Friday, May 6, 2022

The stabilized rent is too damn higher



NY Post

A vote by the city’s Rent Guidelines Board on Thursday set the stage for what could be the biggest rent hikes in a decade for the Big Apple’s nearly 1 million rent-controlled apartments.

In a preliminary 5-4 vote, the board approved rent increases in the range of 2 to 4 percent for one-year leases and 4 to 6 percent for two-year leases.

If the board’s final vote falls within those ranges, they’d account for the largest hikes since 2013, when the board under then-Mayor Mike Bloomberg approved 4 percent increases for one-year leases and 7.75 percent for two-year leases.

The range set was not as large as some tenant advocates feared or landlord groups were hoping for — after a board report estimated owners would need increases of up to 9 percent on two-year leases to make costs.

But the Legal Aid Society is still pushing for a “wholesale freeze” when the board makes its final vote next month, the group said in a statement.

“We condemn the Board for voting to increase rents on some of our most vulnerable neighbors, people from low-income communities of color, especially when New Yorkers are still reeling financially from the pandemic and the local unemployment rate remains one of the highest in the country,” said Adriene Holder, attorney-in-charge of the civil practice.



Anonymous said...

George Carlin said this many years ago. "They Don't Care About You, At All, At All, At All".

Anonymous said...

NY Post? More fake news, false flag, deep state etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

Its not enough for the BS landlord have to pay and put up with.
Has anybody seen the new taxes water bills?
How about getting that deadbeats who refuse to pay rent, destroy the house walls and plumbing out through the housing courts, all liberal bleeding heart scum judges?
Even a 10% increase is not enough, Tenant's can not understand this.

Anonymous said...

George Carlin said this many years ago. "They Don't Care About You, At All, At All, At All"

Irish and Italians of old Queens coward out and followed trends of white flight to live the suburbs. They didn't give up the properties or businesses.

They now employ and house the same illegals whites complain about. I hope their children have many encounters with them

Anonymous said...

And do you think home ownership is cheap? In NYC, you need to pay up the fixed cost of five thousand dollars (labor, permits, insurance, etc) before a contractor will come to your house. Not just for one window or shingle or beam, but an entire rehab. THose of us who have seen our meager investment gone up in value can't afford repairs any more.

Anonymous said...

$33 billions for Ukraine while :

1. We're struggling with expensive gas.
2. Our borders aren't secured.
3. Our veterans are homeless & ignored.

Anonymous said...

They now employ and house the same illegals whites complain about. I hope their children have many encounters with them

You have described US foreign policy to a T.
Perfect. Well done.

Anonymous said...

@"$33 billions for Ukraine while :"

They deserve it for defending their nation against Putinist pigs.

"1. We're struggling with expensive gas."

$4.50 per gallon is a bargain. How much beer will you get for $4.50 ? Bottled water costs more.

"2. Our borders aren't secured."

I thought the most wonderful wall in the world took are of that. Everyone is saying it.

"3. Our veterans are homeless & ignored."

Tax the rich and the corporations. Stop corporation, hedge funds etc. from buying up property.
Stop foreign governments buying up property.