As soon as I walk out of my apartment building on 170th St, I encounter this:

In front of empty lot at 169-23 90th Ave
and this:

In front of empty lot at 169-23 90th Ave
I turn onto 90th Ave, the other side of the empty lot to see this:

A few feet and I encounter the next empty lot on 90th Ave and this:

I have not even gotten two blocks yet, but as I move into the next block (this is near where the $50 million retail project is going up and across the street from the Marshall’s Department Store and the Police Station), I see this:

You can actually see a small piece of dog shit to the left.
Right around the corner, this major eyesore that has just gotten some garbage dumped there.

I have only walked three blocks so far, pretty damn amazing. This all near the $50 million retail project.
Now I am walking back from the gym and I walk along 164th Street where the stores of the Colosseum Mall are and I see this, which was a mess on Saturday, but slobs added more garbage today.

And this:

And this:

A turn on 89th Avenue reveals this “Jamaica Revealed”:

And nothing says GHETTO like this:

So this was just a few blocks from my apartment, TOTALLY DISGUSTING AND TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE (unless you live in Pakistan or India). Councilman Ruben Wills, who I am not a fan of, was right in the NY1 four-part garbage series when he said “It’s the community”. Claudia Filomena, Queens Director for the Mayors Community Affair Unit was wrong when she stated in a Queens Chronicle article in regards to the Jamaica trash/litter problem: ““There are areas in Manhattan that have trash and graffiti as well,” Felomina said at the meeting.”
No, Ms. Filomina, there are no areas in Manhattan that look anything like what is going on in Jamaica. I probably have traveled all over the 5 boroughs more than you or most people and have NEVER encountered anything quite like what I see in Jamaica. This past Sunday, I walked all over the West Village, the East Village, Lower East Side, Union Square area and saw nothing that resembled the few blocks that are pictured here, so please do not give me that bullshit statement.
The Jamaica community is a result of too many low-class ghetto people who think nothing of throwing trash everywhere, new low-class third world immigrants who have no respect for their new community and think throwing garbage is normal, absentee landlords of run-down third world looking apartment buildings, owners of vacant properties that are not taken care of, litter laws that are not enforced by Department of Sanitation, a slew of section 8 housing where some of the people have no respect for their community or themselves, corrupt local officials, do very little local officials, community boards that are just an extension of the local officials, community and business leaders with blinders on whose catch phrase is “vibrant and diverse”, a mayor who has pretty much abandoned anything outside of Manhattan and so-called upstanding community residents who say nothing, do nothing, ignore the situation and do not hold their elected leaders accountable. All of this is a recipe for disaster, a dying Jamaica community.
If anyone can tell me if any of this is acceptable, say something now. If anyone thinks that my last paragraph is incorrect, say something now.
Joe Moretti
Jamaica, NY
I work for DSNY in an adjacent district to yours (Q12). You should ask the politicians why with all the extra san workers we have citywide why are they all shifted to cleaning assignments in Manhattan when we all know there is plenty to do in our own assigned districts. The public would be wise to infiltrate 311 with litter condition phone calls everyday or just call the district directly and cut out the middle man (Q12 - covering the same boundaries as the 103 and 113 pct - 718-835-9048,62 or 66). There should be a truck assigned 24/7 to addressing corner baskets and 311 calls/litter conditions. Most districts have the manpower to assign both a 'basket truck' and an "MLP truck' - motorized litter patrol - which they usually hand a stack of printouts of 311 calls to at the beginning of the shift. If there is no MLP truck on the shift then those 311 calls get passed on to the next shift most of the time.
Have to wonder why the bomb squad wasn't called for some of those bags. Suspect it would be if it were Manhattan.
These look like photos taken from the 1970s...New York's last hey day. This is unbelievable and unforgiveable!
Interesting to note that there are rather expensive cars in very good condition right in front of this cr@p.
Wonder what these people think is more important.
Lipstick on a pig? Joe, you attending Saturday's "The Jamaica Collections: Where Style Comes Alive. A Red Carpet Evening of Trendsetting Fashion"? Produced by Laurel Brown and the Jamaica Center Business Improvement District? Maybe Ms Brown et Compagnie can get those stylish, sexy models to parade around Jamaica with a broom and some garbage bags? That would be a great "runway" event.
Smell that dog shit!
Good thing you can't!
Almost as bad as Jamaica's political crap!
It is NOT acceptable, nor is it limited to Queens - we have similar in Staten Island - particularly along Pt. Richmond Ave, where stores have apartments above, and no place for tenants garbage... so they overload the street cans, which are only picked up once a week. DSNY-Anonymous has it right: the personnel are shifted to Manhattan and places like Billyburg; the best response is a 311 blitz.
Too many photos, Joe. Over and over again. You're diluting your message by doing this. 11 here. 3or 4 would be enough.
Always someone has to be a critic. No, Media critic, I do not think it dilutes the message but shows just how widespread the garbage problem is, it is not like it is just one or two isolated areas. It is extremely pervasive and this is what I saw on my walk to the gym and back.
This is the effect of the the MTV mentality. Too long, too many pictures, too many words, not fast enough, etc. War & Peace would have never gotten made in this day and age or The Godfather movie.
I'm sorry to inform you that your neighborhood is fucked. For all the reasons you mentioned. You should move to save your sanity. Sorry.
Don't be sorry it is true, it is just a damn shame that it has gotten to such a point. But very little care about it.
It always amazes me how trash accumulates over a period of time. How does a chest of draws or a porcelain sink ends up on a street corner or a traffic median? How does an empty can of corn find its way to a bus stop? How does a baby diaper end up by a fire hydrant? Its all intriguing to me. If I had time I would set up a camera to take time lapsed photos of a specific block, perhaps one where Joe lives, and then study the photos and spot a trend and even capture the culprits. I think it would be a useful and fun tool to examine and help combat this garbage phenomenon.
Joe, you've been doing this for months on this site. Photo after photo after photo. Your photos take up half of the Crapper's blog site space. MEGO! It's overkill. And hollerin' and yellin' with foul language at the pols for months and months and months. It's not working. You need to change your tactics.
Joe, you've been doing this for months on this site. Photo after photo after photo. Your photos take up half of the Crapper's blog site space. MEGO! It's overkill. And hollerin' and yellin' with foul language at the pols for months and months and months. It's not working. You need to change your tactics.
Naw, don't discourage the guy, it beats calling 311 and ranging where no one can hear you. The fact is this what a big part of Queens looks like - even though the rest of the city has been cleaning up its act for several decades at this point.
If I were Joe I would do this till the cows come home.
Instead of some hipster posting images that preach the merits of taco trucks or life next to a waterfront toxic site/trainyard, when the word 'Queens' is typed in, if Joe's pix shows up,
...that is a very good thing.
Anonymous said...
Joe, you've been doing this for months on this site. Photo after photo after photo. Your photos take up half of the Crapper's blog site space. MEGO! It's overkill. And hollerin' and yellin' with foul language at the pols for months and months and months. It's not working. You need to change your tactics.
First off, I do not ask or force Queens Crap to post my stuff, that is up to this website. When I send my postings, it goes out to everyone on my email list, politicians, DOS, Community Boards, community and business leaders, media, concerned individuals, etc, which includes Queens Crap and if this website chooses to put it up, I have nothing to do with that.
Second, what do you do when things in Queens bother you, just bitch and post an anonymous comment on a website. Do you actually do something? Do you even call 311? Probably not, like most people, you stay on the sidelines.
Why does it bother you and others, seeing the Jamaica stuff here, last time I looked Jamaica was in Queens and there is a big problem here that is not being addressed, so why shouldn't it be posted here.
Most of you do nothing but just bitch but actually do nothing when it comes to trying to make a difference. Hell, if everyone was like you and some others, no change would ever take place. And you are one of the reasons we have problems. It is called APATHY. Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference. Or just plain bitching, but not actually doing anything.
Why when someone attempts to make some change for the better of a community, they are vilified. When did such people become the enemy. A bigger question is why does what I write bother you so much?
You live with savages,what do you expect? They have no regard for human life,you think they worry about garbage!?!?!?!?!?!?
Keep going Joe - love your posts!
Yeah...keep it up, Joe.
Rub those pols' noses in the shit they refuse to see.
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