A recent spate of high-profile bird strikes has added fuel to the cause of opponents of a waste transfer station being built near LaGuardia Airport.
Elected and community leaders said the North Shore Marine Transfer Station, in College Point, will attract birds — which could be hazardous for planes flying in and out of nearby LaGuardia.
The station’s existing state permit expires in September.
“Putting a waste transfer station in a location that could cause additional bird strikes is negligent,” said Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas (D-Astoria).
Simotas said she plans to draft a letter with local residents to the Mayor’s Office opposing the plan.
Once up and running, the station will haul about 3,000 tons of waste by barge to landfills every day, a city official said. The facility — where the trash is handled within an enclosed building — is set to open in the spring of 2013.
and these bird brains approved building it.
There's always some kickback money in every building contract just waiting for some crooked pol out there.
Didn't see that coming, did we? Now what happens to that newly built structure? How much money has Mayor Bloombucks taken from the taxpayers? Not too mention the legal costs for the Willets Point debacle. And did we really need 2 stadiums in NYC that were built at the same time? Just sayin'...
IMPEACH BLOOMBERG NOW (while we still can afford to).
I believe that CB7 approved the project, judging from what was posted on this link:
"Community Board 7, which has oversight of the area of the transfer station, has also come to terms with the project, according to Chairman Eugene Kelty.
The board gave approval only on condition of the site’s height being changed to meet FAA and PANYNJ requirements, which it has. CB 7 also asked that trucks only use 31st Avenue, rather than side streets through College Point, which could be used as shortcuts."
Big pockets Kelty??!!!??! Yeah, that was another feather in that big-pocketed waste of a human life's hat!!!
Anyone remember how much traffic will be generated by the garbage transfer station AND the new police academy?
Those do-nothings at CB#7...Kelty & Apelian hang in only because they don't want the Chinese to take over their jobs and screw Flushing faster.
The Chinese gave up those patient Oriental 5 year plans ages ago.
They want express service...
now that they have the money to buy it all.
They began by purchasing politicians like Gary Ackerman, etc.
Flushing birdport and mosquito breedery.
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