are a product of man by cross-breeding Canary Mastiffs and Hunt Terrier's.
These animals are only good too their owners and want to kill everything else.
How many passing by cats, dogs or children did this animal kill or rip up.
"when did pit-bulls become dogs or gods creatures ?"
before you I'm sure.
"One has to ask themselves why since animal rights groups have been fighting like hell to get better legislation - citizens have petitions for change up the kazoo."
Animals don't have rights, people do. Animlas should be treated with respect, because it's our moral obligation to do so, but they don't have rights.
I don't have any sympathy for those dogs.
My friend Dave and I were coming back from a house sale over in NJ either rahway or Rutherford back in early 1989.
Sunday night and the area was dead, were looking for an entrance to one highway back to Manhattan. There was the sound of a guy screaming for help and you could hear it all through the streets.
We drove around and found a guy up on the bottom box on a traffic light. He was clinging to the pole and this dog was thrashing around with one of his feet in it's mouth. Itwas try with all it's might to pull him down.
We didn't have any means to call for help so we backed up and looked in the trunk of the car for some sort of weapon.. He had the rod for a tire jack so we drove back to the dog and I started bashing at it's head and eyes from inside the car. I probably blinded it on one eye but it had NO EFFECT.
We backed up a bit and got onto the sidewalk and drove slowly towards the dog. Dave blew the horn and flashed the lights, didn't do anything, it just kept tearing at the guy's foot.
I remember Dave who was at the wheel say "ok doggy you had your chance" and we just slowly went forward and crushed the dog against the light base.
The rest involved helping this guy with his bloody foot in our car and driving around till we found an open store where we called for help.
I had never seen a pitbull and didn't know what they look like and the cop had a hard time identifying what was left. The bizarre thing was that the victim claimed to "know" the dog. It may have been his and he did not want to admit it.
There have been several studies that shown how those dog's brains react chemically when in combat. Their pain tolerance goes way up and they get a sort of high which makes them fearless. You often have to kill them when they get beyond a certain point of stimulation.
There are a lot of cities here and around the world that have banned pitbulls.
Here in NYC they are used mostly by stupid "macho" types to intimidate others. These dogs should be banned and destroyed.
somehow you have once again misinterpreted the discussion.
NO ONE has stated that animals are mentioned in the Constitution . . .
They - as God's creatures - are entitled to a life free of pain and misery.
The point of stories like this - is to call attention to their plight of course as well as to try and compel CHANGE specifically in legislation.
IF there was a database of animal abusers / dog fighting wimps, then when a body of a dead dog / pitbull is found - they know where to look or at the very least where to start looking.
Abusive behavior is intolerable in our society - those that don't know that, will find out the hard way.
"Here in NYC they are used mostly by stupid "macho" types to intimidate others. These dogs should be banned and destroyed."
I am not opposed to putting a temporary ban on the breeding of pits - for their own good.
They are wonderful dogs and great pets.
Even Michael Vick's dogs are doing wonderfully and have been rehabilitated.
Vivious behavior can come from any animal or human.
That's one less pitbull to have to worry about here in Queens.
"They are wonderful dogs and great pets"....really...?
I guess except for the ones we read about who randomy attack unsuspecting men, women and children.
"They - as God's creatures - are entitled to a life free of pain and misery."
No, they are not "entitled" to anything. Only humans have entitlements. And obligations. Humans are morally obligated to treat animals with respect, but animals have no entitlments.
You're - rightfully so - angered over this.
As a Greyhound owner, I understand your pain for an animal that might've suffered.
But...have you seen how humans - across the globe - are treated ?
How many suffering humans do you - or we - pass by each day.
It is and always has been a very cruel world.
That isn't changing anytime soon.
"No, they are not "entitled" to anything. Only humans have entitlements. And obligations. Humans are morally obligated to treat animals with respect, but animals have no entitlments."
Look - nutjob - just because a person feels compassion for an animal does NOT mean that they are dispassionate for HUMANS!!
You can't possibly be this stupid - you're putting me on here.
RIP Frosty - and thank you dog rescuer for being the person that you are.
I rescued my now 14 year old dog off the side of Hutchinson Pkwy. She had been beaten and then thrown from a moving car. She would just drag her hind legs. The vet did not think she was going to live but did what her had to do. Took her 6 mos to recover. RIP Frosty.
Babs stuck up for me. I guess it takes a nutjob to know a nutjob.
The world needs more good people like you Sentoria.
People who abuse and kill animals are lowlifes to begin with and one day they will have to answer to GOD come judgment day, there's
no escape.
"You can't possibly be this stupid - you're putting me on here."
I'm not stupid, thank you. Nor am i putting you on. I'm just explaining to you that animals don't have rights or entitlements. because if they did, they'd have concurrent obligations to go with their rights. I like animals, I really do and would never treat one the way this dog may have been treated. That doesn't mean I'm going to buy into this whole "animal rights" movement. And who said anything about treating humans in such a way. You really need some Valium, Babs.
sung to Frosty The Snowman Lyrics.
too soon?
The guy in the video says he's going to carry a kitchen knife around? Blade over 4 inches and you go to the slammer, pal.
Show me a pitball owner and Ill show you some form of a selfish thug or lonley person who's life revolves around the animal.
These animals are defective, the price you pay for messing with mother nature. Once that attack enzyme in their brain fires not even shooting them will stop an attack
Unless you need to protect herds of cattle in Africa or the Canary island there is no need to own these type of animals.
Would one be allowed to keep a armed, programmed and fueled self guided missle in NYC home ?
Who knows, maybe it's from the elevator of the Grant Houses in Morningside Heights. You know, the terradome for dogs.
Blade over 4 inches and you go to the slammer.
Only if you get caught George, and then better to be judged by 12 then carried by 8.
The only sad thing is in this insane NYC "LEGAL" system is your innocent till prooven broke and 2: Its alway the scunbags and criminals who have contraband knives and guns when the cops arent around
Nice knives here
Thank you Phyllis for your act of kindness....may the universe return it to you.
Where does it say that caring for animals and caring for people have to be mutually exclusive?
Poor dog. You did good.
You are a great person. You did a wonderful thing. I hope the person who did this reads this post and is haunted for life...but they don't have a concscience. May God Bless you always and hopefully something good comes your way. I thank you for what you did. You did give Frosty some dignity.
I'll take a dog over a human......
"I'm just explaining to you "
Id - you're too stupid and mental to explain anything to anybody.
Just to put your 2 cents worth into a conversation - you say something totally off base or out of content. Your comment here is a perfect example - show your posts to your therapist.
"Michael Vick - Babs stuck up for me. I guess it takes a nutjob to know a nutjob."
???? WTF - Id what are you talking about here pls.
" I thank you for what you did. You did give Frosty some dignity."
Ditto -
Unfortunately though this post - because of some of the comments - are doing just the opposite.
I'm out.
"I'm just explaining to you "
Id - you're too stupid and mental to explain anything to anybody.
Just to put your 2 cents worth into a conversation - you say something totally off base or out of content. Your comment here is a perfect example - show your posts to your therapist."
Babs - you're a dangerous combination, thin-skinned and stupid. You're the one claiming that animals have rights and entitlements, and all I did was explain that they do not, and you resort to name calling. You lose.
Simply, horrible.
Can someone provide information on disposal of deceased pets? Do veterinarians provide funerary services or perhaps the ASPCA provides assistance with this difficult situation?
Thank you for what you did, it was probably the only love he ever had, I just will never understand how people can be so cruel;-( Bless you for your kindness ;-)
It's fucked up what happened (or may have happened) to this dog but humans and human life supersedes "mans best friend".
Thank you Phyllis.
i really appreciate people who do things like you did here. so sad and I hope he is in a better place.
i love my 2 pit bulls!
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