Because our budget deficit is demonstrably not rooted in any unique dysfunction in New York's fiscal policies or in our choices as a state to invest in our schools and health care system, the general admonition against making borrowing a part of the state's deficit reduction plan is misplaced.
So who is running against Lancman?
Paul Vallone Perhaps?
This guy must have a background in academia, or perhaps he went to a rabbinical school, because he threw in every possible piece of jargon into one sentence!
I've read it 5 times now, and I still can't figure out what he's trying to say!
Speak English Man!
i think he might be saying that it was wall streets fault,for this mess not over spending in albany.
he's a tool.
I wonder what's his stance on scandal scarred ACORN?
Vallone does live in Lancman's Assembly district, so that would be interesting. Paulie finally "closed" his campaign office on Francis Lewis Blvd by turning it into a branch office of the Vallone & Vallone Law Firm. Lancman really turned my stomach on election night when he was standing outside my polling place campaigning for Kevin Kim, putting the Party above ethics.
maybe not Vallone, but maybe someone leaner,meaner,richer - and with a full head of hair.
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