Residents of a well-groomed Flushing block are fuming over a crumbling, single-family home - and the wild new neighbors who've moved in.
"Do you know who our neighbors are? Raccoons!" said Florence Levine, 75, who watches the critters come and go from her window next door.
Levine lives in fear that she'll fall victim to a raccoon attack when she goes to the backyard or takes out the trash.
"Even my dog is afraid of them," she said, holding her 11-year-old Bichon, Bijou II.
"We don't even want to walk out at night. That house is keeping us in ours," added her husband, Eugene Levine, 78.
Health Department officials say they haven't gotten any raccoon or pest complaints about the property, but the Levines aren't alone in being creeped out.
"I've seen raccoons come out of that house, some so big you can put a saddle on them!" said longtime neighbor Lee Lack. "I saw a mama raccoon with babies in their backyard this summer. I bet they are not babies anymore."
The raccoons moved in after the home went unkempt for too long, neighbors say. Buildings Department records show several stop-work orders beginning in 2008 for zoning violations and failing to obtain proper permits.
Neighbors say owner Annie Lin-Fu, who couldn't be reached for comment, had the home boarded up, then left it to rot. The fences have fallen over and weeds overwhelm the yard.
The were likely baited to come in and destroy the place along with some select holes made in the roof, busted gutter down spouts.
In Manhasset a house is slowly being destroyed by coons and rats, its believed the home owner made holes in his roof, broke windows, door frames so water and animals can get in and destroy it. (so the town would let him knock it down and sell the land as clear).
The decaying old country house sits on the large corner property owned by the Sunset Chapel Jewish funeral parlor
(Norgate Road and Northern Blvd)
Been that way 10+ years now
Even in an upscale area as Manhasset things like this go on? I rather see an empty fenced in lot rather then an abandoned house which is a health hazard and an eyesore.
I looked on google maps and I see a parking lot at that corner of Norgate rd/Northern Blvd.
Chinese absentee property owners are like the old Jewish absentee slumlords of the South Bronx's days gone by.
$$$$$$$$ is all they care about!
A Chinese woman once told me that the Chinese are often referred to (by their own) as "the Asian Jews".
Anons No. 3 and 4:
And what ethnic and religious groups are you two members of so we can make stereotypical quotes?
And what ethnic and religious groups are you two members of so we can make stereotypical quotes?
Must be either:
1.) The only Chinese Jew in New York City
2.) A sanctimonious white liberal lacking a sense of humor
The rest of us have a sense of humor and are laughing our asses off!
Nu, hao ma?
How about the abandoned warehouse building on 67th Place in Glendale thats been empty for 15 years now??? Racoons have been in there for over a decade, and use it as a base of operations for the area.
Not when you're Jewish and sick of those stereotypes, Deke.
Lù hàomǎ shì shénme?
How can you tell one raccoon from another? They all wear masks!!!
"I looked on google maps and I see a parking lot at that corner of Norgate rd/Northern Blvd".
Yes, look all the way to the west of that parking lot across from Highmeadow in the over-grown trees.
The houses driveway, front lawn and entry is on Norgate road all grown in. Its unreal, you can hardly see the house from the air. This is something you would expect to find in teh Carolina woods not Manhasset
They get away with it because they are friends of the crooked North Hempstead pols (Great Neck Jewish Dems) who shit all over the Manhasset people every chance they get just like Bloomberg does Queens. The even F_ed with Bill Bill O'Reilly to steal 4 feet his yard for Cablevision Wifi tower for the boaters and Iranians on the Great Neck side of Manhasset Bay to use
Those animals were put there to destroy the house. Make do doubt the roof has select holes, and you will soon hear about all the mold, disease and "rotting timbers"
Its not stereotype because mid eastern Jewish and Asians are notorious for doing spiteful and sneaky stuff like that when they don't get their way.
The "Rotting Timbers" tactic to get a building down has been running amuck in parts of Great like Neck for 20 years.
It's now becoming popular in places like Manhasset and P Washington where neighbors with $$ fight landlords, builders and the Township polititions in co-hoots to the end.
They old Jewish invented the tactic in the Bronx and Brooklyn ages ago.
In Queens the Asians & other wiseguys have copied it with blessings from the mayor who wants to see a 9 family buildings with no parking spaces on these pre-war single family plots.
And you are a member of what ethnic group, Joe?
We have a bunch of them living in a boarded up house on the corner of 58th Ave in Little Neck. I feel bad for the people living on each side of that house.
It's a racoon farm, so they could serve them in their Chinese restaurants. you know how those Chinese are!
"And you are a member of what ethnic group, Joe?"
What ethnic group ?
3rd Generation NYC American of Blue eye Sicilian & British decent.
I have relatives in Australia, they are having the same problem over there with the Lebs & Persian Jewish. I'm sure you all heard of the Cronulla beach riots.
At least the Aussies grew some balls, got together and stop shit when the cops and pols wouldn't.
Asiatic, Bukrah and Mid East foreigners are all terrorists IMO pulling the same crap everyplace they go.
It’s their culture to behave and live the way they do. You bet profile and not welcome them, these people only yearn to block bust & colonize. They will annihilate your block with construction or destruction.
Asiatic, Bukrah and Mid East foreigners are all terrorists IMO pulling the same crap everyplace they go.
It’s their culture to behave and live the way they do. You bet profile and not welcome them, these people only yearn to block bust & colonize. They will annihilate your block with construction or destruction.
What do you expect from 3rd world uncivilized countries?
Their governments want to unload their unwanted here, now it's OUR problem.
Do you think they care about us, our culture, our history, our laws, our way of life.
And then these sorry-assed dumb Republicans will finally have to stop talking about getting rid of OUR Social Security. The same Social Security that WE earned but is being handed over to these motherfuckers.
I just luv it!
Bait/Posting an "ethnic" comment draws out the Liu/Stavisky trolls.
What great sport...better than watching a hockey game!
No likee, no watchee!
Oops...JEWS & CHINESE...verboten subjects among Dem Clubhouse suck-ups.
I'd rather have Raccoons on my block than Tommy Huang's countrymen!
You forgot to mention the pigeons in that house.
Shad-dup and eat your oatmeal Evan!
Yech...but you've recycled it mom.
everytime i read an article related to Flushing/John Liu/etc. on crappy's site, there are always some offensive remarks about Jews and Asians. "CHinese ppl eat dogs (here racoons)" "Chinese pppl love buildign multi family homes" I wouldn't be surprised if soem of you turn out to be skinheads, neo nazis or whatever! This article is abotu one chinese person with a not-so well kept home, what gives you right to generalize an entire race. "Hate more, begrudge more" seems like the motto and vibe i'm getting here -_-
Hey, you left out the coons, dagos, and micks.
a Vietnamese couple just moved in next door to me. The nicest, hard working people you will ever meet. He and his wife shouvled me out on the day of the snow storm. You people arn't being fair most of them are quiet, nice, hard working people. BTW about 10 years ago a man of German descent left his house in shambles and never paid his taxes. The city was going to take it and auction it off in Jamaica, until the neighbors fought it and someone on the block purchased it. There are good and bad in races.
I think racoons have been a problem all over flushing. The Flushing YMCA has them in their parking lot at night, and it is getting worse. Probably all the garbage left all over the streets there. they come over from the park.
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