From the NY Post:
A boneheaded tree trimmer climbed his way to the top of an overgrown maple in Queens yesterday, cutting limbs along the way — until he realized he had no way down.
Red-faced David Fleischer, 21, of Brooklyn, had to be rescued by Queens firefighters in a ladder truck.
“He is a good boy, but he is learning,” said the man’s dad, Yisroel “Izzy” Fleischer, who runs the family’s landscaping business, Kensington Gardens Handiworks.
Yisroel Fleisher said the company, based in upstate Monticello, was hired to trim two maple trees and a cherry tree at a business on Linden Boulevard and 225th Street in Cambria Heights before chopping them down to clear the area for new construction.
David Fleischer made it 40 feet up before realizing his predicament — and drawing a small crowd of giggling bystanders.
Stupid is as stupid does!!!
Eventually, inbreeding leads to things like this....
Anonymous said...
Eventually, inbreeding leads to things like this...
yes but in Queens they don't get a tree they usually get a city council seat.....
Should have left him up there - Darwinism at work - no need for that moron to procreate!
What is troubling is that someone actually was willing to pay or had already paid for the service by this bumbling idiot. Probably uninsured and the homeowner, also an idiot how was willing to let a no-name enter his property to remove his tree.
The third most dangerous and risky profession next to loggers and fisheries are arborists with an extremely high mortality rate. ' should've drop this guy into the wood chipper.
Look at the tree. How much is left?
This guy is a hero!
You can't say he's an idiot you have no clue what happened,
The kid couldn't get down because he had to hold his finger from bleeding out
You aren't going to die of blood loss from a cut finger.
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