From Gideon's Trumpet:
What is clear is that in New York, as elsewhere, an abandonment of a condemnation action requires the condemnor to reimburse the property owners for their litigation expenses, including attorneys, appraisers and other expert fees. The prevailing owners’ counsel is Michael Rikon, who is without a doubt New York’s best eminent domain lawyer, and we wish him well on this singular accomplishment.
So taxpayers are being forced to not only pay for a boondoggle project that's not going to happen but also for the legal costs of the landowners that fought against it. Great job by NYC's fiscal watchdog, Mike Bloomberg! Remember, this is the financial genius we were told the City just couldn't do without, so the City Council extended term limits to keep him.
How many schools, parks, road repairs, police officers, teachers, etc. could we have put that money toward instead?
when you get your new and improved property tax increase,remember in November.if one can still afford to dwell in n.y.c.,n.y.
i was searching for a photo of Cm. Dan Halloran and the latest W.P.U. celebration .
but i found a local Bayside times ledger article 4/28/2012,which related that a local dem pol. was going to return a $3000. campaign donation to charity some day,that a federal indicted lobbyist had given him in 2010.
the dem pol. would save the Queens taxpayers some of the cost for the W.P.U property owners legal bills, if he donated this money to them.
is not that fair to all ?
Willets Point United is not a charity, and your post makes no sense.
Don't worry,Bloomturd will just twist Popeye's arm a bit to get his "private army" to raise some more $$ by writing more BS tickets.Oops- was I speaking "ex cathedra"?
Who's minding the cookie jar?
Financial "watch puppy" Mike Bloomberg....aided and abetted by a lying crook-comptroller, John Liu!
We'd better elect a pit bull next time
instead of a rich man whose hobby is NYC.
Ill gladly foot the tax bill.
WPU are patriots who fought the good fight and won!
They defended one of the most sacred American rights.
The rest of you grumblers are wussies!
Now Wellington Chen's associates at TDC (a Shanghai, China based company) have been prevented from stealing United States land.
And NYC has been "taken to the woodshed" for their complicity in this attempted robbery!
I'd pay double to see TDC thrown out of Flushing...with its President, Mike Meyers...put on a slow boat to China!
Keep an close eye on these failed Willets Point land grabbers.
They will certainly make another try,
further on down the road.
So NYC/TDC tried
to Shanghai Willets Point
and got butt fucked by the "little guys".
Davey beat Goliath again.
It warms the cockles o' me heart!
Nice try Wellington.
Now go and sooth your ass with some cocoa butter salve.
Always bitching about details!
It would have cost NYC taxpayers much more to support private development on this land.
Do you think that Wellington Chen's boys at TDC wouldn't have milked NYC for some kind of tax abatement or such?
C-mon and grow up, you whiners.
This is a major victory
for all American property owners!
Way to go "Crappy"!
Social media--and blogs like "Queens Crap"--will ultimately change the way that our borough conducts its business.
Shine a light in a dark corner
and watch the cockroaches scramble for cover.
But they can't hide their identities for very long, because they've already been exposed.
Ok we are on the hook - rightfully these property owners should be reimbursed and the city leader's attorney advisors sued for incompetency and removed from payroll.
Anonymous said...
i was searching for a photo of Cm. Dan Halloran and the latest W.P.U. celebration .
but i found a local Bayside times ledger article 4/28/2012,which related that a local dem pol. was going to return a $3000. campaign donation to charity some day,that a federal indicted lobbyist had given him in 2010.
the dem pol. would save the Queens taxpayers some of the cost for the W.P.U property owners legal bills, if he donated this money to them.
is not that fair to all ?
Anonymous said...
Ill gladly foot the tax bill.
WPU are patriots who fought the good fight and won!
They defended one of the most sacred American rights.
The rest of you grumblers are wussies!
Friday, May 04, 2012
I 2nd that , well said
correction to #2 comment...
the date of the Bayside Times-Ledger article is April 30,2011.....
your turn.....
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