The jerk-offs not only had to steal this Nissan Maxima’s wheels, but they also bent the car’s door panel using a plastic milk crate as a make-shift platform. Classy.
And the cherry on top? The crime was committed only a few feet away from Councilman Peter F. Vallone’s house — a symbolic reminder that all his chatter about crime increasing in the 114th Precinct is most definitely not over-blown.
UPDATE: There is now a statement from Vallone at the Gothamist link about needing more cops. Agreed.
I thought he lived in Bayside?
Surprised? Back to the 70's.
I got a great idea boys and girls;
let's close all of the precincts in Queens at night to save money, yeah!
1. Astoria is so safe we don't need much cops and that is how we get crime.
2. What is the big deal? This happened back in the 90s. The neighborhood is so safe now.
3. This is what happens when you live in the city. Accept it.
4. If you don't like it, go back to Davenport Iowa. Plenty of people (from Mexico, Morrocco, Bangladesh, China) will take your place.
Bring it up to the local precinct council.
What happened to the rest of the article? looks like someone tried to cross it out?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Its Crappy agreeing with Vallone.
Thought Astoria was 'saved' Peter.
It was crossed out because Gothamist informed me that they received a statement from Vallone last week but it wasn't put up until today. I try to do the right thing when I have misinformed my readers.
A burned out limo on Steinway Street over the weekend was a nice touch as well as last summer’s sewage smell. Add to the bedbugs and shaky power grid.
Its big things: people getting shot in gun battles, homeless in Astoria Park, parties on Shore Blvd to the break of dawn -
and small things: this fall its a rash of illegal u turns, cars blocking driveways, store names in vinyl with happy colors
to say nothing about the underlying all but sacred faith in illegal conversions,
a general ripping of the community fabric with out of character buildings, absentee landlords and transients that are now the norm,
and the same tired faces as community leaders going through the motions
that is creating general sense in the community that no one cares.
How many promises of a few cops who are quietly transfered a few months later? Remember the head of the precinct that was changed a few months ago. Anything change?
You agree with him Crappy? We are starting to lose faith in you.
You don't agree that more cops are needed? Well then I'm losing faith in you.
Astoria does not need MORE cops! It is crawling with cops...just a shame they are never doing their job.
-Shopping while in uniform
-Smoking and eating while parked in a bus stop.
-Hanging out in the banks to stay warm.
-When a real crime is happening they aren't in sight; friend walks through Athen's Square Park and at 10:00 pm and gets a Trespassing Summons.
Ah Crappy -
Yes more cops are needed.
No, problem is not solved because some empty words slip off someone's tongue.
That is the way the weeklies handle issues and the old ladies in black read them and say "he's a nice boy - everything taken care of" ... and they get re-elected with 80% of the vote.
We expect different standards and focused critique from your reporting.
We ain't old ladies in black.
You're right. Wheel locks would also help. While tweeding is the cause for a great number of problems in Queens, stolen tires isn't one of them.
Now, if the article were about someone being incinerated in an illegal conversion, and Vallone said we need more inspectors, I'd be all over it.
But the stolen tires are not a problem by themselves, but when taken in context with everything else, its another example of slipping quality of live in Astoria coupled with an elite that simply does not care...
All they offer are lip service, carefully staged photo ops, and a frantic running behind the scenes from one half-assed real estate deal to another.
There response is always the same: a few words, problem solved, lets move on ... until the next outrage and we repeat, lather, and rinse all over again.
We would not be here if wanted (or even believed in) a typical response with depth that would not drown a gnat.
We would read the weeklies.
Crappy, you are slipping.
Not to worry. Crappy is hanging it up soon. Then you can start your own blog without the competition!
Say it isn't so Crappy. Even your crappiness has become a patch of the fine tapestry that makes up this here city. Kinda like coming home from college in the late 80's and relieved that all was still normal because the Morton Downey Jr. Show was still on the air.
Damn shame.
Crappy is selling out.
Selling out in return for what?
Oh do tell.
To be honest, I don't make any money off this blog, it takes up waaaaay too much of my time, I am extremely busy with other things and I find no excitement in it anymore.
Plus I imagine you are tired standing up with your best intentions in mind to some legitimate concerns out there, only to have idiots time and time again think they are amplifying those concerns effectively by soaking them in their own perverted nasty, racist wet dreams (I'm looking at you, Joe). It could wear on a soul.
I will be the new Crappy.
I am Queens SHIT - not afraid to tell them to go fuck themselves!
I am Queens SHIT Hear me ROAR!
you czn not hang it up,
No Crappy, don't go! We need advocates for Queens!
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