First of all -- love your blog.
This may or may not be fodder for a future installment, but, I'd love to know why the businesses along College Point Blvd just outside of College Point -- under the Flushing bridge and near the lumber yard -- are able to double -park day in and day out with their cement trucks and other heavy equipment vehicles and completely clog up the busy road while people like yours truly are trying to get to work. They have their entire industrial property to use while they get their trucks ready. Unless they are paying the city and are under some CP Blvd road-leasing agreement, this has really got to stop. I and my fellow commuters have the same right to the road as they do, and there needs to be a massive ticket-issuing operation so this practice will stop. Right now, it seems to just be accepted/ignored.

Trucks are double parking all along College Point Boulevard not only there, but also where the boulevard gets narrower and only two lanes.
I don't understand why they get away with it. The cops and traffic agents for some reason just wait in the traffic caused by it and drive around them and never ticket them.
I have actually complained about this to Halloran's office and 109 pct but nothing is ever done.
Uh...could these be mobbed up businesses?
Jimmy Meng's (Assemblywoman Grace Meng's father) lumber business is located nearby too.
If anyone complains too loud they'll get nailed to a 2X8 and put in cement shoes!
I think Jimmy Meng's lumber yard is called "Queens Lumber".
Do you think that the cops get their little red colored "benevolence" envelopes filled with green during lunar new year to look the other way?
Mench Building materials, Sano construction and On Time cement, as well as the lumber bussines on the other side of the street( his people, just pretend the no speak english). The biggest culprit is Mench. Halloran wont Don a thing as the owners of these businesses live in Malba and Beechurst, and well let me stop here. The 109th wont do anything to any Asian Business in the area so that is that.
I'm ready. Call me!
his people, just pretend the no speak english
And you do?
is not peter koo the CM for this area ? if he is , why not inform him of the problem?
this problem was there when liu was cm. did you complain then ?why didn't tony avella solve your problem?
Can't have it both ways, right? If you bust the chops of mom and pops (or even mob and pops!) with, and harrassment, they'll sell out to developers who will come in and codo the place. Will that make you happy? Make up your mind.
This has been going on for years. I have seen cops drive right thru it with out doing a thing. It has become an extremely dangerous area to drive in. I wonder, with all the "gotcha" red light cameras for us "suckas", how is it that these company's can can break multiple laws day in and day out, and never be ticketed?
There is a cop who hangs out under the over pass at Northen Blvd. near the stadium with a radar gun, ticketing schmucks like us every day. That seems to be his only job. You'd think they'd ever have him go around the block to ticket the trucks which block up College Point Blvd everyday, which are a huge danger.
his people, just pretend the no speak english
And you do?
Your point?
Your point?
Apparently you've already made it for us---MORON!
Your point?
Apparently you've already made it for us---MORON!
Not only do these trucks take up the whole blvd., but many times like today the trucks are double parked, facing the wrong way! And it's not done just for a short time, these businesses have taken over the blvd and use it to run their business. I left the area today and returned 2 hours later and the above said truck was in the same exact spot, double parked facing the wrong way. It's going to take someone getting killed for this blatant abuse to come to an end. These businesses are breaking the law, thats very obvious, and its very clear to anyone who is familiar with the area that the cops and the local precient look the other way. These businesses use the blvd all day long as their very own. SHAME ON YOU!
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