Welcome to Brooklyn, Grimshaw friends. The new Bay Currents, which is unfortunately not available online except in PDF form, starts to detail some of the neighborhood opposition growing to the scheme. Much of it centers around the $64 million cost when the city is facing an horrendous budget crisis and the noise and crowds the ampitheater will bring to Coney. Some wonder why KeySpan Park, which is not used a lot of days during the summer season and has functioned well in the past as a concert venue couldn’t host more big-ticket shows by the sea.
The part Marty just doesn't get, is that he's not the KING of Brooklyn. He's an elected official, who wants his MONUMENT Project fast tracked without COMMUNITY INPUT. No public hearings etc. If he thinks it's such a great idea why doesn't Marty locate it in Park Slope where he lives, so he can experience massive traffic jams, pollutants in the air ( great for the kids who'll be playing on the Playground right next to Amphitheater. Get my point, after he EMCEES the shows he leaves the community, he's not a stakeholder in the community's only open space park. Have your Summer Concerts there, but don't buld a 110 foot monstrocity, it will do nothing for the survival of Coney Island.
Unfortunately, Marty is expected to be reelected to a third term easily.
Hopefully, his well-organized Atlantic Yards opponents will field a candidate to run against King Marty.
$64 million is way too much at this time. but the sad fact is thatthe 464 million figure is certainly incorrect. Experience tells us that the true final cost will be.....100 million? More?
Hey Claire Shulman...
how about rebuilding the "Aquacade"
that you spearheaded tearing down?
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