New York's famously garrulous senior senator, Chuck Schumer, got busted Wednesday for calling a female flight attendant the B-word aboard a US Airways flight from New York to Washington on Sunday.
Schumer was sitting next to protege Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, gabbing away on his phone, when a flight attendant told him to shut it down.
Schumer turned off his phone, and then argued with the attendant that he was allowed to talk while the cabin door is open. He lost.
He then muttered his complaint about the flight attendant to Gillibrand.
He apologized yesterday.
This is BS !
The flight engineer & pilot can not even start or check off on the departure procedure with the cabin door open.
Especially an Airbus fly by wire aircraft
The procedure is the flight attendant closes the door (locking the seal that sends an indication to the cockpit) This is done first before reading of the “riot act”
BTW: Anybody who's run across these redneck US Airways flight attendants will tell ya they love to break New Yorkers balls.
Chuck shouldn’t have apologized.
The woman likely was a bossy tomato from some Piedmont state throwing her weight around.
....no RF engineer that's for sure
Remember the music star who was too important to offload some of her bags? The cowed flight crew ignored the laws of physics and the plane went down.
Cellphones are banned in flight because they interfere with the navigation and radio equipment used to insure safe flights.
I recently returned from Miami on an US Airways flight and the people were perfectly professional.
Perhaps New Yorkers whose balls are broken have balls that are too big to begin with.
what a putz!
I love it! What a repulsive individual. His true colors made known. Doesn't he have a mother and daughters? Why exactly was the stewardessa a bitch? Because he's a privileged person who doesn't need to follow the rules everyone else must? FU Chuck. Happy Chanuka!
What a gracious guy! The rules on aircraft are strict, backed by law for good reason and the Sr Senator is not exempt from the law.
"Chuck won't be told what to do"???!!!
Isn't he supposed to do what WE tell him to do in the Senate? This is a representational republic after all.
This is the same guy who lambastes the FAA constantly, yet ignores one of their rules. Next thing you know, he'll be tampering with smoke detectors in the lavatory.
He's a pompous dick who is madly in love with himself. The most dangerous place in the world to be is between Schumer and a microphone. A few years ago, he even grabbed the spotlight from Susan Molinari and announced that she was pregnant before she could announce it -- it's known as being "Schumed":
i despise both of our senators
and in fact, most NY politicians
it's known as being "Schumed"
Is that like being "Ack attacked"?
another case for term limits
Are the liberal democratic women's rights groups going after him?
Another pompous a.. who thinks he can be above the law.
There is always one jerk who has to try and break the rules. This is a perfect example of what is wrong with society today. No-one wants to live by rules. Great example Chuck.
By the way, has anyone ever noticed that Chuck Schumer marches twice in parades. Catch him and his aid running up the sidewalk to march a second time with the Schumer signs.
How does Gillibrand feel about this? What does she say?
What about his wife getting away unscathed in the ferry crash incident a couple of years ago when she was top dog.
Isn't this supposed to be a peaceful season?
Put him on the do not fly list!
Isn't this supposed to be a peaceful season?
Sure! Give me a piece of this and a piece of that!
He has once again shown himself to be the horse's ass that we all know him to be. What a no-class act.
Yes, I have a new blog Misogynist New York City...
whoops, guess Charles Schumer doesn't really have respect for women or rules...
The blog posting before this one is of a young male that spreads his legs wider than a gynecologist demands taking up two entire seats so no one can sit down including seniors or just tired New Yorkers.
I am more extremely exhausted and I just did a YouTube on the MTA with suggestions including the MTA start with cuts and their own free rides given up before they ask other and tie it into corruption Albany to City Hall = cuts and higher taxes so how about some jail time besides accountability and transparency.
Thanks to Queen Crap and everyone from QC that supported and encouraged me. Happy Holidays. I am very tired may not be YouTubing or blogging much until next year.
Love and big hugs,
Suzannah B. Troy
Stop been arrogant what is wrong with these politicians?
And what about Gillibrand? She is A YES SENATOR.... AFRAID TO LOOSE HER SIT. SPEAK OUT LADY
Kudos to the flight attendant. U.S. Airways has a great safety record.
Disappointing that Schumer's "apology" had to be made through a "spokesperson".
Elected officials no longer have any respect for their constituents. It appears that their agenda is to line their pockets with gold before leaving office. They want you to think that you work for them but here's a reality check---THEY WORK FOR US!!!! However, when scumbags like Bloomberg can buy and keep an office, the democratic system is screwed. And the sad part is that nothing is going to change and these devious politicians profit at our expense. People are too busy twittering and texting and watching entertainment programs to even notice what is happening. Well, next time you see a tax increase, you have no one to blame but you know who. Schumer's inconsiderate behavior is another example of this disrespect for the American people by a federal office holder. He should be censured for his behavior.
For god sake, leave the guy alone, he is a human being, no? i cant imagine that everyone posting how repulsive he is has never lost their shit on a person in the service industry. Maybe she was being a bitch? Maybe we should all stop pretending our politicians are gods, who are without fault. the guy puts his pants on one leg at a time just like you and me. Get over it.
he is the only politician who marches in the Memorial Day parade in Little Neck/Douglaston,with avenue wide signs with his name in large lettering.
the others march as citizens, honoring the fallen military hero's.
he seems to think the parade is for campaigning.
call him to vote "NO on the health care bill". higher costs and less senior coverage.
This is really no big deal. I can't even believe I'm even commenting on this.
This is really no big deal. I can't even believe I'm even commenting on this.
Neither can we, TROLL!
Your point is...? He is a public official and is and should be held to higher standards. Get over yourself.
Ordinary people who encounter government officials or celebrities know the huge sense of entitlement and arrogance they display with the loud message "Don't you know who I am?"
For every story about Joe Girardi who was a Good Samaritan to a accident victim on the day of the Yankees parade, there are dozens of stories about people like Schumer who think that rules are for the little people.
He should have been arrested, as Voltaire puts it, "for the encouragement of others" to follow the air safety rules we are all expected to follow.
If we keep this loudmouthed prick in office after this November, then his behavior is our fault.
We let the Commissar stay; are we going to allow this prick to stay?
I'm sure you all have your reasons to hate Mr. Schumer (I happen not to) but I think he was, in principle, correct here.
The flight attendant had no right to make him to turn off the phone at that time. The plane was clearly not ready to go and he had every right to use his phone.
He may have been incorrect in allowing his thoughts on the matter to be heard, but it's a bit absurd to force a power play on a US senator (or anyone else) when you (the stewardess) have no right to do so.
re; i don't hate shumar...
the plane could not take off because your jerk would not shut his phone off.
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