So in America, we're expected to accept non-English signage throughout an entire neighborhood, AND spend tax $$$$$ to produce and distribute pamphlets so that we may have some chance to understand another language? Moreover, how would such a translation pamphlet actually work, as the Asian symbols do not correspond at all to the Latin alphabet and a user of the pamphlet would not readily be able to locate "alphabetized" Asian symbols/phrases? Can Stavisky actually be this brain-dead?
Here is the article from the Queens Courier.
"At a meeting in January, Meng, Councilmember Peter Koo and State Senator Toby Stavisky proposed a shopper’s guide with translations of common phrases in Chinese, Korean and Hindi. The pamphlet was originally proposed by Stavisky’s late husband, former State Senator Leonard P. Stavisky."
Can Stavisky actually be this brain-dead?
Y E S ! ! !
Who cares what you think? Any leftover funds are going to the North Flushing Senior Center. When it comes to that center, the sky's the limit!
PS Hey FEDS! Try and catch me, bozos.
former nys senator leonard staviskey voted for nys regents members who advocated the forced busing of pupils out of their neighborhood schools ,in 1975.
the infamous N.A.A.C.P. vs .NYC Board of Education suit.
if they won,which they did not, all caucasian public school pupils from north queens would be forced bused to Cambria Hgt's Andrew Jackson H.S.
There was a pamphlet for shoppers published in the early 1980's. It was funded by the NYC Department of Business Services. It wasn't suggested by any of the Stavisky's at that time. Although it was a good idea at that time, it didn't work.
There is a NY State Law the requires the English language to be on all signs. Stavisky should stop trying to be a "latte Liberal" and enforce the law that is already on the books.
Enforce the law!!!!!
she's such an ass.
if this goes through - any pamphlets that we are handed out or mailed - mail BACK to Toby with a note in English - "thanks but no thanks" should be easy for her to understand - or "f.u." in HINDU would be perfect I think - says enough.
Toby is looking for compromise. Someone please tell her She can't find it with her head stuck up her ass
Anon no. 3 -
Anon no. 3 -
Irrelevant. And you certainly sound like someone who benefitted by being educated in your neighborhod.
You all love the Staviskys! It's really very simple. Vote out this recumbent family. Get new blood. If that doesn't work bring in another body. It only hurts for a minute-get rid of this out date party system and make some real changes. WAKE THE HELL UP!
If Stavisky cannot easily understand the illogical reasoning behind her stupid translation guide suggestion, then she is definitely not qualified to be involved in any form of decision-making as our state senator.
I'm a Flushing native and love the energy that each new wave of immigration brings, including my own grandparents. But it's a civic necessity to deliberately build a bridge when people arrive in such numbers that they form a viable self-contained subculture or entirely redefine a neighborhood. Yes, immigrants' kids and grandkids "Americanize" swiftly and Americans in turn absorb new ideas in as little as a generation. But older new immigrants and older longstanding residents shouldn't spend the balance of their years in bafflement.
The brochure is an attempt at a bridge, and I welcome it. But it's no substitute for in-store bilingual signs. Names of products and ingredients (absolutely -- allergies pose a real danger) must be posted. That should be the law.
Simple solution: don't patronize stores that don't post signs in English.
The Stavisky dynasty has been getting overseas laundered campaign contributions for years.
Toby doesn't want to offend the Asians by insisting their signage contain an English translation...or they won't give her any more yuan!
Not to worry...we hear the feds are on her tail for accepting Taiwanese money.
Bye, bye old hag!
I may be old but I'm not stupid!
The North Flushing Senior center looks like a big money laundry to me.
Do some simple arithmetic.
They rake in thousands and thousands of dollars but spend little, by comparison, on us in return.
Where does all the rest of that money gone to?
Maybe the FBI should make them
OPEN UP THEIR BOOKS (both sets)!
This is America...English required by New York State Law on all signage!
What the fuck do you do up there in Albany Toby...twiddle your twat?
Start working for us and not your Asian contributors.
We out vote them!
We hired you and we'll fire you if you refuse to enforce your own state law!
Ooh...now you've got Toby mad and she's taking it all out on Evan with the strap!
"Mom...please give me just 12 more lashes on my naked ass...it makes my nuts tingle"!
" FU...little faygalla!
You won't get a lick from me until you give me a grandson"!
good grief: the lunatics really are running the asylum!
How old is Toby? on "peoplesmart.com" she's listed as both 72 and 85.
{note: leonard died in 1999 at the age of 73}
How old is Toby? on "peoplesmart.com" she's listed as both 72 and 85.
What's a matter? Can't you add??? Her stank was around for the Civil War, not that she's civil!
This is starting to upset me so much that I'm going home NOW! Do I go upstate, to Manhattan, or my faux address in Queens?
Looks like the North Flushing Senior Center was in the news in 1987:
Some things just never change. My wish is that the FBI assigns an agent who doesn't need a seeing eye dog to investigate the funding going to the center and where it goes from there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting article. Twenty four years later and the corruption continues on a greater scale. Where's the justice? Does the DA have his head up his ass? Notice the Ackerman reference in the article as well.
"Mr. Stavisky's political and governmental activities are coming to light at a time the legislators' use of public funds and staff members for political purposes are under investigation by the Manhattan District Attorney."
Well, don't expect DA Brown to go after any of the Queens Dem Party favorites. He never did and never will.
Only the Feds will act.
Please look the other way!
What I don't get is why people insist that they feel excluded from stores because there are no signs in English, and want to FORCE the stores to post signs in English and will then somehow feel welcome.
It's like the bar being forced to post a sign about the dangers of alcohol. It doens't mean anything, it's just there for show because it's required.
If they don't like the laws of our state, they can move elsewhere.
Who is on 'the Stavisky Team' these days?
She's 72 and not a grandma yet?
Big age difference between Lenny and tubby.
"The brochure is an attempt at a bridge, and I welcome it. But it's no substitute for in-store bilingual signs. Names of products and ingredients (absolutely -- allergies pose a real danger) must be posted. That should be the law."
I agree with everything you said - but the reality is that it appears that MANY (certainly not all) of the Asian immigrants do NOT want our patronage OTHERWISE they WOULD post signage in English.
SO in lieu of that - I stand by my original post AND add - I DO NOT WANT A FLYER IN BROKEN ENGLISH. Give THEM that in English with a translation instead.
This is a non issue, non Asians do not shop in these stores anyways... unless dried eel heads & shrunken bear claws are your thing whats the big deal? Flushing was lost 20 years ago, it was a cute town then but now its a mess, filthy & dirty, time to raze it & start anew!!
She's 72 and not a grandma yet?
She's 72, out of touch and over the hill. Time to retire, don't wait as long as Mayersohn. You might be indicted before you reach Nettie's age.
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! This in not a voter guide, asshole. This is our community. Or is it?
Oey vay...Babs" is off her meds again.
Eileen Fleischman was part of the original "Stavisky team".
She's a CB#7 member now and (I believe still co-president of the Mitchel Linden Civic Ass'n. along with John Choe...once Councilman John Liu's chief of staff...who is currently working for Comptroller Liu.
They're all up each others asses!
Because she's got her tongue up Wellington Chen's buns.
Doesn't Chen call the shots in and around Floo-shing?
Oh you've never heard of him?
Isn't he the slimy midget who's "granny" Shulman's silent partner in
the Willets Point job!
Who is getting this brochure printing contract?
I'm taking bets.
Assemblywoman Grace Meng is full of shit too!
Her loyalty is with her own kind.
How come she isn't for enforcing the state law that requires English on signage?
I say gather upon the steps of town hall and sign Flushing's deed over to the Asians and be finished with it!
Then build an Oriental theme park circling the Floo-shing colony, complete with a smaller replica of the "Great Wall".
Egg roll vendors in rickshaws can be placed at the various resting points.
You want a tourist attraction Ms. Terri Osborne?
Well here it is!
Build it and they will come.
God I hate Toby Ann Stankvisky. She has been the absolute worst elected official I have ever seen in my LIFE. Toby and her son, Evan, are the absolute most corrupt local elects in NE queens. I honestly rather have wife beater hiram monserrate than these clowns. Instead of enforcing the laws, she'll just cost the tax payer more $$.
"If they don't like the laws of our state, they can move elsewhere."
That's it, let your true sentiments shine through. Fine a business for a violation, not good enough, they should LEAVE, cause we don't want anything to do with those foreigners who don't want anything to do with us.
Enforce the inane law if you want to, what do you achieve? Nothing. You will still be just as offended and crotchety.
Eileen Fleischman was part of the original "Stavisky team".
Arlene Fleischman. Former School Board member, a political hack from way back and a neighbor in the Stavisky's faux residence building next to the Stavisky School.
BTW That school is built on property that was once owned by bank scammer and one of the Seven Giants, Lung Fong Chen. Wellington Chen brokered the deal with the School Construction Authority. I wonder if DEP ever checked the site, it is built on a former gas station and junk yard.
Who is getting this brochure printing contract?
I'm taking bets.
Probably one of the printing firms connected to The Parkside Group. The Stavisky's like keeping things in the family.
You can't just continuously fine a business for breaking the law without there being some further consequence. If you repeatedly violate a stop work order, your permits get pulled. So in this case, DCA should pull their business license if they choose not to abide by the law. Picking and choosing which laws you will follow is not going to cut it. So, if they don't like NYS law on this subject, perhaps NJ is more where they should be.
Lets not forget Myra Baird Herce, of the Flushing Chamber, is also backing this pamplet. She for one should know it will never work. She was the Executive Director of the Downtown Flushing Development Corporation when they tried the shopping guide in the late 70's & early 80's. It failed then and it will fail now.
Signs in English, it's the law. Enforce it.
"The Stavisky's like keeping things in the family."
They sure do. Like the State Senatoral District and the campaign funds that she took over when Lenny died.
Fine, so you get them to put signs in English. What do you gain from it?!?!
Nothing except maybe your own personal satisfaction that you made someone else follow the rules. Feel better?
Now you can go rally against those scofflaws who don't come to a complete stop at stop signs. Cause that's a law many choose to ignore too you know.
This is a non issue, non Asians do not shop in these stores anyways...
wrong - there are plenty of people who enjoy there cuisine.
one of the reasons why they don't want us - as Americans - is probably because they sell things that ARE OUTLAWED in this country, and they don't want us to object to their disgusting live octupus eating habits - all of the above they should be ARRESTED for - nevermind FINED.
RE: anon #7,
my comment may be offensive to you, but the background of now T & E Stavisky"s huband, LEONARD STAVISKY is important to the citizens who were damaged by his "SOCIAL ENGINEERING policies in the 1960"s to late 70"s.
he was chairman of the senate education committee of the nys senate. a very powerful democrat party position.
forced busing to integrate the s.queens schools was a n.a.a.c.p. objective. the caucasian families either moved to nassau county or enrolled the children in parochial schools at great cost.
he and the queens democrat legislators all fell into lock step with his forced busing votes.
btw a. fleishman was president of C.S.B.25,at the time.
many present siblings, of these forced busing politicians of that era who are in jail or going to be, are now making your laws.
what do they say about history repeating itself ? if the citizens are not vigilant?
In the end, it will always be about ME!
wrong - there are plenty of people who enjoy there cuisine.
In response to this - have you ever been to downtown Flushing??? its gross! all that yucky food, the stores only cater to their own & i don't know anyone else who would dare enter, what use do you have for deer antlers?????
And what's up with the hot food sampling in the aisles of Asian markets? The samplers don't speak English and one not familiar with the cuisine are afraid to try something new. By the way, is it legal to cook food like that in these markets? Some of the aromas are nauseating. At least it's not live octopus!
"Some of the aromas are nauseating."
Are you sure it isn't Moby's armpits?
Or mine? Let's get back to me.
That's right Moby...blow the dust off your hubby's old plans which wouldn't have worked back then and present them as new fresh ideas.
Like sour old milk beyond it's expiration date...both the plan and the old prune of a State Senator need to be dumped!
Lung Fong Chen was once the infamous criminal Tommy Huang's attorney.
Chen was later disbarred.
Nice company the Staviskys have kept over the years.
"Babs" sure do like to read her incoherent scribblings on line.
It's the only real gig she can get.
Uh...next time please remember to take your meds before you publish your hallucinogenic thoughts.
The point being...ASIANS DO NOT comprise the majority living in the district.
But they think they own the town.
What they do own, however, are politicians like Meng, Stavisky, and Koo.
They buy them with laundered overseas campaign contributions.
Most of that illegal cash gets washed through real estate deals.
And one of Donald Manes' "favorites", Myra Baird Herce, is still hanging in and around like a corroded old penny.
She's still getting paid for doing exactly what? We don't really now.
Maybe she's got a little black book on where all the bodies are buried (politically speaking) and is holding up her "marks" for continued employment.
How many organizations has the old baggage held (individually or simultaneously) during her long career?
Didn't the late Senator Leonard P. Stavisky take campaign contributions from Tommy Huang (under the table)?
Take notice folks...
you've got two Chinese politicians representing the downtown area and one shady Jewish clubhouse pol who purports herself to be honest.
Egg drop soup is thicker than water.
Meng & Koo support ONLY their own.
And Toby Ann is too busy kissing both their asses!
You forgot to mention bub...that son of bitch Evan is making money off of everybody.
Parkside...the dark side!
You know that the Stavisky clan is just dying to find out who the Queens Crapper is.
They're boiling as I'm posting!
Don't-cha just love it? !!!
Now Moby needs to change her bloomers.
Isn't Grace's pappa Jimmy Meng hooked up with the tongs?
How many people (finely minced) have you eaten in your stir-fried take out lately without knowing?
Doesn't former State Assemblyman Jimmy Meng own the "Queens Lumber Company" on College Point B'lvd. ?
Like a lot of Jews in her Flushing district, Toby "welcomes" the Asians for their campaign money and the "people of color" that they're driving out of town.
The only "schvartzas" the Jews like are the servants that clean their homes.
"My ("colored") girl is coming on Monday to clean so I'll be missing the Mah Jong game".
Attention Meng, Koo and Tubby:
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! Enforce the law.
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! Enforce the law.
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! Enforce the law.
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! Enforce the law.
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! Enforce the law.
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! Enforce the law.
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! Enforce the law.
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! Enforce the law.
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! Enforce the law.
Do you get the drift?
At former State Assemblyman Mort Hillman's "Community Affairs Committee"...SPONSORED BY THE STAVISKYS...the following was said,
"Thank God for the Asians. We don't want Flushing to become south Jamaica"!
Enough said.
Flushing's dirty secret is now exposed...better "yellow" than "Black"!
"The only "schvartzas" the Jews like are the servants that clean their homes."
It's not the case with Stavisky. From what I hear, her place is a pig sty.
Ask "Kent Realty".
They were running ads in Asia inviting buyers to come to the golden land...Flushing.
The xenophobia regarding African American expansion and takeover of Flushing ran rampant in the 1970s.
You still hear references about the falsely reported "BLIGHT" that was sweeping the town.
There was no blight only old businessmen retiring and closing their stores after 40 years!
It was all about fear mongers hawking their real estate.
Many Taiwanese "investors" were hoodwinked into overpaying for a lot of land back then.
Of course political pond scum like the Staviskys opened the door to crooks like Tommy Huang.
Flushing's decline was their fault!
".......Toby "welcomes" the Asians for their campaign money....."
She took thousands from the TDC (Wellington Chen) Companies, among others. The Senator will do what she is told to do by the Asiatic Developers.
Anon No. 50:
No. 1: Your comments about Leonard Stavisky are not offensive. Your use of the English language is.
No. 2: Leonard Stavisky may have been the chairman of the committee, but it was at a time when the Democratic Party was not in the majority in the State Senate. That being the case, who was working hand in hand with him?
Now Moby needs to change her bloomers.
I changed them with Claire. Mine were definitley riper! Evan said so!
your comments are so fkg disgusting. you're a perv.
your comments are so fkg disgusting. you're a perv.
Product of home schooling?
your comments are so fkg disgusting. you're a perv.
Evan! If you're going to rile them up, it will only get worse. Now came to momma and change my Depends. You're such a good boychic.
your comments are so fkg disgusting. you're a perv.
Excuse me? Come here often? Don't forget to clean up before you leave!
Ever notice when Moby sits in a chair she always keeps her legs parted.
She's got to get some air to her brichotte once in awhile!
But u-g-g-h-h for those of us downwind from her.
And speaking of wind...how is "granny Shulman these days...passing any?
What a pair of pigs.
if you research the 1975 nys legislative rollcall vote for nys regents members , you can learn who the queens democrat assemblymen and senators were ,who voted for forced busing members.
i am going to allow YOU to reveal who these local "SOCIAL ENGINEERS" were then, and some presently making our laws.
my guess is that you will cave?
L.Stavisky failed to attend a town hall meeting at Bayside H.S, for parents whose school children would be bused from the north shore to Jackson H.S. ,in Cambria Hgts.
31 years ago. Irrelevant to this post and irrelevant to the earlier points that you made. Odds are that most of the Assembly Members you are about to rave about are out of office or dead. Nothing to cave about; nothing to defend.
As for the overall content of what you're saying: write it in English and I'll respond. You certainly sound like you benefited by being educated in your own community away from black people.
one of the reasons why they don't want us - as Americans - is probably because they sell things that ARE OUTLAWED in this country, and they don't want us to object to their disgusting live octupus eating habits - all of the above they should be ARRESTED for - nevermind FINED.
Okay! I have never eaten LIVE octopus before and I do not know any other Chinese person who does (cooked ones yes). You're thinking of sashimi and sushi. Word of advice don't eat at places like Nobu or other Asian restaurants in midtown/UES. How low class to think octopus is gross! That's like someone "ewwing" a French guy for eating escargo. That's very immature. And the comment about deer antlers. I am Chinese and I have NEVER seen deer antlers sold here in the US or in Flushing for that matter and neither in Hong Kong. If they did, I would not know what to do with them. Maybe gift wrap it for a red neck down south to hang on a wall? Next thing you know, you'll say that I eat rocks...or grass....or my iphone LMAO keep it coming folks hey you forgot to mention dogs! which is the most racist it gets when it comes to Asian "dishes". LOL!
all of the above they should be ARRESTED for - nevermind FINED.
If you're so sure call the authorities and have these people arrested/fined. I dare you! If you feel so confident that they'll be arrested then go ahead! Seriosuly I mean it! Call now! Pronto because what they're selling is "illegal" right?! GO GO GO!! FML if I don't see at least one chinese person arrested in the next three months for selling "illegal" food products, then I'll know you didn't tip them off. lol
And speaking of wind...how is "granny Shulman these days...passing any?
How can you tell if Shulman is near the Flushing River???
how did i predict that you would cave? because you are a "MASTER OF DECEIT".
the" big lie" is your bible.documentary proof of your agents who have social engineered american citizens into bankruptcy, is distasteful to you.
btw, their siblings are now making our laws in n.y.c. and nys.
and one is schmuck in our federal government senate.
p.s. another queens political democrat agent on the rollcall vote, is on his way to prison at this time.
but he just pulled a "DONNY MANES" and checked into a hospital to delay,while the sentencing judge was replaced.
is the fix in?
is not "STAVISKY " the topic ?
was not leonard one of the clan?
I don't give a jack-doodlely-hoo-hoo about her bodily functions, her BO, badbreath or anything else. I agree she's a pig.
Lets stay on the subject.
Stop kissing oriental ass and taking campaign money from the Asiatics.
SIGNS IN ENGLISH! Enforce the law.
i heard they are going cut tony avella and toby in the same district
i heard they are going cut tony avella and toby in the same district
Methinks that English is not everyone's strong suit!
Hahr-hahr. You can get air to der brichotte more than vonce in a vile. Mit deep knee bendz! Har-hahr-hahr. Eins, zwei drei. Zat's it. Hahr-hahr-hahr.
"i heard they are going cut tony avella and toby in the same district"
Would be so much easier for them to share the same "executive car" on trips to Albany. Easier too for The Parkside Group to set up press conferences.
The ditrict would go to the highest campaign contributor. No need for anything to be in English if this ever happens.
Anon No. 86 and 87:
When did I cave, Gramps?
Maybe in the mind of someone who can only repeat old, tired, worn-out right wing cliches instead of speaking of English. Keep count of how often you use "Masters of Deceit", that phrase given to us by a noted non-heterosexual.
Busing is an old, dead issue. Your name-calling shows that you have no ability to respond when someone confronts you with an opposing position.
As Mr. Truman said "If you don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen."
WOW...look at the number of comments!
I hope you're reading this Toby & Son.
The results of the Queens Crap poll indicates that you're not going to get re-elected!
Too bad the Staviskys can't go after Queens Crap like they did with the weekly papers back in the early 1980s.
The Stavs sent out their "bad boys" to steal newspapers off the street corners...because of a disparaging article one of them had featured regarding "King" Leonard Price. Stavisky.
Yep...they're just a bunch of dirty low life goons!
How many times a week did Evan Stavisky call Steve Blank and cry on the phone about a negative Stavisky story running in the "Flushing Times"?
The Stav dynasty's time is quickly coming to its end.
Their alta kakka Jewish power base is fading fast.
I wonder what the "Price" stood for in Leonard Price Stavisky?
Perhaps it refers to a payoff price from a very, very, very prominent Queens developer to sell out his district...perhaps, perhaps...maybe?
A quote from Mr. Developer (?),
"The Senator will do what he's told".
Moby inherited a whale of a political campaign war chest...probably second only to Tommy Huang's cousin John Liu huge one (his war chest I mean)!
Now where did all of that money come from...Taiwan?
There seem to be some well informed leads for you FBI guys to follow here.
We hope that you continue scoping Queens Crap for some more future tips.
Brian Mc Laughlin sang some song!
Now just wait until Alan Hevesi delivers his aria.
It'll bring down the house.
Better convert your loot to negotiable bearer bonds Toby Ann and book passage to Taiwan.
Uh...you can drop off that drip of a son of yours on some remote island in the Pacific if you tire of him.
We hear that Wellington Chen might be a good travel agent to consult.
Let's begin a count down following through the final days of the Stavisky dynasty
(Wait until I deliver my testimony to the investigators).
Whoops...Toby just cleaned out a shelf of Imodium from Rite Aid.
"Thar she blows....PHEW"!
"Shut up Evan and pack our bags"!
"Whaaah, whaaah...what am I gonna do without my job at Parkside mommy?
"I bore a damn cry baby"!
How many times a week did Evan Stavisky call Steve Blank and cry on the phone about a negative Stavisky story running in the "Flushing Times"?
I buddy of mine used to work at the Times Ledger. Evan's tantrums were infamous. If I remember correctly the term "irresponsible journalism" was often used by ES.
He still tries to manipulate the press.
Grace Meng seems to have a short memory when it comes to the Stavisky’s. It was not long ago that Evan Stavisky, via his Parkside Group, tried to brand Grace’s younger sister as being anti-Semitic. This was during the Grodenchik vs. (Jimmy) Meng race for the State Assembly. Evan was representing Grodenchik of course. Grodenchik lost the race.
How can Grace Meng associate with any of the Stavisky’s after that? I used to have the utmost respect for the Meng family, but not anymore.
Bottom line: SIGNS IN ENGLISH. It's the law. Enforce it.
In the last State Senate election, Grace Meng campaign for Toby among the Chinese community. In return, County made sure that Meng had no primary challenger for her own race.
Nothing new. Or if there ia a strong challenger, others will turn up, diluting the opposition vote. Another trick of County's.
Do cars and ovens have multilingual signs? Yet they are more dangerous than voting machines. Somehow the immigrants have no problems using cars and ovens with English signage. But the pols create a racket to employ more cronies. And why do you need to translate a name? I can understand the job title, but the name? And these immigrants have no trouble reading English signs on the job or even the subway, so the idea that they need these signs to shop is a canard.
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