Monday, May 16, 2022

The Department of Transportation Alternatives figurehead screws up speed camera negotiations

 NY Daily News 

An off-the-rails trip to Albany last week by city Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez put at risk the city’s push to run red light and speed cameras around the clock, according to DOT sources and lawmakers with knowledge of his meetings upstate.

Before the May 3 trip to the state capital, Rodriguez and DOT staffers had prepared to brief lawmakers on legislation to permit the city’s speed and red light cameras to issue tickets beyond the 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. window currently authorized by state law.

But Rodriguez went off script, DOT sources said, by pressing for even more speed and red light cameras across the city — a proposal that was previously floated by Transportation Department staffers and shot down by lawmakers.

“They prepped for extending the current cameras, not brand new ones,” said a source, who described Rodriguez’s trip to Albany as a “total f--- up.”

DOT staffers had already asked lawmakers for “home rule” for the city’s traffic camera program, which would allow the city to put as many eyes in the sky as they want without state approval.

Mayor Adams and Rodriguez have for months called for the provision, but legislators have made clear they don’t buy into the idea. It’s no secret that home rule for cameras was off the table weeks before Rodriguez’s visit, said a City Council official who asked not to be named.

But, to the surprise of lawmakers and his staffers, Rodriguez during his trip pushed for home rule for the camera program anyway, sources said.

Ydanis didn't go off script, he's doing what Danny Harris and his Transportation Scientology cult is telling him to say and do.


Anonymous said...

Lo cagó, que hdp!

Anonymous said...

Who knows what that guy is saying when he opens his mouth

Liman said...

I remember when the Commissioner of Transportation tired to actually benefit transportation instead of hinder it. Yeah, yeah, safety. Easy for Big Brother to hide behind safety claims. All these "vision zero" (apt name) initiatives haven't made anything safer. The cameras are just a great way to squeeze more money out of us. This was all predictable with a hack politician (and an Occupy Wall Street guy to boot) in charge. Ahh, what's the use?

Anonymous said...

I can’t believe people are still trying to break into our hellish State.

Anonymous said...

American politics is like the WWE except for adults who don't know it's staged yet.

Anonymous said...

No matter how much you vote you can never defeat the foreskin dragon.

Anonymous said...

The only critical thinking these people do is the ideological kind.
Prove Me Right...

Anonymous said...

Well, he is right. We need more cameras as well as extending the ones we have. Cops are too busy staring at their phones to perform their basic duties.

Anonymous said...

His arrogance + ignorance = exactly this sort of result !

Anonymous said...

Hard to defend ideas that lack logic,…which is every one from this administration.

warp10 said...

Something needs to be done about all the shitty drivers. Traffic deaths and injuries are increasing, but the NYPD doesn't care because they're shitty drivers, too.

So, cameras are the last resort. Good for the Commissioner for trying to get home rule.

Also, cameras decrease ‘t-bone’ collisions, but increase rear-end collisions. Rear-end crashes are of course much more preferable to t-bones:

Anonymous said...

Thank you JQ for highlighting the plight of our Sheeple.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if NYPD did something about the phone-glue syndrome that afflict their officers, we may see some enforcement of traffic laws.

Anonymous said...

@“ Hard to defend ideas that lack logic,…which is every one from this administration.”

How does more speed cameras lack logic?
Seems like a good solution to out of control motorists.

Anonymous said...

@“ Something needs to be done about all the shitty drivers. ”

Says some TA commie!

Anonymous said...

"How does more speed cameras lack logic?"
C'mon Man, Fake Plates !

Anonymous said...

@“ His arrogance + ignorance = exactly this sort of result !”

Surely you are speaking of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Pedestrian and Cyclist deaths, after dropping for years, have been steadily increasing since 2007, the year the iPhone was introduced. Shouldn't the cellphone, app-provdiers & and social media firms start paying for the havoc they have caused???