Dozens of supporters of state Assembly candidate Bob Friedrich rallied Sunday afternoon in Little Neck to protest what they describe as hateful campaign literature opponent David Weprin sent out last week condemning Friedrich’s opposition to hate crime legislation as “extremist” and featuring a swastika.
The mailings, which went out to residents in the 24th Assembly District in northeastern Queens, came near the tail end of the campaign for Tuesday’s special election between Friedrich, a registered Democrat running on the Republican and Conservative lines, and former City Councilman David Weprin, a Democrat.
“Equating me with Nazi dogma is offensive to people of all religions,” he told the crowd, who waved anti-Weprin signs and chanted slogans in front of the Samuel Field YMCA. “Supporting hate crime laws and then using the same tactics those laws were supposed to suppress is extremism.”
But Weprin’s campaign manager, Corey Bearak, continued to defend the mailing, which he acknowledges having sent, with a solo press conference across the street immediately after the rally broke up.
Anti-semitism is probably the most over used label in all of existence.
Anyone ever heard of anti-gentilism? OFCOURSE NOT!
He should be asked to resign from his position as president of Queens Civic Congress!
If he refuses he should be fired ASAP!
He's proved to be an embarrassment to all of our fellow organization members.
Corey's extremist over the top behavior should not be tolerated by our umbrella group of civic associations.
It demeans our purpose and insults all Queens residents.
I'm considering withdrawing my support from QCC if he remains on board.
Anti-gentilism is run amuck in that area
Little Neck its the Asians and Paki's
Great Neck has the Persian Jews who are as nasty to live near as it comes.
Weprin is a weasel. I'll vote republican. Weprin supports the cruelty of NYC horse drawn carriage so I will vote against him again.
It's time for the Weprin boys to grow up and stop flying on their father's coat tails. And stop playing the anti semitism card...it doesn't always apply.
Weprin. A slimy, vicious rodent. An oily reprobate. A true specimen of human vermin.
The Weprins have held their seats for too long!
Goodbye and good riddance!
There as bad as the Stavisky dynasty.
The voter base for both the Weps and Stavs have shrunk and both these unctuous families will soon be history.
Hate campaigning failed to stop Halloran. It will fail to stop Friedrich.
Just to correct the original article it is the Samuel Field YMHA NOT YMCA... perhaps that's why the rally was held there?
I'm dyslexic and I misread this as "Protest held against Weprin's mother".
Such a protest also would have been appropriate. How could she?
Time for Weprin to work in the private sector.
I'll vote for Fredich since he isn't ashamed of his bald head and wears a rug as Weprin.
I'll vote for Fredich since he isn't ashamed of his bald head and doesn't wear a rug as Weprin. Do you know how many animals were killed to make that rug on Weprin?
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