The New York City comptroller, John C. Liu, reported a sharp drop in his campaign donations on Tuesday, providing the clearest indication yet that his aspirations for the mayor’s office have been hurt by a federal investigation into his fund-raising practices.
After raising $1 million in the first half of 2011 and outpacing his leading rivals for the Democratic nomination, Mr. Liu collected $517,000 in the second half, trailing everyone except Christine C. Quinn, the City Council speaker, who has already amassed the maximum for candidates accepting public money.
Mr. Liu also spent $325,000 in the second half of 2011 — more than six times what he spent in the first — with roughly two-thirds devoted to legal and other expenses related to the investigation.
Mr. Liu’s cash on hand — $1.6 million — remains significant. But in a reminder of just how much has changed since the filings in July, Mr. Liu also ended months of resistance on Tuesday and released the names of 59 bundlers who had solicited contributions for his campaign from friends, relatives, co-workers and others.
Was CB# 7's own, "follow the buck" Chuck Apelian one of Liu's "intermediaries" (bundlers) for his
2009 NYC Comptroller's run?
Anything for a neighbor that lives across the cul-de-sac.
Liu's political power is waning and even a good shot of Viagra won't help him at this late date!
Nobody wants to be caught by the FBI associating with this crook!
If you give him $$$$$ the feds will follow your money trail too.
His financial career is also developing a fault line.
He won't be able to return to his former job at Price Waterhouse Coopers...too much baggage
By the way...his convicted felon father, Joseph Liu, once ran a consulting firm headquartered in Tommy Huang's building (S/E corner Main & Northern) called (we believe) "Creative Financial Services".
H-m-m-m...a suggested slogan:
"We cook the books while-U-wait"!
Wait a minute!!!! I'M the book cooker around here!
Is it legal for a member of a Community Board to engage in political activities? Oh, I forgot, this is CB#7 where ANYTHING GOES!
Interesting list of intermediaries. Elected officials (Grace Meng and Peter Koo) raising money for a political campaign. If that is not illegal, it ought to be.
Anon No. 5: What elected official doesn't raise funds for a political campaign?
For other candidates campaigns? Acting as intermediary?
Meng and Koo are Liu's bundlers...capeesh dummy!
That's what an intermediary is!
Maybe the feds will be checking them out too.
Some have expressed the opinion that Grace's father Jimmy Meng is hooked up in the Chinese underworld.
Can that be true?
And what names did Wellington Z. Chen use to contribute to Liu?
That little bug is always hiding under the carpet.
But he was seen publicly at a Chinatown "fundraiser" for fellow Taiwanese Liu!
John Liu should really pay his electric bills on time...
the latest ny post article on j.Liu states that about eight nyc public unions have donated to his campaign for mayor.
the union /political money laundering is despicable.
the rank and file should be ashamed of their leaders distributing their dues money to alleged comrade liu.
Yep...dirty labor unions and former Chief of the Central Labor Council....currently serving a prison sentence...Brian Mc Laughlin!
Liu, Mc Laughlin, Hevesi (more to follow soon, I'm sure) all fellow Democrats!
So what's new with you Liu?
Now what are you going to do Liu?
In lieu of an honest comptroller NYC got and caught a Taiwanese book-cooker with his hands in the cookie jar.
The Liu/Huang family...G-d damn colonizers!
it's still the remnants of old Communist or Socialist Party's Jewish voters that switched their allegiance to the Democratic Party during the Joe Mc Carthy era.
The Stavisky mob?
Interesting list of intermediaries. Elected officials (Grace Meng and Peter Koo) raising money for a political campaign (OTHER THAN THEIR OWN). If that is not illegal, it ought to be.
WOW!!! No one from Marching Technology, TDCC Techline, E888, TDC, F&T, Top8 Construction, Fultonex or any of the Wellington Z. Chen affiliates are listed as Contributors, intermediaries or bundlers. Whats up with that? Someone must have leaked the info about the FEDS investigation....
Not even a contribution from Wellington Z. Chen, himself. He must have other ways of contributing money, he always has. He's contributed to other campaigns, yet his name never appears.
one wonders if a Mandarin speaking "JOE Mc CARTHY TYPE" will begin holding congressional hearings in the Queens County area ?
Is control of public pension funds in N.Y.C. in jeopardy
Resign already!
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