Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A building too short

Received this photo of 73-47 Grand Avenue. There are 3 layers of zoning here: R6B, R4-1, C1-2. A typical Fedders-style building is being constructed, although by Fedders standards, it's not all that ugly.

There are several revisions to the plans, and they all include 4 stories. The latest filing says 8 units, 4 stories. However, this construction appears to be capped at 3 stories.

Even if you decide to build smaller than allowed, don’t you have to resubmit plans to reflect that?

Also, the City Planning map says it has 12 units, not 8!


Anonymous said...

That's quite strange. I've heard of developers sneaking in a floor but never not building to the max. maybe they ran out of money?

Anonymous said...

It's a relief that it's not a gigantic apartment building.