A Queens construction worker who just won $1 million in the New York State lottery plans to use the cash to bring his wife and eight children here from Ecuador.
"This is the best Christmas present," said Florencio Guaman, 64, of Jackson Heights, who hasn't seen his family in 15 years.
"I just remember their faces vaguely," he said during a ceremony at Trump Wollman Rink in Central Park Monday. "I even began forgetting about their birthdays. I left them behind when they were children and now they are grown men and women.
"Some of them have children of their own," he said.
As soon as Guaman won the scratchoff New York Black on Nov. 23 during a stop at the K&L Dairy Farm store on 37th Ave. in Flushing, Queens, he knew right away what he would do with his winnings.
"I scratched the ticket and showed it to my friend, the clerk and we both started jumping around," he said. "I began dreaming. Maybe I don't have to just speak on the phone anymore."
Guaman left his native Azogues in Ecuador when his oldest children were teenagers. Now, they are in their early 30s.
"It has been very difficult for me, to be so far away," he said.
Guaman's immigration documents do not allow him to leave the country, so he said he will bring his family here soon for a visit on tourist visas.
This speaks volumes about America and the people who believe in the dream. This lotto winner could live in Ecuador with that money as a king with servants. Instead he wants his family here with him, in Jackson Heights, Queens, to live as middle class working Americans. Sometimes, 2nd and 3rd generation Americans forget how good we have it here.
Sounds like his documents don'tallow for him to be here at all. Thus, the lotto ticket should be voided if he is determined to be a fence jumper.
Instead he wants his family here with him, in Jackson Heights, Queens, to live as middle class working Americans.
Winning the Lotto... middle class.... is that you Bloomie?
...plans to use the cash to bring his wife and eight children here from Ecuador.
"This is the best Christmas present," said Florencio Guaman, 64, of Jackson Heights, who hasn't seen his family in 15 years.
For you, yes. Everyone else, its a nightmare.
"so he said he will bring his family here soon for a visit on tourist visas."
HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, im sure they are just gonna come over for a quick visit.
He's bringing 9 adults PLUS their children. in Ecuadoran math that will be 55 to 60 people. let's not forget the old people who will suck our social security administration dry. all the babies will get WIC, food stamps, medicaid and welfare money for their mothers and fathers to spend on make up and Corona beer.
please deport him now before his unlimited offspring come here to Queens and stand around Hart Park waiting for the Bread for Life van to feed them.
man oh man. racism abounds. this guy is here legally. leave him alone.
unless you're shinnecock you can shut it.
This isn't anti-immigrant rants here, it's anti-Hispanic. I can't wait until they are the majority.
People go where the jobs and opportunities are. If you give them a free handout don't blame them blame the people who give it to them. If we don't hire illegally (corporate greed)and stop the handouts (liberal greed) we are screwed. But he is a permanent resident and won far and square. If he can afford to care for them then they will get a legal right to be here. Europe has the same policy with Americans.
I doubt that most of his family members in Ecuador will be approved for visas. If he was an "overstay", the US Consulate in Ecuador would most likely reject their B-1/B-2 tourist visa applications. The family members would have to document strong ties to their home country. The fact that their husband/father is here in an irregular status (supposedly in the process of correcting his status), would be seen as problematic by the Consulate.
The racism is towards the Americans who are being screwed out of livelihoods and screwed out of NYC.
Odds are YES he's a foreign national trespassing in this country
The ticket should be voided.
60 ?
His family is likely over 100. Mostly children, sick people, boozers all with zero skills.
I hear the sucking sound of millions in services, schools and hospitals.
I'm happy for this guy. Most of you are a bunch of Archie Bunkers suffering from Xenophobia. If your worried about entitlement abuse, than take it up with your elected officials.
Xenophobia ?
Fear of Flashlamps or chicks wearing Lion cloths ?
-nope !
Xenon flashtubes are used in to pump YAG & Ruby LASERS, long range FLIR, Photography
Its the fence jumpers that need to be scared of Xenon not Archie Bunker meathead
What do you know Joe, reading your dumb ass comments, is giving me 'stultophobia'.
"This isn't anti-immigrant rants here, it's anti-Hispanic. I can't wait until they are the majority."
You mean they aren't now?
Holy shit, have I been hanging out in the wrong neighborhoods!
Don't want "illegals" in "your" country?? Tell "your" government to fix up it's unfair trading policies. Tell your government to stop creating political, economic, and social instability in Latin America. Where do I begin? lol....
Empire's Workshop is a great book
So is Harvest of Empire...
and Confessions of an Economic Hitman...
Simple lessons in U.S. and Latin America history show that U.S. capitalist meddling has created the need for cheap labor. I have always been amazed at how right-wing working class people become. That is how the rich use you as fools. The "illegal immigrant" has more in common with working and middle class people than "you" do with the same right-wing pricks you seem to support.
Enough of your silly racism people.
Aren't Ecuadorians Aztec Indian decent ?
Well it gets WORSE !!
The Bushwick blog is promoting carpet bagger's from F_ FRANCE !!
This girl crazy mom dressed her in a RED Russian Army getup complete with a Paprikha hat.
The hipsters are calling this Tsarist regime shit FASHION!
This poor city is going to hell !
Full article.
I wonder how many animals and birds were killed to dress "the-winter-fox"
Guaman's immigration documents do not allow him to leave the country, so he said he will bring his family here soon for a visit on tourist visas.
that's a NEW one.
and this is a good one :
This isn't anti-immigrant rants here, it's anti-Hispanic. I can't wait until they are the majority.
and it gets better :
sal sez..
Simple lessons in U.S. and Latin America history show that U.S. capitalist meddling has created the need for cheap labor. I have always been amazed at how right-wing working class people become. That is how the rich use you as fools. The "illegal immigrant" has more in common with working and middle class people than "you" do with the same right-wing pricks you seem to support.
yeah sal. just HOW did the USA manage without the only EVER hardworking race during the generations our laws were enforced ?
and not one illegal alien has one thing in common with all that entered legally,paid all fees,learned english,paid their dues and paved the way for the rest of their families to succeed in the USA via HARDWORK and education without preferential treatment,quotas or victim status..
What an idiot. When the US expanded it promoted illegal migration for hispanics in the south to build alond the railroads and paid chinese people to bring their families to build California to develop the railroads.
US government wants the cheap labor that lazy poor American won't do. Remember the Reps and Bush push for the plan to get temporary workers Visas to work in American Businesses and can stay as long as they held a job.
History Lesson II: The US discriminated against 'unsavory' immigrants from Italy and Germany who brough their whole family and failed to learn the language for a few generations. Sound familiar???
I still see little old Italian and Polish ladies who can't speak English for their life but G-forbid a Hispanic can't speak the language.
Notice how the Chinese immigrants have children dominating our schools in terms of achievement. They study all day and are more disciplined. Hmmm... looks like we can learn from the immigrants, instead of fighting like animals at soccer games because the ref missed a call.
Are the little old Polish ladies demanding that everything be translated into their language at taxpayer expense?
And as for illegals doing the work that Americans won't do, that's always been a lie, and is especially obvious now.
Italians, Irish, Jews, Ecuadorians, Colombians, Peruvians etc... should all be deported IMMEDIATELY.
America is an Anglo/Duth/Native American/African American nation.
Everyone else will never be TRUELY considered American.
Aren't Ecuadorians Aztec Indian decent ?
Well it gets WORSE !!
The Bushwick blog is promoting carpet bagger's from F_ FRANCE !!
This girl crazy mom dressed her in a RED Russian Army getup complete with a Paprikha hat.
The hipsters are calling this Tsarist regime shit FASHION!
This poor city is going to hell !"
More racist stupidity...
Ecuadorians (the indigenous population because about 20% are whiter than you racists on this site, also arab, german, italian, etc happen to be found in Ecuador) happen to come from the Incas. The Aztecs on the other hand were located what is present day Mexico. Very far from Ecuador.
But I am against hipsters and I wish there was a gang to terrorize those bastards on the M train. I have seen them get as far as Fresh Pond with those annoying freakin' thick coke bottle glasses. Something has to be done to these hipsters!!! lol
south Americans, Mexicans, Hispanics are the racists, coming here taking over, taking our jobs and invading our neighborhoods. no, I don't need to hear your mariachi music.
they are not loyal to the working class of this country. They will use the terminology until they become the bosses.
they are loyal to their own, the Spanish speaking and South American people. Look at La Raza.
the mission is destroy the white race. That is a racist organization.
deport him don't let his family in the counrty
Nothin' like a little bit o'good ol' America fear 'n loathing to get this crowd's jollies, eh?
Racists ?
I'm confused Sal
Ecuadorians are Inca's
Mexicans are Aztec's
When did they become Immigrants or Hispanics ?
Every one I know of them I run into or see in the the news for DWI murder is a fence jumper.
These Queens people are sick of being shit on due to these parasites trespassing in our city
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