NEW YORK (AP) ― The latest state records show New York's public authorities -- long criticized as a shadow government subject to little outside scrutiny -- have increased their debt to more than $140 billion. That's a 16 percent increase over the past five years, reflecting more borrowing even when fiscal times were good and revenue was healthy.
Democratic Assemblyman Richard Brodsky says Wednesday the growth in borrowing by public authorities through unelected boards shows the need for reform required in a bill now before Gov. David Paterson.
The bill would create an oversight board and require more transparency in how authorities provide services, including operations of the Thruway Authority and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
Public floggings, that's the only kind of oversight that would work on these dirtbags. There are so many thieving hands in the till there is no money left for what is really needed.
How much has Obama raised the debt in 5 months?
The only reason they exist with such power is to accomplish exactly what they have done: rule without oversight and beggar the taxpayers.
Elections are an occasions for citizens to take back control of the mammoth creature called government.
Take control back in the next several years of elections, local, state and federal.
We need to see the current occupants of seats soon occupy a seat of power on a prison.
Would a former incumbent make a good mate for a convicted rapist?
Let's find out!
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