U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-Bayside) has raised more than $839,000 for his re-election campaign this election cycle and spent more than $864,219, but he is in the green with $1.139 million in cash on hand.
Ackerman has taken $555,671 from individuals and $257,740 from political action committees from 2009 until June 30 this year, according to Federal Election Commission records.
In the latest filing quarter from April to June 30, the congressman raised $338,000. Most of Ackerman’s contributions were donated in 2009, the records showed.
Campaign finance records showed Ackerman received a lot of monetary support from the Asian community, including former Flushing state Assemblyman Jimmy Meng, who contributed $2,400 to the congressman’s campaign on June 10, 2009.
Developers were among Ackerman’s biggest donors.
Joseph Muss, a principal of the Flushing-based Muss Development Co., contributed $3,400 to Ackerman in June 2009.
Joshua Muss, a partner with Allied Jamaica, gave the congressman $3,500 on June 17, 2009.
Ackerman received more than half of his contributions from individuals.
Political action committees represented more than $250,000 of the congressman’s contributions.
is not democrat/liberal dictatorship grand and WEALTHY ?
is not conservative republicans doing the same thing just as grand?
What about Tommy Huang's bottomless money well?
The feds and you savvy newspaper reporters ought to start looking at:
Eddie Chan: Wellington Chen (or is it really Chan?); Alice Liu (Huang's wife)...and their other pals.
Alice's daddy is (or was) the "Bulls Eye" barbecue Sauce multi, multi millionaire.
Did Congressman Gary get properly sauced early in his career?
Stay tuned for some more tips that deserve investigation.
There are plenty more revelations that this station will be broadcasting...the kind the local pols (Staviskys) never wanted to fully pursue.
H-m-m-m....maybe because they were part of the Asian money for re-election daisy chain.
Hey Toby....would you like a chronology?
Did Gary get sauced in the l
I'll bet the grand Dukun (Kevin Kim or his overseas buddies in Seoul) poured lots of cash over Gary to get into the city council race where he was finally trounced by C.M. Halloran.
Time for a change.
How extremely convenient that Congressman Gary is on the Asia committee!
Does that make it easy for his overseas Taiwanese friend (who we might choose to name later) to have laundered money that wound up in his campaign coffers?
Would anybody out there like to beat me in outing Gary's inscrutable Oriental benefactor?
Is it W.C.; T.H.; E.C.; J.M; P.C.?
Wouldn't you all like to know?
The FBI already does!
Maybe I'll collect my reward soon.
Where's MY ethics investigation? I'm so l-o-n-e-l-y!
"Would anybody out there like to beat me in outing Gary's inscrutable Oriental benefactor?"
Thomas Huang once asked, then Council Member, Julia Harrison to "help me out with the Keith's...and I'll take you to Taiwan for a fundraiser, just like I do for Gary".
Huang was asked to leave and Ms. Harrison informed the Inspector General she had been working with of the conversation.
Gary and Tommy remain ass-hole buddies. Regardless of what the Congressman says. Tommy tells his fellow tribesmen that he can "just walk into Gary's house, anytime".
"How extremely convenient that Congressman Gary is on the Asia committee!"
The riches from the orient. Oh, what money can buy. Even a Congressman can be had.
End the Taiwan connection, dump Ackerman.
With Jews, you lose.
According to who? Nazis?
He's just a SCary Whacky Man
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