From NY1:
Borough President Marty Markowitz is welcoming news that Bruce Ratner is lobbying for a portion of the stimulus package to jumpstart the $4 billion project.
The plan to build an NBA arena and more than a dozen apartments and office towers has reportedly been scaled back due to the stagnant economy.
"It has all the earmarks of exactly all the kinds of projects that Congress is looking for and President Obama is looking for. It will put people to work immediately and it will benefit the community at large," said Markowitz.
Well we can see the community preservation folks have done nothing to create a climate that would make this an outrage.
Marty and Ratner need more money!
What a surprise. I know of a country the U.S hands out 6 billion every six months to that they dont have to pay back, while playing war games with the world. Havent you arrogant do nothings got enough subsidies yet!
Yes and ultimatley put alot of money in Ratners pocket. How great is that for HIM!!
I'll give him a "stimulus"!
Bend over Bruce...
your enema awaits you!
will you just look at those greedy SOBs lining up at the trough for their share of slop from Washington.
here pig, pig, pig!
The "preservation" community....
ha, ha, ha!
They'll be on line too for federal grant money!
That's all they're good for... sucking up to power...heaven forbid they'd
show some balls!
That's why their knees are always bruised. A worse bunch of bend over bitches you'll never see!
I'm surprised Marty isn't getting on line to get some money for his $64 million dollar Amphitheater at Seaside Park, in Brighton Beach/Coney Island. While 2 Queens hospitals are closing & one in Brooklyn, I saw Marty Sunday at a Democratic Club luncheon & confronted him about that irresponsible spending of $ 64 million dollars,(besides the many environmnetal issues) & that it's the only open space in my area, His answer to me was " It's only a roof." However, I have the powerpoint presentation of the project & it's much, much more than that. While Rome burns Marty wants a Monument for himself built at Taxpayers expense. Former Brooklyn Boro President Howard Golden was right when he stated that Marty Markowitz is a first class BUFOON!
It's always the folks with the most money with their hands out!
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