Hurricane Sandy’s huge coastal floods flushed 10 billion gallons of sewage into New York and New Jersey’s waterways — and turned most of the shoreline into a filth-filled toilet for days, according to a report set to be released Tuesday.
New York and New Jersey released 10 billion gallons of sewage — virtually all of the 11 billion gallons that leaked into rivers, lakes, streams and oceans between Washington, D.C. and Connecticut, according to Climate Central, which analyzes climate change.
The total amount of waste spewed by Sandy could cover all of Central Park, with sewage 41 feet high, the report said.
New York and New Jersey bore the brunt of the damage because they had sewage facilities and treatment centers close to the coastline, within Sandy’s reach, said Kenward.
The storm’s massive coastal floods inundated the treatment plants — depositing raw and partially treated excrement and filth into the surrounding bays and beaches.
Climate Central’s report didn’t even try to estimate how much raw sewage poured into Jamaica Bay from the city’s antiquated sewer system — which is known to overflow even in a heavy rain.
"Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory"!
A close up of turds featured on Queens Crap!
How appropriate.
It looks a lot like the "fragrant" Flushing River!
Aren't you glad there's no smell-o-vision?
Note the LIC hipster parents letting their kids run around it the water during Hurricane Sandy - East River sewage and Newtown Creek Superfund.
After the storm celebrated with a baby parade while in the background workers were frantically ripping out waterlogged drywall from their buildings.
No wonder our politicians do everything they can so New Yorkers leave. Its so much fun it your constituents are born in Davenport.
That's what happens when you have clueless hipsters for parents.
Everything to them is a happy face LIC "art happening" or Hunters Point "performance art".
"What a pretty little yellow pond, Samantha.
Wouldn't you like to dance through it?"
I passed their twee little dog run on Vernon B'lvd. yesterday.
There I spied dozens of vapid (urban version) looking "valley dolls" on prescription medication
(I suppose) romping with their canine pals.
Crystal meth is for the more gritty Long Island housewives who are bored with their husbands.
They have more character than these yuppies.
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