From NY1:
Electchester Houses was built as affordable housing by an electrical worker's union in Flushing, Queens more than 50 years ago, but now many residents say they cannot afford the complex's rising rents.
I'll summarize the report for you in a nutshell on behalf of the Bloomberg Administration:
Existing affordable housing = bad
New affordable housing (that comes with luxury condos) = good
This complex was built on the site of a golf-course that was formerly headed by one of Harry Van Arsdale's most vicious opponents. Now we would be pulling down the apartment houses to build golf courses.
i love golf lets do it !!!!!
and how much more housing do we need and in flushing , stop the willets point plan
"New affordable housing (that comes with luxury condos) = good"
Especially when the Commissar can give the developer all the taxpayer money he wants, and the developer is plenty generous with kickbacks.
And even better when all that "affordable" housing is actually unaffordable to any but the wealthy.
Nettie Mayersohn lives in Electchester. Why isn't she at the head of the protests? Wake up, Nettie!
Only those from the electrican union can buy into Electchester - cheap subsidy by the union 25k for a big apartment - when you sell you sell back for original purchase price - a steal - give me a break - these folks make fortunes as electricans subsidize these apaprtments by the city ? No way!
Every electrician is not a millionaire. The union also covers employees of electrical supply houses who make far less than a master electrician. The union also includes apprentices and others who are not finished with their five-year training, and master electricians who have been partially or completely idled by the economic crisis.
Housing built by factory owners for their workers was once common--in fact much of Astoria was developed that way, but with the erosion of our industrial base, no one is doing that anymore.
The least of our problems is that some undeserving people get cheap housing--homelessness and crime caused by economic desperation is rampant.
When we restore our economic base and re-affirm respect for honest work as a source of wealth, America will be well on the way to health.
Regarding the previous uninformed post...Most of the residents of Electchester housing live on fixed incomes and are not electricians. You do not have to be in the Union to live in Electchester. And you do not buy an Apt for 25K....
Convicted felon and former assemblyman Brian Mc Laughlin used to live here.
He won't have to worry about paying rent in jail but it's unfortunate that us taxpayers will be footing the bill for his cell!
I say throw the switch 'n fry him!
Wouldn't that be more fitting
for this high voltage electrician?
Maybe Evan & Toby can sit on his lap
try coming up with a nine grand deposit for a 2 bedroom apartment, then you can piss and moan about us getting "Cheap" rent. i pay more now then when i lived in the bronx.
It's true; Electchester doubled the amount of equity needed to secure an apartment. You now have to come up with approximately $12,000 for a 3-BR. I honestly don't know how they even call it "equity;" it's really like a security deposit... and you don't get to own the apartment. You're paying rent, not a mortgage. If/when you move out, you don't get back the entire deposit. They deduct money to repaint, redo the hardwood floors, and whatever else they say you damaged. It's hardly worth it. If you can come up with $12G for Electchester, it's better to save up a little more and BUY home to build true equity for yourself!
I've been living here for 21 years....in the beginning it was worth every pennt I paid. I'm now on a fixed income of $1400. and my rent is $1000. We don't pay an electric bill so its a plus, but we live with more rules and regulations then you can shake a stick at. We are constantly asked to "RAT' out our neighbors if we see them doing something considered "illegal" by the so called Housing Committees.
so start the group
Great place to live but people need to mind their own business... Everyone speaks about things that they have no clue about. You're suppose to look out for your neighbors not try to get them in trouble or evicted for leaving shoes in the hallway! Come on... Yes there are a lot of rules but where can you live in NY that doesn't have rules??? No where... No one forces people to live here. If you put down the deposit don't cry after the fact! You will never live in a better place for the rent and good maintenance that we get for the $. We have stores across the street and the express bus! Do you have any clue what people pay in forest hills just because they are close to the transportation???!! STOP CRYING PEOPLE! if you don't Electchester, GET OUT! Seeeee yaaa
I lived in Electchester for ten years. Had to leave due to changing job circumstances. They don't build apartments like that anymore, solid plumbing, design, and I for one will be sorry to see them go, if anyone decides to tear them down. No sham repairs or shoddy construction here.
I have been on the wait list for Electchester for eight years now. I just received a letter calling us wait-listers to a meeting. I will have to undergo a background check (for which I will pay $165) then pay $7,000 to move into a one bedroom. Monthly charges will be $715-825. Definitely lower than market, but I'm wondering if it's worth it. What's the neighborhood like?
hey singleton its a great area I will be attending that meeting. its a not bad place at all,only few noisy ass people lol
Electchester is a nice place to live - close to the schools, express bus, stores, etc; however, some shady deals go on here and always have. What's up with the cable monopoly and the time warner bundle plan. Two months in to it and im paying more than I ever did for cable/phone/internet. Only Verizon offers service here and no one else and it's limited giving consumers one or the other as a choice. What's up with the "everyone must have carpet rule and the unannounced inspection of your carpets, etc." I moved from a 2-bed to a 3-bed and lost 2500 on repairs, they said I had to pay. My apartment was left better than when I moved in, but now you need to sand and stain all of the doors, etc. The 3-bed was 12000 and I guaratee a 2500 loss when I leave. All of this money gone and I cant even leave it to my kids. They will be homeless if God forbid anything ever happens to me
Just like everything in life Electchester is a hit or miss. You no longer get the privledge of inspecting the apartment nor communicating with the cooperator before giving your hard earned cashhhhhhhh!!!!! If you luck out where neighbors are considerate you will be fine. However if you have neighbors from hell then your experience will be shit out of luck!!! I sure learned from my mistake, (Not Pleasant, smh). Can't complain about monthly maintenance, very reasonable, compared to open market...But like the saying goes "You get what you pay for" Cheap is not neccesarily better. Hope this helps. Wish you Luck!!
I'm willing to bet that it's a hit or miss situation on getting housing here. You can only get TimeWarner services but you don't pay a separate electricity bill. Transportation isn't too bad, in my opinion.
The thing is, where I live, my neighbors act like complete idiots. Pretty sure there's a dealer living in the same building, in addition to the teenagers vandalizing and other neighbors not knowing how to stop running around at 3 am like they do during daylight hours.
Does the housing association do anything anymore? Or do they just send out flyers?
Yes, Time Warner is the only cable company but it's like that in most areas.
I suppose that your neighbors are related to my neighbors because they are complete "IDIOTS" and it's not an act.
All housing association does is send out millions of notices harassing and threatening cooperators and act on none. If they would act on their notices, I believe Electchester would rise to the occasion where they once were.
Electchester is now called Poponok east
I am interested in moving into the complex. Attended the meeting and completed all paperwork. Reading the past comments answered a few of my questions. However, how is the parking? And do you really need to install wall to wall carpet? What about the refrigerator? How much extra do you pay for installing a washer, dryer and dishwasher? Is there that much room in the Kitchen? I hope someone could shed some light on this.
The add ons of washer, dryer, self cleaning oven, etc ad 15 to 45 per month to the monthly maintenance. Parking is tight but doable, read alternate side regs. Put in request for parking space. The kitchen is decent size.
I'm considering applying to Electchester. Can anyone tell me if they allow small dogs in the complex?
I lived there for a few years, we moved out 2 years ago. We generally found the experience safe and the monthly rent was cheap compared to the area, especially with maintenance thrown in, however, if you only plan on being there for a few years it's not worth it since they will screw you in the end on carrying charges. Our initial deposit on a 2 BR was cheaper than what it is now. I think we put down 4500. They told us at the end that we wouldn't get anything back from the 4500 so they could "make repairs". We actually redid our kitchen when we moved in. On our initial move we put close to 10k into the place redoing the entire kitchen with brand new cabinets and floors, redid the bathroom as well. They told us they had to tear out the new kitchen and remove our dishwasher, etc. and that we would be billed for all this...just so they could replace it with an "old" kitchen. We threatened to sue and put up a big fight, my wife also had some connections within the union and they told us that if we could find someone to take the apartment "as is" we would only be at a loss for them to tear up the carpet they make us put down. We luckily found someone who was glad to get a brand new kitchen, so we got back about 3800 of the 4500.
You have to be careful though because they will try to rip you off if they can. And if you don't have parking it's horrible living there. It took us a year to get a spot (and that was with connections). Before that we would sometimes wait 30 minutes to an hour just to park close to our apartment. There are always spots on Parson's late but people break into cars there. Hope this helps...
Now that family that moved in that took your "new kitchen" will have to pay for it when they decide to move out! The lease you sign clearly says do not do anything to the apartment or you will have to pay in the end!
My parents moved in in 1953 and my mother lived there until 2 years ago. She hated every minute, but my father did not make much money and that was all they could afford. She now lives Nassau county and says the day she moved was the best day of her life. Everyone minds everyone elses business and those that do not spy on you are too busy on drugs or not paying their "rent". If this is all you can afford, I guess it is beter than a refrigerator box, but not much better.
I moved into Elechester in April and loving every minute of it. The rent is less, the people are great. No one is in our business as we mind our own. Not noisy and very comfortable. The parking is manageable especially living on Parsons Blvd. It was the best move I ever made. And Yes, the kitchen is a bit smaller than most but considering what I am paying for, you just can't beat that.
i think the big E was the greatest place to grow up. i lived there from 1954 until 1974. how awesome hangfing out at the deuce with 300 others.
Moved right when the deposit doubled
And rent increased, besides that and the other stuff said its not bad. You get the the bare minimum here but seeing to people here cant pay their rent on time or at all that's fine.....WISH LIST would be a pool and spa with a gym...... But not going to happen at the cooperation... it would make the people to healthy....
Trees and plants are well groomed..
Electchester run by thieves,they try to force out the people who paid 4500,TO OWN NOTHING so they can get 10,000 especially second housing run by dirtbag pres Magri who sics his on retainer lawfirm Sontag and Hyman to take people to court for having a dog but looks the other way when dog belongs to friend of his also cooperators should getb him removed he was not elected by the shareholders and DOES NOT live in 2nd housing
The neighborhood has went down the tubes over the past 10 years! Any and everyone lives here now. The days of neighborly camaraderie ended with it. People are rude and no one dare speaks to one another anymore. I grew up here in the days where everyone knew one another. It's sad. Thus the reason why I'm moving FAST!
I heard that there is an ongoing investigation into the corruption in Electchester. From the president to the office secretary. They should be arrested under the RICO Act for they use their power to bully people into keeping quiet. They has been getting away with illegal acts for many many years and since no one stands up to them, out of fear on losing their jobs, housing, and even getting arrested. I am sure that Harry Van Ardsdale is turning over in his grave. One day they will be held responsible for their actions. I pray it is sooner than later.
I am waiting for the day that 2nd Housing goes down. The law firm Sontag and Hyman should be disbarred. Magri should be put in jail and made to pay for his crimes. I heard about the RICO investigate too. I will be sitting outside and wait for the FBI to come and arrest them all. From the president to all the maintenance supervisor.
I initially filed an application at Electchester in 2007 for a one bedroom apartment. In 2013 I found I was #99 on the waiting list as I received a letter that it was computerized and I check on line to see what number I was. I completely shocked to find out 2 years that I am now only moved down to 87. I will be dead before I get the chance to move in. So I called and spoke to Peggy Hackett and she told me there is only one one bedroom apartment on each floor and I would have a better chance if I wanted to switch to a two bedroom. So I wrote a letter last month to her and switched my choice and now I received a letter to come for a meeting at the end of this month and bring a lot of documents. After reading the above statements I am hesitant to even go to this interview. I also must give $9,000 for a two bedroom and I must have a room-mate. I visited Electchester last weekend and saw a two bedroom in first housing and the person has lived there for 18 years. She loves it. She did tell me she had a mice problem recently and of course that made me sick. Parking was difficult for me even on a Sat. afternoon. If I do not get an outdoor parking spot as soon as I move in then I cannot take it. She did tell me there is a wait for indoor parking as she has that. What is your feedback. If I can't find anyone to room with me then I will have to go back on the one bedroom waiting list. Right now I live in a one bedroom apartment with a terrace but my rent is much more than the two bedroom but I cannot afford it any longer. Even the thousands of dollars I have to give to Electchester I am hoping to take it out from my IRA and I know I will get penalized. If you live there what are your thoughts. I have a neighbor who has two dogs because my building is now pet friendly and the dogs barking drives my nuts. But I do have nice neighbors. Thanks.
I hope someone can answer a couple of Questions for Me I have lived in Elechester for over 30 years Now it is time to move on I went down to tell them I was moving and to my surprise They told me not only would i not be getting back any of my shares But would have to pay 3 months worth of rent Than they would do a walk through and i most likely owe more Has this happened to anyone else If this is true I will be getting a lawyer
Thank you for any help you can give me
my advise to anyone that wants to move to electchester. RUN RUN AS FAR AS YOU CAN away from there. They are corrupt. I can wait to see them in jail.
I heard there are two waiting list running one for Electchester union members and one for non union members. I also heard that for years there have been under the table deals being made to get in the door. So if you are a regular person looking to rent, it’s going to be a long wait. There Should be an outside department to oversee what’s going on there in Electchester Housing before it goes down and run parallel with Pomonok City Housing!
What is the current rent and deposit for each a 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartment?
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