Harvey Seifter, the former executive director of the Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts, was arrested and charged with grand larceny last week for allegedly bilking nearly $5,000 from the cultural institution, according to the city Department of Investigation.
DOI Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn said Friday that Harvey Seifter, 55, is accused of stealing $4,230 while serving as the head of the the Flushing Council, which operates Flushing Town Hall, between 2004 and 2008.
“Executives at city−funded nonprofits must be careful stewards of their organizations’ money,” Hearn said. “Intentionally double−billing is a crime that wastes precious resources.”
The arrest came more than two years after the FCCA board abruptly fired Seifter.
$4,230.00. That's all? Harvey, small potatoes. You should have aimed higher. Didn't you study the MO's of the other Queens crooks? Now look at the mess you're in.
Maybe it's time to scope activities at the Queens Botanical Garden too!
He used the Flushing Council as his personal petty cash box for 3+ years. Do you think he ONLY took $5,000?
Ha! $4,230? If he gets arrested for that, there's a lot of Queens pols who should be at Guantanamo wired up to generators! Follow the money!!!
Typical of the small time hoods that run the boro.
Creativity and imaginaton is not a hallmark.
Dig deeper you lazy investigators. And don't limit it to just a couple organizations. He didn't just start lying and stealing a few years ago.
He stole WAY more than that! Check in to a 2nd set of books...
He's a liar and treats everyone like they are beneath him. He STOLE from kids and the community to send his daughter to private school and go on vacations. He PURPOSELY did not pay the premium has some of his staff's health insurance so there was money in the FTH account for him to go to Paris on. LOOK IN TO THIS CROOK!
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